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Rabbi Shmuel Zucker was born in Golders Green, England, and spent his formative years in Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim. He is currently the Mara D’Asra of Kehilla Kedosha Ramat Eshkol, and Mashgiach in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah in Yerushalayim. Rabbi Zucker’s dynamic and warm personality has made him a beloved rebbe over his 25 years of teaching in many Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. He has authored many Seforim of his original insights in Torah. Rabbi Zucker has an incredible ability to teach profound concepts of Judaism through delving into the breadth of the entire Torah and then compartmentalizing it into a simple message for life.

kehillakedosha.com ( https://kehillakedosha.com/ )

HaRav Shmuel Zucker Shloime Balsam

    • Религия и духовность

Rabbi Shmuel Zucker was born in Golders Green, England, and spent his formative years in Yeshivas Mir in Yerushalayim. He is currently the Mara D’Asra of Kehilla Kedosha Ramat Eshkol, and Mashgiach in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah in Yerushalayim. Rabbi Zucker’s dynamic and warm personality has made him a beloved rebbe over his 25 years of teaching in many Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel. He has authored many Seforim of his original insights in Torah. Rabbi Zucker has an incredible ability to teach profound concepts of Judaism through delving into the breadth of the entire Torah and then compartmentalizing it into a simple message for life.

kehillakedosha.com ( https://kehillakedosha.com/ )

    Hesped for HaRav Moshe Wolfson ztz"l

    Hesped for HaRav Moshe Wolfson ztz"l

    Hesped for HaRav Moshe Wolfson ztz"l

    • 13 мин.
    Beha'aloscha - The Menorah: The Part of Torah the Comes with Us Everywhere

    Beha'aloscha - The Menorah: The Part of Torah the Comes with Us Everywhere

    Beha'aloscha - The Menorah: The Part of Torah the Comes with Us Everywhere

    • 11 мин.
    Shavuos: Bringing Life All the Way to the Feet

    Shavuos: Bringing Life All the Way to the Feet

    Shavuos: Bringing Life All the Way to the Feet

    • 19 мин.
    Shavuos: Becoming One with the Torah

    Shavuos: Becoming One with the Torah

    Shavuos: Becoming One with the Torah

    • 19 мин.
    The Secret Greatness of Nishmas Yisroel

    The Secret Greatness of Nishmas Yisroel

    The Secret Greatness of Nishmas Yisroel

    • 11 мин.
    Hashkafa Shiur: The Elevation of Torah

    Hashkafa Shiur: The Elevation of Torah

    Hashkafa Shiur: The Elevation of Torah

    • 11 мин.

Топ подкастов в категории «Религия и духовность»

Сергей Сухов
Про ислам
Курбан Мирзаханов
Как принято у евреев
Гедалья Шестак
Простые смертные
Такие дела
Хотелось бы верить
Подкаст «Вера от слышания»
Михаил Крюков

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