6 мин.

Leo The Sun, Moon, And You

    • Досуг

Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name:  The Sun, Moon, and YouEpisode #5:  LeoCheck out the latest episode of #thesunmoonandyou, the podcast on hvspn.com. We introduce and cover what you need to know about the sign of Leo!
In this episode of The Sun, Moon, and You, we introduce and dive into the sign of Leo, go over celebrity Leos, and their horoscope! 
Segment 1: Are You a Leo?July 22 to August 22
fire signlionSunAries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libraluxurious, creative, impulsive, attentive, and confidence
Segment 2: Dive into Leocan sometimes come off as them perceiving themselves as a celebrity or being conceited very bold, caring, and loving friends, family, and partnersnatural leaderssoak up attention and applausecareless with their workchase their dream they've had since day one and make it a reality 
Segment 3: Celebrity Leosno surprise that many become famousKobe Bryant, James Baldwin, Kylie Jenner, Coco Chanel, Lil Yachty, Charli XCX, Joe Jonas, and Shawn MendesCareer: acting, singing, or any of the performing arts dive into the lovely Kylie Jenner:born on August 10 in 1997 in CaliforniaAmerican media personality, businesswoman and model“Keeping Up with the Kardashians”, “Life of Kylie” on E! Network, Kylie Cosmetics. launched Kylie Lip Kits → Kylie Cosmetics youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes in 2019kylieskin, kylieswim, and kyliebabyfriends, family, and partner dedication 
Segment 4: HoroscopeEverything will feel like an obstacle course with a glorious, golden trophy at the end. You must work strategically to move forward, all the while surrounding yourself with soul mates and other perfect partners. Even if you sometimes feel alone, you're most certainly not. Just learn how to rely on the people who actually have your...

Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name:  The Sun, Moon, and YouEpisode #5:  LeoCheck out the latest episode of #thesunmoonandyou, the podcast on hvspn.com. We introduce and cover what you need to know about the sign of Leo!
In this episode of The Sun, Moon, and You, we introduce and dive into the sign of Leo, go over celebrity Leos, and their horoscope! 
Segment 1: Are You a Leo?July 22 to August 22
fire signlionSunAries, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libraluxurious, creative, impulsive, attentive, and confidence
Segment 2: Dive into Leocan sometimes come off as them perceiving themselves as a celebrity or being conceited very bold, caring, and loving friends, family, and partnersnatural leaderssoak up attention and applausecareless with their workchase their dream they've had since day one and make it a reality 
Segment 3: Celebrity Leosno surprise that many become famousKobe Bryant, James Baldwin, Kylie Jenner, Coco Chanel, Lil Yachty, Charli XCX, Joe Jonas, and Shawn MendesCareer: acting, singing, or any of the performing arts dive into the lovely Kylie Jenner:born on August 10 in 1997 in CaliforniaAmerican media personality, businesswoman and model“Keeping Up with the Kardashians”, “Life of Kylie” on E! Network, Kylie Cosmetics. launched Kylie Lip Kits → Kylie Cosmetics youngest self-made billionaire by Forbes in 2019kylieskin, kylieswim, and kyliebabyfriends, family, and partner dedication 
Segment 4: HoroscopeEverything will feel like an obstacle course with a glorious, golden trophy at the end. You must work strategically to move forward, all the while surrounding yourself with soul mates and other perfect partners. Even if you sometimes feel alone, you're most certainly not. Just learn how to rely on the people who actually have your...

6 мин.

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