Выпусков: 81

Welcome to my podcast series!!! I’m so happy you’ve decided to be a part of my self discovery journey with God, this just gives an insight to personal decisions, questions and struggles I go through as a Christian girl🤗. Get ready for the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the amazing, the terrible and so many other emotions I can’t wait to experience with every single one of you. Thank you for being a huge part of this journey. I love you❤️

Letters to God Chinaza Agoha

    • Религия и духовность

Welcome to my podcast series!!! I’m so happy you’ve decided to be a part of my self discovery journey with God, this just gives an insight to personal decisions, questions and struggles I go through as a Christian girl🤗. Get ready for the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the amazing, the terrible and so many other emotions I can’t wait to experience with every single one of you. Thank you for being a huge part of this journey. I love you❤️

    We can do better!!!

    We can do better!!!

    As we’ve concluded our lessons from the book of acts we’re being reminded In this episode of our role here on earth as Christ’s ambassadors, that should make us want to be better in every area of our lives not just focusing on the spiritual and leaving other areas of our lives. We can do better as Christians!! A lot of happening around us now is not the time to sit back and be quiet!

    • 12 мин.
    Lessons from the book of Acts- Paul the new convert!

    Lessons from the book of Acts- Paul the new convert!

    Acts 9:1-19 is about the conversion of Saul on his was to persecute Christians the things that stuck out to me about this story is how God qualifies the called, He doesn’t call the qualified! He doesn’t need you to be perfect He just needs you to listen and obey, we also see here that although Saul were with some people they didn’t get saved even after hearing the voice and seeing Saul become blind they still didn’t get saved! Some people are not saved because they choose to not be some people have been held captive by the lies of the devil that it’s going to take a lot more for them to accept the truth of the gospel so we need to be patient and prayerful when it comes ti evangelism and lastly we see how receptive Ananias was tor he instruction from God!!

    • 9 мин.
    Lessons from the book of Acts- Never lose your wonder

    Lessons from the book of Acts- Never lose your wonder

    Have we noticed that when you first get saved there’s this constant yearning for Godly things but as time goes we start to feel “mature” enough like we know enough and that yearning slowly dies down. In Acts 8:26-40 we see the story of Philip and the Eunuch, we see how eager he was to know about God and to saved and baptized, we see how he went on a personal journey of worship and also Bible study to know God for himself. Knowing God for yourself can never be over emphasized but we also need to be careful to not get too comfortable and “lose our wonder” the things that first made us happy when we got saved should constantly make us happy till we die, Christianity is not a movie where you’re looking for the next best thing you focus on the true wonder which is Christ and you never lose that admiration and love for Him.

    • 8 мин.
    Lessons from the book of Acts-Humility

    Lessons from the book of Acts-Humility

    Lessons from the book of Acts- Humility
    From Acts 8: 4-25, we see the story of Phillip, Simon and Peter. From this we see how Peter was quick to tell Simon the truth and rebuke him but an another amazing thing people don’t see here is how Simon responded to that rebuke, he responded in a very humble and honest way!! Sometimes we tend to judge people based off our own experiences and expectations but we should try and see people from a different view a view filled love, compassion and empathy because some people are genuinely lost and as Christians it’s our duty to put them on the right path…

    • 9 мин.
    Lessons from the book of Acts- God has a reason for everything

    Lessons from the book of Acts- God has a reason for everything

    In Acts 8 we see Saul persecuting the church which led to the Christians scattering to Judea and Samaria bringing more people to the light of the gospel, Saul meant the persecution for evil but it was just one of the ways God used to spread the gospel, the disciples were instructed to go to these places but after the persecution Christians had to go there, it may have looked like an inconvenience then but it was all a part of God’s grand scheme. Never be discouraged about the happenings right now just rest in the fact that it is all a part of Gods grand scheme and it shall end up for your good.

    • 9 мин.
    Lessons from the book of Acts- The story of Stephen

    Lessons from the book of Acts- The story of Stephen

    Todays episode is from Acts:6-7 here we learn about Stephen who was the first martyr, he was picked to be a server but we see that he still used that as a means to still fulfill purpose which was to know Christ and make him known, he never hesitated to preach to people which was why he had soo much hate enough hate to want to be killed but even at the end we still see him praying for their forgiveness. It’s one thing to know the word, but it’s another thing to live the word, we see Stephen boldly leaving the word here

    • 11 мин.

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