Life Changes Like The Seasons.

Подкаст «Life Changes Like The Seasons.»

We are born. We are taught the Golden Rule. At an innocent glance first introduced when do we learn about the good and bad as in the light and the dark? The disappointments and goals I have achieved along the way. How to be a better you and not lose yourself nor forget the struggles along the way. Accept who you are that is what matters. We may not agree thou we would be a better place for all if we did not judge. Doesn't the Bible say only God shall judge? I choose build my life around people who take time peel the layers to know me. If your gonna just read the please. ENJOY💜❤

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We are born. We are taught the Golden Rule. At an innocent glance first introduced when do we learn about the good and bad as in the light and the dark? The disappointments and goals I have achieved along the way. How to be a better you and not lose yourself nor forget the struggles along the way. Accept who you are that is what matters. We may not agree thou we would be a better place for all if we did not judge. Doesn't the Bible say only God shall judge? I choose build my life around people who take time peel the layers to know me. If your gonna just read the please. ENJOY💜❤

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