On Our Way: exploring the realistic path to a better life

Blake Emal
Подкаст «On Our Way: exploring the realistic path to a better life»

Join this community of achievers, bootstrappers, and originals on our realistic and documented quest to improve our lives and careers. The bulk of advice we get out there is something along the lines of: - "Chase your dreams" - "Follow your passion" - "Quit your job and go all in" - And a lot more advice that simply doesn't apply to most people This is a podcast for those of us looking to find more joy in our daily lives, work for a better company, learn new skills, or get tactical information to grow your side hustle! Let's start taking realistic (but still massive) steps toward our goals! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/on-our-way/support

Об этом подкасте

Join this community of achievers, bootstrappers, and originals on our realistic and documented quest to improve our lives and careers. The bulk of advice we get out there is something along the lines of: - "Chase your dreams" - "Follow your passion" - "Quit your job and go all in" - And a lot more advice that simply doesn't apply to most people This is a podcast for those of us looking to find more joy in our daily lives, work for a better company, learn new skills, or get tactical information to grow your side hustle! Let's start taking realistic (but still massive) steps toward our goals! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/on-our-way/support

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