Once Upon A Gene

Effie Parks
Подкаст «Once Upon A Gene»

As a new parent of a child with a rare genetic syndrome, I was lost. There was no guide. There was no rulebook. This was not what I had imagined. As I navigated my way through this new reality, I realized something that should have been simple, but was not. A truth that had always been there, but that I had lost sight of for a time - I am not alone. And neither are you. These are the stories of my family, and of families like ours. These are the stories of how we have persevered, cried, bonded, and grown. These are the stories of children who have been told that they cannot, and that have proved the world wrong.

  1. -15 Ч

    Finding Strength in Friendship - Building In-Person Connections for Special Needs Moms with Colorado Mama Tribe - Mariah Gillaspie

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 245 Finding Strength in Friendship - Building In-Person Connections for Special Needs Moms with Colorado Mama Tribe - Mariah Gillaspie Mariah Gillaspie is the mom of Abby and Emma, who both have a genetic condition called THAP12, and they're the only known patients in the world. Mariah is the Founder of Lightning and Love and an active rare disease advocate. Most recently, she's shifted her focus to community and established the Colorado Mama Tribe. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Can you tell us about the Colorado Mama Tribe? It's been a passion project for me that came out of necessity. When I was new to raising children with rare disease, I was very alone and lost, desperate to find someone who shared a similar story to me. It started with a small group of moms getting together and we've now grown to 400 members. We have monthly meetups for moms, which serves as a social opportunity, but also an opportunity to share and be supported by a community who gets it. We also have a yearly respite retreat and we put together care packages for moms in the hospital with their kids. We recently started providing free group and individual therapy for moms and we've started a bereavement group. How do you fundraise and support your programming? As we've grown, we've assembled different committees and we have an amazing fundraising committee who is rocking it. As a board, we largely handle fundraising and logistics to keep events mostly free and subsidized to take the burden off moms so they feel supported and taken care of through our offerings. What advice do you have for other parents who want to create something for their own community? It only takes a few people to commit to setting a time and place and showing up. Month after month, more and more people will show up and it can grow naturally. Set up a Facebook group, communicate dates and times and people will come. How has your self-care shifted through your pivot? Self care looks different and there's no time for bubble baths or massages right now. Colorado Mama Tribe has been a huge part of my self-care, forcing me to get out of the house, take time for myself away from my family and meet up with friends. I spend time out and about to reset, commiserate and celebrate. Additionally, it makes me feel better connected to my daughters because I'm allowing myself balance. LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Colorado Mama Tribe on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/coloradomamatribe Lightning and Love https://www.lightningandlove.org/ ONCE UPON A GENE - Episode 074 - Rare Disease Mom Chat with Mariah Gillaspie - Lightning and Love Foundation https://effieparks.com/podcast/episode-074-lightning-and-love-foundation CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www. facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    25 мин.
  2. 12 СЕНТ.

    Chasing Glimmers - Electric Love Disability Retreats

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 243 Chasing Glimmers - Electric Love Disability Retreats Chasing Glimmers is all about finding the small, hopeful moments that shine through the darkest of times. Like you, Katie and I know how challenging the rare disease journey can be, but we also believe in the incredible power of connection, bravery and positivity. We're sharing inspiring stories from the community, life lessons we've learned and exploring how glimmers light our way forward. In this episode, we're joined by Colleen Jendreas, the Founder of Electric Love. Electric Love is a nonprofit resource and support for caregivers, with a focus on adventure retreats, hiking, river rafting and extreme outdoor activities. In the rare disease world, she is sparking change, connecting families and helping them find the glimmers, even in the toughest of times.  EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Can you tell us about yourself? I am the Founder of Electric Love, a resource I developed for caregivers where we connect and go on adventure-style retreats. I'm also raising a kiddo, Owen, who has Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS), a severe form of Epilepsy. I was catapulted into this world in 2017 and I am out here trying to raise awareness and do something positive for the community that saved me when I was in a dark place. What have you learned about serving others through raising Owen? When you're getting a diagnosis, you go through an intense, emotional, traumatic journey and we realize things will be very different from what we imagined. When it happened to me, I was going through extreme depression and I couldn't even get out of bed. There were people I had met through various support networks who provided me guidance and encouragement and they were my lifeline. With their support, I climbed out of a horribly dark place and it changed a lot for me. I started reaching out to others who were going through the same things, and together, we built a connection that just grew from there. Where did the idea come from to start Electric Love? It started with me and a few other Epilepsy moms who I connected with on social media. We started video chatting and meeting up, realizing how healing it was to connect and build friendships. When we were talking about our shared interests, we talked about how healing it was to be in nature and how we missed having the time and ability to be outside. It all started with a small group of us going to Zion. LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Learn More and Register for Week in RARE (use code FRIENDOFEFFIE) https://globalgenes.org/week-in-rare/ Electric Love Website https://electric-love.org/ Electric Love on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/electric.love.retreats/ Raising Owen on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/raising_owen/ CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    32 мин.
  3. 5 СЕНТ.

    Choosing Friends as a Rare Disease Parent - Building a Supportive Circle with Genuine Connections

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 242 Choosing Friends as a Rare Disease Parent - Building a Supportive Circle with Genuine Connections I've been seeing so many online conversations around friendships lately and we've all experienced a ghost ship of friends or people who disappeared or didn't show up for us as we came into the rare disease world. It's an important topic to touch on since so many of us face these friendship challenges. What do we do about it? EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Find your people. You don't have to let go of old friendships, but it's important to expand your circle to include people who get what life is like for you and your family. Find Facebook groups, explore blogs, reach out to former OUAG guests, or connect with other parents in the waiting room of the doctors offices. Use the power of the internet and social media to find your people. Remember who you were before rare disease. It is easy to forget who we were before we were a caretaker. Connecting with close friends to do activities you enjoyed before caretaking was at the center of your purpose can help you grow and keep your essence. Be intentional. Think about the friendships you want to cultivate and be very intentional about it. Find the people who get your life and know what it's like, then find the friends you'd connect with if it weren't for rare disease. Be intentional about finding meaningful connections with people you'd be friends with no matter what, even before rare disease. LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Learn More and Register for Week in RARE (use code FRIENDOFEFFIE) https://globalgenes.org/week-in-rare/ CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    17 мин.
  4. Chasing Glimmers - Whats Glimmering with Katie Lloyd

    29 АВГ.

    Chasing Glimmers - Whats Glimmering with Katie Lloyd

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 241 Chasing Glimmers - What's Glimmering with Katie Lloyd Chasing Glimmers, is all about finding the small, hopeful moments that shine through the darkest of times. Like you, Katie and I know how challenging the rare disease journey can be, but we also believe in the incredible power of connection, bravery and positivity. We'll share inspiring stories from the community, life lessons we've learned and explore how glimmers light our way forward. Let's chase those glimmers together! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Take a break A break is important to transition away from difficult moments and help you to look back to where you were and where you are. A break and stepping away allows you to see all the wonderful things for what they are, but getting away isn't just taking a vacation or going somewhere. Small, frequent breaks can be really helpful too. Consider what's logistically possible and be realistic about how to take a break. Small scale, big impact Take a nap during the day, and if you can't, lay on a yoga mat and just rest. Distract your kids in a way that carves out time to exercise. Take off your shoes and socks and go outside. Get grounded with Mother Earth and be in nature. Using breathing exercises can help to calm your nervous system and allow you a moment to re-group. Tap into the network of those you trust to give you a break from caregiving. The generous rare disease network I became friends with someone in the US and she made a beautiful baby blanket for me. Shipping the blanket was going to be really expensive and my friend didn't know how to get it to me. Another friend of mine happened to be visiting the US and has since brought the blanket back with her to Switzerland for me. I'm so grateful for beautiful people doing wonderful things. For the love of focaccia In the last year, I've been making bread, trying to perfect focaccia. I nailed it the other day and I was so proud of myself. It was the crispiest, fluffiest, most beautiful focaccia I have ever made and I now I want to make it for everyone on my street. LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED Learn More and Register for Week in RARE (use code FRIENDOFEFFIE) https://globalgenes.org/week-in-rare/ ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 237 - Join Us for The Global Genes Week In Rare https://effieparks.com/podcast/episode-237-week-in-rare-2024 Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There https://www.amazon.com/Look-Again-Power-Noticing-Always/dp/1668008203 Tender https://www.amazon.com/Tender/dp/1529331218 Do Walk: Navigate earth, mind and body https://www.amazon.com/Do-Walk-Navigate-earth-body/dp/1907974962 Marco Polo https://www.marcopolo.me/ CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https: //www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    31 мин.
  5. A Mother's Mission - Project Baby Lion, ASO Therapy and the TNP02 Foundation with Yiwei She

    22 АВГ.

    A Mother's Mission - Project Baby Lion, ASO Therapy and the TNP02 Foundation with Yiwei She

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 240 A Mother's Mission - Project Baby Lion, ASO Therapy and the TNP02 Foundation with Yiwei She Yiwei She is a powerhouse mom to little Leo, the Founder of the TNP02 Foundation, a remarkable and brilliant advocate, and she's nothing short of extraordinary.  EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Can you tell us about Leo's diagnostic journey and how that inspired you to start the TNP02 Foundation? Leo's head circumference wasn't what it should have been and then he had a seizure at two months old. Sequencing pointed to a mutation in a gene and we hit the ground running right away, tapping into our scientific backgrounds. At first, our world came crashing down, but we also had a very fortunate set of circumstances where we could maybe change Leo's outcome if we did the right things. We were thrown into the deep end, but we looked to others and learned a lot from the people who had already paved the way. What is the process for developing an ASO therapy and how do you make the connections to launch it? We had a friend that was in the biotech industry which proved to be a key link for us. We had other friends and parents that helped to connect us as well. Networking is really important because people can help guide you and advise on the best labs to work with.  Can you tell us about Project Baby Lion? The idea behind Project Baby Lion is to take what I've learned and do it again better, in a more sustainable and systematic way. The first phase is to do diagnostics better, combining sustainability with urgency, starting with NICU whole genome sequencing. We hope to prove with data, the potential sustainability of personalized therapeutics within the ultra-rare populations. As early as possible, we want to connect patients and families with their advocacy groups, and where there isn't yet a community, we will try to put together a rapid program to develop a therapeutic plan. What are the goals for Project Baby Lion and Leo's ASO therapy in the future? The most helpful thing to come from Leo's trial will be the sharing of the data and clinical protocol so other families and foundations have a blueprint and recognize that it's possible. We want to put our data where our mouth is and share it out to catalyze a culture of sharing. For Project Baby Lion, I hope to attract investment and interest from the biomedical industry because we can solve the hard problems for our kids, and they're worth it.  LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED TNP02 Foundation https://www.tnpo2.org/ Project Baby Lion https://www.tnpo2.org/project-baby-lion Learn More and Register for Week in RARE https://globalgenes.org/week-in-rare/ Creyon Bio https://creyonbio.com/ Charles River Laboratory https://www.criver.com/ Combined Brain https://combinedbrain.org/ CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    34 мин.
  6. 15 АВГ.

    Navigating Physical and Emotional Stress and Noticing Where It Shows Up In Our Body As A Rare Disease Caregiver - With Christy Foster

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 239 Navigating Physical and Emotional Stress and Noticing Where It Shows Up In Our Body As A Rare Disease Caregiver - With Christy Foster Joining me today is my sister, Christy Foster. We're talking about caregiver stress, stress-related pain, how and why it shows up, and how to cope. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS How does chronic stress affect us physically? The muscle tissue is our body represents our emotional holding and our bone structure represents our thinking mind. Muscle tissue holds us up and helps us move and stay flexible. When there's stress or trauma, pain can happen and without attention, the body will become significant. When we're in pain, it's difficult to care for kids, sleep, and go to work. Things compound and things start spinning, leading to a flight or fight response. It's important to be able to recognize when that pattern shows up and what to do about it before it consumes you, so that you're affected physically less often. What techniques can help with jaw tension and pain? The jaw holds our teeth, moves up and down to chew, and somatically, the joint of the jaw represents flexibility and adaptability. When joints become rigid, there's a pattern of resistance to change and emotional inflexibility. Keeping your mouth shut when you're experiencing strong emotions, like anger, can cause jaw pain because of bearing down and swallowing, creating tension in the muscles and joint over time. Expressing to the degree that you can is healing because the emotion comes up and out.  As a long-term caregiver, how do you build resiliency? Connection will help support your nervous system and will help you to better regulate. It's important to have connection with someone who isn't going to fix you, who will be there when you need to release and vent, that you can talk to about your emotions around grief, rage, sadness or shame, because it takes the edge off and it softens the hit. How do we take notice of our pain and tension and take action? We all have access to nature, whether it's a plant in your home or a backyard area. At least once a day, notice nature— the color, sound, feeling. This helps to get in the visceral sense of feeling versus surviving and being in the mind and thinking. Connect with your people to create a sense of safety and understanding. When our systems feel safe, they can relax. Get rest and, if needed, get the help you need to make time for rest. Any type of meditation or breath work that are mind-body geared are helpful, even if uncomfortable, because feeling the feeling helps to move that energy out of you. Exercise in any way possible to get you into your body, which will help you come out of your mind and the emotional looping that can happen. Self-care is essential, even in little pieces of time. Put your hand on your heart and connect to the feeling of love, compassion and gratitude. Research shows this act of mindfulness and experiencing gratitude helps the body settle into a more regulated state.  LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 029 - Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First https://effieparks.com/podcast/008-tanjs-akayy-jr78y-ja2e8-zanza-njkxy-83esr-z2wkz-kx2a4-3zgjf-9n7e6-f4dl9-34pey-khhl4-plbpy-y5jw6-w4tay-9d7t9-4rf34-3ct68 My Intuitive Body Website https://christyfoster.co/ Christy Foster on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/christy.f13/ Sinéad Quinn https://www.instagram.com/sineadquinnofficial/ Rare Breathing Room https://www.facebook.com/p/Annie-Lambert-True-You-with-Neora-100070644768526/?_rdr CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    47 мин.
  7. 8 АВГ.

    Where the Glimmers Can Surface

    ONCE UPON A GENE - EPISODE 238 Where the Glimmers Can Surface We were at our beloved park— the one we helped renovate to be inclusive and accessible, then made a trip to a nearby grocery store nearby. Ford loves automatic doors. The grocery store has the usual automatic doors at the entrance, but also has big black swinging doors at the rear of the store, where the employees pass back and forth as they restock the store. It was a slow time of day and the doors weren't swinging back and forth. Ford was determined, running his wheelchair into them, but the doors still were not swinging. At my suggestion that we go to the front of the store to watch the automatic doors, Ford had the ultimate meltdown, biting his arm and making himself bleed. He was screaming, holding onto his wheelchair tire so I couldn't move it and I felt like every eye was watching me as I tried to get him out of the store. We returned to the playground and his little sister approached him, asking him questions, and offering a special leaf bandaid. She returns with a stick and a leaf and she put the leaf on his arm, gently rolling the stick across it. Ford immediately stopped crying and began smiling. I immediately took my phone from my bag because I never want to forget that moment. I've always worried that my kids weren't connecting, but my daughter seems aware enough to nurture Ford in the way he needs. It was a beautiful moment, it was growth, it was a glimmer in our favorite park. In the rare disease life, especially in the really annoying moments, that's where the glimmers can surface— so keep chasing glimmers my friends! CONNECT WITH EFFIE PARKS Website https://effieparks.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/OnceUponAGene Instagram https://www.instagram.com/onceuponagene.podcast/?hl=en Built Ford Tough Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1877643259173346/

    9 мин.

Об этом подкасте

As a new parent of a child with a rare genetic syndrome, I was lost. There was no guide. There was no rulebook. This was not what I had imagined. As I navigated my way through this new reality, I realized something that should have been simple, but was not. A truth that had always been there, but that I had lost sight of for a time - I am not alone. And neither are you. These are the stories of my family, and of families like ours. These are the stories of how we have persevered, cried, bonded, and grown. These are the stories of children who have been told that they cannot, and that have proved the world wrong.

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