Выпусков: 113

Your host Pando interviews fellow Eve Online fleet commanders about all kind of topics in and around the game.

Pando's FC Chat xfaket

    • Досуг

Your host Pando interviews fellow Eve Online fleet commanders about all kind of topics in and around the game.

    CCP Bee & Dark Shines

    CCP Bee & Dark Shines

    S01E113 - Pando sits down with CCP Bee and current member of the CSM Dark Shines to talk about the Eve Online Equinox patch that is about to be released. Various topics like the changes to carriers, some sov mechanics and more are discussed.

    • 1 ч. 24 мин.
    Karmen Jell & Mystical Might

    Karmen Jell & Mystical Might

    S01E112 -

    • 1 ч. 21 мин.
    Virion Stoneshard

    Virion Stoneshard

    S01E111 -

    • 1 ч. 54 мин.
    BJK from Decoy

    BJK from Decoy

    S01E110 -

    • 1 ч. 14 мин.
    Fredrik Knudsen & CCP Convict

    Fredrik Knudsen & CCP Convict

    S01E109 - In this episode Pando is joined by Fredrik Knudsen who recently released a 6 hour long documentary about Eve Online called "Eve Online | Down the Rabbit" . Together with CCP Convict they discuss the journey that Fredrik went through to research and publish this masterpiece.

    • 1 ч. 2 мин.
    Shadoo & Mister Vee

    Shadoo & Mister Vee

    S01E108 -

    • 1 ч. 20 мин.

Топ подкастов в категории «Досуг»

Интроверт на кухне
Правое полушарие Интроверта
Gotcha! коммьюнити-подкаст
INMYROOM - ремонт и котики
Горящий бензовоз
Павел Пивоваров, Вадим Елистратов, Иван Талачев
Что было раньше
Иван Талачев, Павел Пивоваров
Не занесли
Максим Иванов, Павел Пивоваров, Артемий Леонов

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