Выпусков: 19

My name is Njeri Muchunu and I am the Chief Principal Officer at Njeri Muchunu Global. I was sent here on earth on an assignment to transform the lives of men and women like you. On this podcast, I will journey with you and help you understand the true meaning of peace. True peace is not dependent on one’s circumstances. I will discuss various real-life issues and speak and breathe the peace of Christ over every circumstance you are going through in your life. Through this process, you will get to understand the unchanging nature of the Love of God. Your mind will be renewed and as a result, you will receive the gift of mental healing. I assure you that as you listen and engage through this podcast, your life will never be the same and you will begin to live a life of peace.

Peace - Be still njerimu

    • Религия и духовность

My name is Njeri Muchunu and I am the Chief Principal Officer at Njeri Muchunu Global. I was sent here on earth on an assignment to transform the lives of men and women like you. On this podcast, I will journey with you and help you understand the true meaning of peace. True peace is not dependent on one’s circumstances. I will discuss various real-life issues and speak and breathe the peace of Christ over every circumstance you are going through in your life. Through this process, you will get to understand the unchanging nature of the Love of God. Your mind will be renewed and as a result, you will receive the gift of mental healing. I assure you that as you listen and engage through this podcast, your life will never be the same and you will begin to live a life of peace.

    Turn Away!

    Turn Away!

    Have you ever felt the weight of your sins and longed for redemption? Our latest podcast episode dives deep into the true essence of repentance. It’s not just about acknowledging your wrongdoings—it’s about genuine transformation.
    Key Highlights:
    Understanding Repentance: Learn what repentance truly means beyond just regret and forgiveness.
    Authentic Change: Explore how true repentance involves a profound awareness of one’s sins, true remorse, and a decisive departure from sinful actions.
    Spiritual Growth: Discover how practicing patience, tolerance, enduring hardships, performing good deeds, and spreading the word of God can lead to authentic repentance.
    Differentiating Concepts: Clarify the differences between repentance, regret, and forgiveness.
    Feel the hope of waking up to a new dawn of spiritual clarity and purpose. Visualize your personal transformation and the promise of a better self.
    Ready to embark on your personal repentance journey? Tune in to our latest episode now and start your path toward spiritual growth and personal transformation.
    [Listen Now]
    #Repentance, #Personal Transformation, #Spiritual Growth

    • 18 мин.
    Your Life's Journey

    Your Life's Journey

    Ever wondered how your past and how you grew up has made you into the person you are today? 🎙️
    In our latest episode, we explore the art of writing your life journey. Charting your lifeline is more than just a nostalgic exercise; it’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth. By understanding our past, we can better navigate our present and shape our future.
    Tune in to discover how reflecting on your life story can unlock deeper insights and personal growth.
    Unlock the secrets of your life story. 🎧 Listen now!
    #Podcast #SelfDiscovery #PersonalGrowth #LifeJourney

    • 21 мин.
    Born Again: The Foundation That Changes Everything

    Born Again: The Foundation That Changes Everything

    Embark on a journey of transformation that defies all odds. 🌟 In this episode of the Peace Be still podcast, we delve into the profound and life-altering power of being ”Born Again.”

    Discover how the transformative power of Jesus can fundamentally change one’s life, bringing profound joy, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose.

    We’ll explore:

    The Joy of Spiritual Rebirth: When you are spiritually incorporated in Christ, your sins are drowned in His blood, your flaws are lost in His righteousness, your deserving of hell is annihilated by His merits, and your entire being is absorbed in Him.

    Overcoming Darkness: You are now and forever acquitted at the bar of infinite justice—all your accusers silenced, all charges met, the indictment dismissed, and the sentence of full and free justification pronounced.

    Radical Change: Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.

    True Acceptance and Love: Feel the warmth of being truly understood, accepted, and loved like never before.

    Join us for an inspiring and uplifting conversation that could change the way you see everything. Tune into the Peace Be Still podcast for ”Born Again: The Foundation That Changes Everything” and let the journey of transformation begin. ✨

    #Podcast #BornAgain #Transformation #SpiritualRebirth #Inspiration #FaithJourney

    • 24 мин.


    Are you ready to dive deep into the questions that shape our existence? This season, we’re exploring the profound themes of ”Who am I?”, ”Why on earth am I here?”, and ”What can I do (Purpose)?”.
    Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover your life’s true purpose, with insightful discussions and inspiring stories that will resonate with self-improvement enthusiasts, seekers, questioners, and those looking to know Jesus.

    Tune in to Season 2 of the Peace Be Still and let’s explore the answers together. Your journey towards a meaningful life starts here. 🎙️💡

    #Podcast #Season2 #LifePurpose #SelfImprovement #SpiritualJourney #KnowJesus

    • 12 мин.
    Patience in Suffering

    Patience in Suffering

    Welcome to today’s episode, where we explore the profound theme of Patience in Suffering. In a world that often rushes us from one moment to the next, how do we find the strength to stand firm in the face of trials and tribulations? Today, we’re guided by powerful stories and reflections that remind us of the importance of patience during our most challenging times.
    Consider the story of someone oppressed, facing injustice and suffering, yet choosing to keep silent and not speak out in anger or frustration. Instead, they turn to a higher power, seeking understanding and guidance, wondering whether their trials have a deeper purpose. This narrative is not uncommon; many of us find ourselves in situations that test our resilience and faith. Jesus himself never promised a life devoid of persecution. Contrarily, He assured us that we would face adversity, be lied about, and falsely accused. Yet, in all this, He encouraged us to remain focused on Him, with the reassurance that He would never leave us nor forsake us.
    Persecutions and trials, as unwelcome as they may be, come to test and grow us. Reflecting personally, I’ve found that my own challenges have cultivated strengths I never knew I possessed. This episode invites you to consider the power of remaining silent, not grumbling, and seeking divine guidance through prayer.
    Fleeing at the first sign of difficulty is not always the answer. Could it be possible that you’re the very solution to the problem at hand, divinely appointed for such a time as this? Remember, ”He who brings you to it will get you through it.”
    Join us as we traverse these thought-provoking insights, finding solace in the wisdom that trials, though tough, carry with them the potential for profound personal growth and spiritual deepening. This is more than just a conversation; it’s a pilgrimage through the heart of patience in suffering.

    • 25 мин.
    Stop the Oppression!

    Stop the Oppression!

    This episode dives into the complex issue of oppression in today’s world—an issue that affects countless lives across all nations and weaves through the very structure of our societies. Drawing inspiration from James 5:1-6, we’re dedicated to shedding light on the injustices faced by the underprivileged. Our goal is to stir your consciousness, urging you to adopt a Christ-centered approach in addressing the suffering of the disenfranchised.

    We urge you to be proactive in promoting fairness and justice wherever you can. Remember, every small deed adds up, creating a powerful force for change. Your response to the cries of the oppressed is heard both on earth and in heaven.

    This month, we challenge you to take concrete action against injustice in your local area. This could be initiating conversations about equitable practices at your place of employment or choosing to patronize businesses that prioritize ethical practices.

    • 13 мин.

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