22 мин.

Play ReLearned

    • Социальные науки

Are we just adult-sized children yearning to play? As adults, our lives often become consumed with responsibilities, work, and societal expectations. We leave behind the carefree days of childhood, where play and imagination were at the center of our existence. But what if we told you that play still holds immense value in our adult lives? Just like a river that constantly flows and adapts to its surroundings, so does play in our lives. It may change its form and shape, but its essence remains a vital part of who we are as human beings.

In this episode of the ReLearned podcast, hosts Nidhi Tewari and Billy Samoa discuss the importance of incorporating play into adult life, particularly in learning and training experiences. They share personal anecdotes and reflect on the benefits of play, such as enhancing memory, fostering bonding, and improving overall well-being. They also discuss the societal discouragement of adult play and the need to overcome this. They highlight the importance of play in fostering creativity, innovation, and meaningful connections. They conclude by encouraging listeners to reintroduce play into their lives for a more fulfilling existence.

Key Takeaways

Play has a significant role in adult life, despite societal discouragement.

Incorporating play and games into educational and training settings enhances learning outcomes and creates a fun and engaging environment.

Play fosters creativity and allows adults to reimagine the world and find creative solutions.

Integrating playfulness into relationships deepens bonds and connections.

Relearning play can enhance learning and overall well-being.

Recognize the influence of past experiences and early childhood development in incorporating play.

Bringing more play into our lives can potentially extend our lifespan.

In This Episode:

[00:07] The importance of play in training

[01:12] Memorable and enjoyable training experiences

[03:11] Personal journey with play as an adult

[06:56] Play and creativity in adulthood

[08:27] The role of play in building connections

[11:01] The importance of integrating light and playful elements in relationships

[12:08] Engaging in playful activities during the holiday season

[13:05] The value of incorporating play and creating a secret language

[16:46] The importance of play in childhood

[19:21] The benefits of play on brain development

[21:37] Play as a tool for strengthening relationships

[22:38] Recognizing and breaking conditioning

[22:38] The life-changing power of play

Notable Quotes

[01:12] "Play does so much for me personally. Honestly, my career was what it was in the corporate space because of play specifically." - Billy

[02:23] "Play allowed us to strike a chord with so many people who went through our training. It became a very almost-famous part of the culture within our company." - Billy

[03:11] “Engaging elements make learning memorable. Without play, training can be dull and forgettable." - Nidhi

[22:42] "Relearning play and bringing play to the forefront could literally change your life, could help you live longer."- Billy
Resources and Links
Nidhi Tewari






Billy Samoa






Are we just adult-sized children yearning to play? As adults, our lives often become consumed with responsibilities, work, and societal expectations. We leave behind the carefree days of childhood, where play and imagination were at the center of our existence. But what if we told you that play still holds immense value in our adult lives? Just like a river that constantly flows and adapts to its surroundings, so does play in our lives. It may change its form and shape, but its essence remains a vital part of who we are as human beings.

In this episode of the ReLearned podcast, hosts Nidhi Tewari and Billy Samoa discuss the importance of incorporating play into adult life, particularly in learning and training experiences. They share personal anecdotes and reflect on the benefits of play, such as enhancing memory, fostering bonding, and improving overall well-being. They also discuss the societal discouragement of adult play and the need to overcome this. They highlight the importance of play in fostering creativity, innovation, and meaningful connections. They conclude by encouraging listeners to reintroduce play into their lives for a more fulfilling existence.

Key Takeaways

Play has a significant role in adult life, despite societal discouragement.

Incorporating play and games into educational and training settings enhances learning outcomes and creates a fun and engaging environment.

Play fosters creativity and allows adults to reimagine the world and find creative solutions.

Integrating playfulness into relationships deepens bonds and connections.

Relearning play can enhance learning and overall well-being.

Recognize the influence of past experiences and early childhood development in incorporating play.

Bringing more play into our lives can potentially extend our lifespan.

In This Episode:

[00:07] The importance of play in training

[01:12] Memorable and enjoyable training experiences

[03:11] Personal journey with play as an adult

[06:56] Play and creativity in adulthood

[08:27] The role of play in building connections

[11:01] The importance of integrating light and playful elements in relationships

[12:08] Engaging in playful activities during the holiday season

[13:05] The value of incorporating play and creating a secret language

[16:46] The importance of play in childhood

[19:21] The benefits of play on brain development

[21:37] Play as a tool for strengthening relationships

[22:38] Recognizing and breaking conditioning

[22:38] The life-changing power of play

Notable Quotes

[01:12] "Play does so much for me personally. Honestly, my career was what it was in the corporate space because of play specifically." - Billy

[02:23] "Play allowed us to strike a chord with so many people who went through our training. It became a very almost-famous part of the culture within our company." - Billy

[03:11] “Engaging elements make learning memorable. Without play, training can be dull and forgettable." - Nidhi

[22:42] "Relearning play and bringing play to the forefront could literally change your life, could help you live longer."- Billy
Resources and Links
Nidhi Tewari






Billy Samoa






22 мин.