Выпусков: 300

Welcome to Silent Time, the opportunity to think on what is really important in life.

Silent Time silenttime

    • Религия и духовность

Welcome to Silent Time, the opportunity to think on what is really important in life.

    A good friend is always welcome

    A good friend is always welcome

    A good friend is always welcome.

    • 3 мин.
    The opinion of parents

    The opinion of parents

    What would be the opinion of your parents about you?
    It sounds like a strange question.
    But it is closely connected to one of the 10 most important instructions God gives us.

    • 5 мин.
    Receiving good and adversity

    Receiving good and adversity

    Receiving good and adversity.

    • 4 мин.
    Do you enjoy eating with friends?

    Do you enjoy eating with friends?

    Do you enjoy having meals together?
    Spending time in community for example among family and friends.

    • 4 мин.
    How do you react to rejection?

    How do you react to rejection?

    How do you react to rejection?

    • 2 мин.
    Sleepy. Sleepier. Asleep.

    Sleepy. Sleepier. Asleep.

    Sleepy. Sleepier. Asleep.

    • 4 мин.

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