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gofund.me/10543a02 🐎HELP ME SUE 🐷🐖+ GET MY ANIMALS BACK! MEIDASTOUCH Producer🦚#TUCSON🗳️ELECT ME SHERIFF+PREZ, MERKA! #POTUS2024 ✅FB: Comedy by Trista di GENOVA, Music by THEE Trista,Trista for Prez,Trista.TV, Award-winning Berkeley PoliSci Scholar, Psych Tutor@Oxford; Taipei Medical Uni. Producer@Meidastouch, pro-democracy movement. #ArresttRumpNow! #DOJ volunteer; make #music #originals, #covers;🎤 Gaia #annunaki#history#egypt#archaeology #
Radio host @KPYT-ON THE REZ W/TRISTA SHOW! @KAMP @UofA; 🌎rocker🎸20 albums YT: #RADIOBANCIAO, Trista&TheEdibles, soundcloud gofund.me/10543a

#TRISTA4SHERIFF + Prez! POLITICSAF!🔥HOT ON TRAIL OF💩🤡 GOIN2FNJAIL!🔐#art #music #CoMeDy #HERstory Trista Tramposch di GENOVA, MSt, Oxford University

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gofund.me/10543a02 🐎HELP ME SUE 🐷🐖+ GET MY ANIMALS BACK! MEIDASTOUCH Producer🦚#TUCSON🗳️ELECT ME SHERIFF+PREZ, MERKA! #POTUS2024 ✅FB: Comedy by Trista di GENOVA, Music by THEE Trista,Trista for Prez,Trista.TV, Award-winning Berkeley PoliSci Scholar, Psych Tutor@Oxford; Taipei Medical Uni. Producer@Meidastouch, pro-democracy movement. #ArresttRumpNow! #DOJ volunteer; make #music #originals, #covers;🎤 Gaia #annunaki#history#egypt#archaeology #
Radio host @KPYT-ON THE REZ W/TRISTA SHOW! @KAMP @UofA; 🌎rocker🎸20 albums YT: #RADIOBANCIAO, Trista&TheEdibles, soundcloud gofund.me/10543a



    Great job mtn, debunking magatard mischief! YOU DESERVE A PRIZE HERE IT IS!🏆 SPREAD FAR AND WIDE, PLEASE!
    The local gestapo stole our service dogs! And then framed us for animal cruelty
    I'm going to be talking a lot about this case from now on! Until we get our service dogs back!
    They should f* apologize the Pima County Sheriff's department and the Pima Animal Care Center f* disgrace - & cops around the country for that matter!
    Tell your local media to cover this important civil rights story and also massive brutality against animals, which is DESPICABLE, INTOLERABLE CONDUCT from public service who are supposed to be protecting and serving our interest, not theirs

    #defundthepolice #TaipeiTimes #GlennKirschner #MeidasTouch #kgun9 #azcentral #politico #nytimes #huffpost #motherjones #rollingstone #latimes

    A few questions for Laura Conover and Darlene Cortina pertaining to our case: I'd appreciate a public response!
    Where are the rest of the bodycam footage? From detective noon who was in charge of the case, officer Hernandez with my expressly asked for him to film The my questioning in the car. Y'all omitted this, why?
    Why didn't you drop the charges against us when Clarissa and Teddy were found to have falsified the times of our arrest, and therefore perjured themselves?
    Where is any evidence of any crime having been committed?
    I will carefully inspect these heavily redacted videos, and if they actually cover the arrest, unless they tampered with that again, the time of my arrest was and being taken to jail was 9:03 a.m.
    In their investigation report, they covered up my unlawful arrest and incarceration, by falsifying the times of our arrest to being in the "after noon," "around 12 noon" after inspection and walk through" ( written by p a c c officer Clarissa #3124.
    I caught this officer perjuring herself on the stand about the times of our arrest at the OSC hearing (see transcript) on October 24th, 2023.
    Their deliberate omission of exculpatory evidence;
    And their established LYING and false reporting is a crime: ARS 132907.01
    I'd like to press charges against these ppl:
    Two false reporting charges against Beth Cummings and Zoe Skinner ARS 13 2907.01
    For effectively getting us swatted;
    Also, false reporting charges against PCSD officers Detective Noon #7977; Sergeant Ryan Roher; Edgar Nosek #7917; PACC Officer Clarissa Leyva-Canez
    They violated numerous of our civil rights and
    We'd appreciate it if the judge could take our exemplary records into account as well as extensive video graphic and witness testimonial proof that it is absolutely impossible that we were neglecting our pets.
    We have business to attend to in Taiwan; the sooner these charges can be dropped the better for all, we are still in shock after being raided and violated and humiliated in the press because of this malicious prosecution against us.
    Why they did it, I cannot tell you why. That's why we've been demanding an investigation of the investigation since the day this happened 8/30/24!
    It was doomsday here at Reiki southwest, healing ranch and desert sanctuary, established by my mother Rev. Tama. Thank God I had a witness there that day of the raid, who is a Desert Storm veteran with many years of criminal investigation experience, so I propose the courts recognize him as expert, and reasonable observer/witness on the scene". In his sworn testimony, who testifies these officers carried out to him what was obviously and unlawful raid, unreasonable search and seizure, false arrest false incarceration assault and tampered with evidence to convict us, all which are serious crimes we are calling on the courts to recognize and respond appropriately.
    When our Desert Storm veteran friend pointed out to the offending, arresting officers that they had no probable cause nor evidence of my committing a crime to take me to jail and take away all my animals. They retaliated, falsely arrested and incarcerated him too! And took

    • 59 min


    Excellent excellent live sesh! This guy has visions of what's going to happen when all these blind people are removed from the equation! A lot of people have no souls! And they are jealous of the rest of us who can see through fakery. "They're going into judgment. They're not alive. They're without souls that's why they cannot grasp that of which we speak." Look how they talk they're like little children: "you can't judge me" oh yeah we're judging you" 🤣! Elohim is plural, gods and goddesses - the Bible purposely, by accident translated it to the singular, one of the so-called gods, the angry wrathful one! To call yeshua Jesus is to make Us "praise Zeus" - it's a trick, fake Christians! "They read a book about that's all about us." His hair was "wooly"; the white Jesus image that has dominated fake Christianity is Cesar Borgia, gay lover of DaVinci! So fake Christians are worshiping a gay dude who is really evil! It's a trick another trick a mind trick played on us all by the Roman empire! "When you didn't feed them you didn't feed me". Check out his description of the second coming! Jeshia said, If they've done it to me, they'll do it to you. That's why they crucify us everyday." He talks about a great solar flash that will come! "If you hate my people, you hate me". "The only ones that don't get it, who hate are the Christians".

    • 59 min


    MEIDASMIGHTY 💕 TRISTA4PREZ 🎉 TRUMP4PRISON 🔐I was right again! You see, America if I were your president Putin would be in the f* Hague right now! Getting charged as war criminal. There would be no conflict in Ukraine a lot of people would still be alive and American taxpayers would not have been defrauded out of billions and billions and billions. But your lousy AF choice in presidential candidates Brandon s*** for brains, is dragging out this conflict because the military industrial complex needs to be fed!!!!!! Joe Brandon never met a war or illegal conflict or aggressive invasion that he didn't like! Joe Brandon is behind the Democrats complicity in entering the illegal wars of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan. By the way he's such a f* WEAK CANDIDATE that he's only neck and neck in the polls as usual with the most pernicious f* traitor this world has ever known! That's how f* weak Joe Brandon is as a candidate! Y'all are mindless sheep to support his candidacy, after he just helped Israel exterminate 80,000 Palestinians! I swear, if God comes down and smites all of you for being f* useless, I would not be shocked! God did it before he will do it again! Y'all are heartless soulless sinners, unworthy of existence for allowing this ish to happen and not speaking up and not shutting it down and not casting down these tyrants.
    I've been wondering, don't we have the right to not have corrupt elected officials be able to stay in office?
    Guess I just took it for granted that people RESIGN if they are convicted felon; but nothing seems to make this f****** parasite go away!
    Especially since they - corrupt officials don't seem to resign anymore, no matter what! Well the Republican ones in particular. Seems they literally have to be in jail to get them to resign! 😆
    It's almost like they have no shame or self-respect or integrity to Tell the Truth! And resign when they have carried themselves conducted themselves "inappropriately", for lack of a better word! I was going to say "ishonorably", although again, honor seems to be in scarce supply in modernday merka!
    Who keeps their word anymore? Will all our presidents lie to us 50,000 times and a quarter of the population will still support that ish?
    I often think how these people must be very damaged people. Perhaps they had a abusive alcoholic or drug addict father for parent/s, and they are stuck in a vicious cycle of abuse & toxic relationships maybe, it is common! In fact, that probably describes practically everybody in this country but a few socially isolated groups. Narcissistic sociopathic behavior is commonplace in this society. Self-reflection is definitely not in. America hates intellectuals. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about it in his works about america, worrying about the populism he saw a few hundred years ago in this country. Even then, it was apparent or country was prone to be swept up by let's say "demagoguic influences".
    I also think about how slavish and ultimatum like diapered on quarters act. It's often said, not all racists are Trump supporters Donald Trump supporters are racist butll racists are Trump supporters it's often said
    Did you hear about how one of the jurors in diaper Donald's criminal trial said that somebody left her a bag with 120,000 in it and a promise for more if she would acquit!
    THANK YOU, ANONYMOUS JUROR - because he operates "like a mob boss" and threatens everybody!
    I think it will be fun to watch him try to run for president from prison! 😂
    That bag of 120,000 should be investigated! I bet you anything it leads back to Old diaperDon. Who else would do that, nobody! Who else would be so desperate who tried to buy off the jurors? Who is always trying to buy everybody off? 😂
    Which is a f* crime diaper Donald J. Trump ! Harassing and intimidating witnesses why don't you just go to jail and LEAVE US BE

    Grievance politics
    This is what you get when your justice system doesn't do their damn job to lo

    • 59 min


    Interesting that this guy's book on how not to be manipulated is banned in federal prisons! That must mean it is particularly effective and defending yourself against narcissist and toxic people. Robert Greene speaks about the envy that people have, how it can be destructive energy; ""frenemies" are perfect example. He had a stroke while driving and his wife saved his life; and he discusses how he is dealing with health limitations as a result. I've been wondering, don't we have the right to not have corrupt elected officials be able to stay in office?
    Guess I just took it for granted that people RESIGN if they are convicted felon; but nothing seems to make this f****** parasite go away!
    Especially since they - corrupt officials don't seem to resign anymore, no matter what! Well the Republican ones in particular. Seems they literally have to be in jail to get them to resign! 😆
    It's almost like they have no shame or self-respect or integrity to Tell the Truth! And resign when they have carried themselves conducted themselves "inappropriately", for lack of a better word! I was going to say "ishonorably", although again, honor seems to be in scarce supply in modernday merka!
    Who keeps their word anymore? Will all our presidents lie to us 50,000 times and a quarter of the population will still support that ish?
    I often think how these people must be very damaged people. Perhaps they had a abusive alcoholic or drug addict father for parent/s, and they are stuck in a vicious cycle of abuse & toxic relationships maybe, it is common! In fact, that probably describes practically everybody in this country but a few socially isolated groups. Narcissistic sociopathic behavior is commonplace in this society. Self-reflection is definitely not in. America hates intellectuals. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about it in his works about america, worrying about the populism he saw a few hundred years ago in this country. Even then, it was apparent or country was prone to be swept up by let's say "demagoguic influences".
    I also think about how slavish and ultimatum like diapered on quarters act. It's often said, not all racists are Trump supporters Donald Trump supporters are racist butll racists are Trump supporters it's often said
    Did you hear about how one of the jurors in diaper Donald's criminal trial said that somebody left her a bag with 120,000 in it and a promise for more if she would acquit!
    THANK YOU, ANONYMOUS JUROR - because he operates "like a mob boss" and threatens everybody!
    I think it will be fun to watch him try to run for president from prison! 😂
    That bag of 120,000 should be investigated! I bet you anything it leads back to Old diaperDon. Who else would do that, nobody! Who else would be so desperate who tried to buy off the jurors? Who is always trying to buy everybody off? 😂
    Which is a f* crime diaper Donald J. Trump ! Harassing and intimidating witnesses why don't you just go to jail and LEAVE US BE

    Grievance politics
    This is what you get when your justice system doesn't do their damn job to lock up all the insurrectionist traitors in the Congress!

    This is what happens when you don't indict Fox executives and hosts for lying to the public and inciting violence and being part of the January 6th insurrection! Fox should have been shut down or fined out of existence for their role in the January 6th insurrection
    Greg Abbott and Rhonda Satan should both be arrested and charged with 43 + counts of human trafficking remember those Venezuelan asylum seekers they dumped in front of the vice president's house? That's a f* crime! They must both be arrested and removed from office as being UNFIT! We should also send Greg Abbott to the Hague, the international criminal court for his barbed wire death traps are a crime against humanity SHAME ON YOU! Fn 3vil man!!! Heartless & cruel!!! AND SHAME ON FOX SO-CALLED NEWS PROPPING UP THESE CRIMINALS ! Fox contributors and hosts and executives should have been charge

    • 2 hrs 42 min


    Enjoy it MEIDASMIGHTY 💕Grievance politics
    This is what you get when your justice system doesn't do their damn job to lock up all the insurrectionist traitors in the Congress!

    This is what happens when you don't indict Fox executives and hosts for lying to the public and inciting violence and being part of the January 6th insurrection! Fox should have been shut down or fined out of existence for their role in the January 6th insurrection
    Greg Abbott and Rhonda Satan should both be arrested and charged with 43 + counts of human trafficking remember those Venezuelan asylum seekers they dumped in front of the vice president's house? That's a f* crime! They must both be arrested and removed from office as being UNFIT! We should also send Greg Abbott to the Hague, the international criminal court for his barbed wire death traps are a crime against humanity SHAME ON YOU! Fn 3vil man!!! Heartless & cruel!!! AND SHAME ON FOX SO-CALLED NEWS PROPPING UP THESE CRIMINALS ! Fox contributors and hosts and executives should have been charged as co-conspirators in the January 6th insurrection Y'ALL ARE NO PATRIOTS!!! And you better hope I don't become president because we are going to boot Rupert Murdoch 👢🥾👢🥾👢🥾👢🥾
    Obviously staged but good job Democrats on staging your events better! You've been super lousy until this clip, according to what I've seen. But anyway Brandon you need to step down! You are too weak of a candidate and we cannot risk a diaper Donald 2.0 regime. Please do it for your country old man, and step aside and let someone like Gavin newsom and AOC and many other candidates who are better qualified than you! Especially after you dragged us into g3
    nocide shame on you old man 👞 DROPOUT JOE! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉

    He should go to prison for the rest of his life for what he did to this country, IS AN UNINDICTED T3RRORIST, TRA8OR AND MASS MURDERER prove me wrong you cannot #TRUMPVIRUS a million Americans are dead now because of him. How can he not be already locked up when he tried to assassinate the vice president and have speaker?????????? What the hell is wrong with the justice department 7 hours of silence from the White House on January 6th! Diaper Donald still has countless classified documents in his possession and the justice department has done nothing about that why not????? Aren't the rest of our national secrets important enough to Merrick Garland and Jack Smith????? HE HAS NO SHAME! SHAME ON YOU DONALD JACKASS TRUMP drop out of the race resign and face defeat and prison for the rest of your life
    Lock them all up! If I were Biden I would have booted Rupert Murdoch from US airwaves and made sure that fox executives and anchors were tried as co-conspirators in the January 6th insurrection! Fox News should have been fined heavily for lying to the public and in being a part of seditious plot
    If Ibiden don't step down we might get stuck with fascist dictator because he is such a weak candidate. He is too corrupt! If America were smart, and it's not! It would call to reopen nominations because neither candidate is fit to run for president

    • 21 min


    Have you seen the little piggies stirring in the dirt 🐷🐖🐷 😆😂😂😂😂 thank you too Lauren forcement for giving me 369K ! Do you know what they say, even the piggies have to learn something someday... 😁 DONATE GENEROUSLY TOO MUCH / OUR GO FIND.ME/10543a02 TO SUE THE GESTAPO IN THIS COUNTRY AND GET OUR ANIMALS BACK! 🚫 🐷 TRISTA4SHERIFF 🎉 IN THIS PODCAST: stories of #diogenes! "BEHOLD, A MAN!" 😆 #DEFUNDTHEPOLICE 🚫 🐷 Grievance politics
    This is what you get when your justice system doesn't do their damn job to lock up all the insurrectionist traitors in the Congress!

    This is what happens when you don't indict Fox executives and hosts for lying to the public and inciting violence and being part of the January 6th insurrection! Fox should have been shut down or fined out of existence for their role in the January 6th insurrection
    Greg Abbott and Rhonda Satan should both be arrested and charged with 43 + counts of human trafficking remember those Venezuelan asylum seekers they dumped in front of the vice president's house? That's a f* crime! They must both be arrested and removed from office as being UNFIT! We should also send Greg Abbott to the Hague, the international criminal court for his barbed wire death traps are a crime against humanity SHAME ON YOU! Fn 3vil man!!! Heartless & cruel!!! AND SHAME ON FOX SO-CALLED NEWS PROPPING UP THESE CRIMINALS ! Fox contributors and hosts and executives should have been charged as co-conspirators in the January 6th insurrection Y'ALL ARE NO PATRIOTS!!! And you better hope I don't become president because we are going to boot Rupert Murdoch 👢🥾👢🥾👢🥾👢🥾
    Obviously staged but good job Democrats on staging your events better! You've been super lousy until this clip, according to what I've seen. But anyway Brandon you need to step down! You are too weak of a candidate and we cannot risk a diaper Donald 2.0 regime. Please do it for your country old man, and step aside and let someone like Gavin newsom and AOC and many other candidates who are better qualified than you! Especially after you dragged us into g3
    nocide shame on you old man 👞 DROPOUT JOE! TRISTA4PREZ 🎉

    He should go to prison for the rest of his life for what he did to this country, IS AN UNINDICTED T3RRORIST, TRA8OR AND MASS MURDERER prove me wrong you cannot #TRUMPVIRUS a million Americans are dead now because of him. How can he not be already locked up when he tried to assassinate the vice president and have speaker?????????? What the hell is wrong with the justice department 7 hours of silence from the White House on January 6th! Diaper Donald still has countless classified documents in his possession and the justice department has done nothing about that why not????? Aren't the rest of our national secrets important enough to Merrick Garland and Jack Smith????? HE HAS NO SHAME! SHAME ON YOU DONALD JACKASS TRUMP drop out of the race resign and face defeat and prison for the rest of your life
    Lock them all up! If I were Biden I would have booted Rupert Murdoch from US airwaves and made sure that fox executives and anchors were tried as co-conspirators in the January 6th insurrection! Fox News should have been fined heavily for lying to the public and in being a part of seditious plot
    If Ibiden don't step down we might get stuck with fascist dictator because he is such a weak candidate. He is too corrupt! If America were smart, and it's not! It would call to reopen nominations because neither candidate is fit to run for president

    • 59 min

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