Выпусков: 53

Conversations about finding success in the world while creating a life of peace, prosperity, happiness and fulfillment.

The Inner Entrepreneur Paul Ryan

    • Бизнес

Conversations about finding success in the world while creating a life of peace, prosperity, happiness and fulfillment.

    7 Habits That Are Keeping You Poor: EP 53

    7 Habits That Are Keeping You Poor: EP 53

    Title: 7 Habits That Are Keeping You Poor 
    Host: Paul Ryan
    Episode Summary: In this episode, Paul Ryan delves into the seven reasons why many people aren't wealthy. He emphasizes the importance of understanding both the strategies to become wealthy and the obstacles that prevent wealth accumulation. Through personal anecdotes and insightful observations, Paul explores the mindset and practical steps necessary for achieving financial success.
    Key Points:
    Understanding the Importance of Values:
    Statistics: 50% of Americans consider themselves broke, 82% feel they don't have enough money, and 92% lack funds for essential expenses.
    Core Insight: Wealth needs to be high on your personal values list. Most people value nice things over accumulating wealth, which hinders their financial growth.

    Personal Stories and Beliefs:
    Negative Programming: Many people inherit negative beliefs about money from their upbringing, which affects their ability to accumulate wealth.
    Reprogramming: Surround yourself with positive information about wealth and immerse yourself in an environment that supports financial education and positive beliefs.

    Defining Wealth:
    Personal Definition: It's crucial to define what wealth means to you personally, rather than chasing someone else's version of wealth.
    Realistic Goals: Understanding your own version of a rich life helps create achievable goals and maintain motivation.

    Having a Plan:
    Specific Plan: Once you define wealth, create a clear plan to achieve it. This might involve consulting a financial advisor and setting specific targets.
    Tracking Progress: Regularly monitor and adjust your plan to stay on track.

    Long-term View: Wealth accumulation is typically a slow process that requires patience and consistent effort.
    Avoiding Get-Rich-Quick Schemes: Quick fixes are often misleading. Sustainable wealth is built over time.

    Action Steps:
    Evaluate Values: Assess and potentially shift your values to prioritize wealth accumulation.
    Rewrite Personal Stories: Identify and challenge negative beliefs about money.
    Define Your Wealth: Clarify what wealth means to you and set realistic, personal goals.
    Develop a Plan: Create a detailed financial plan and consult with experts if necessary.
    Practice Patience: Embrace the long-term journey towards financial success and avoid shortcuts.
    Personal Anecdote: Paul shares his experience of deciding not to purchase a new luxury car, despite being able to afford it, in favor of investing in appreciating assets. This decision highlights the difference between valuing nice things and valuing financial growth.
    Resources Mentioned:
    Scott Galloway's insights on wealth obsession
    Charlie Munger's "Poor Charlie's Almanac"
    Financial advisors and budgeting tools
    Conclusion: Understanding and addressing the reasons behind the lack of wealth is as important as knowing the strategies to build wealth. By aligning your values, beliefs, and actions towards financial growth, you can overcome the barriers and achieve lasting wealth.
    Contact Information: For more insights and episodes, visit [Inner Entrepreneur Podcast Website] or follow us on [Social Media Links].
    About the host:
    Paul Ryan is an entrepreneur. business owner and an eternal student of life. As a CEO, Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.
    Paul avidly consumes books, courses and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 26 мин.
    How To Build Unshakeable Confidence Now: EP 52

    How To Build Unshakeable Confidence Now: EP 52

    How To Build Unshakable Self-Confidence: Practical Steps and Strategies
    In this episode of the Entrepreneur Podcast, host Paul Ryan delves into the crucial topic of building self-confidence. He outlines the key elements that influence confidence, including genetic predisposition, parental influence, and self-developed skills.
    Paul emphasizes that while we can't control our genetic makeup or upbringing, we can significantly impact our self-confidence through deliberate practice and overcoming challenges. He details specific strategies for boosting confidence, such as setting and achieving small goals, positive self-talk, and surrounding oneself with supportive people.
    Paul also shares personal anecdotes, including a rock-climbing experience, to illustrate the power of facing fears and persisting through setbacks. He encourages listeners to view confidence as a skill that can be developed with consistent effort and determination, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.
    00:00 Introduction to Self Confidence
    00:39 Defining Self Confidence
    01:07 Elements of Confidence
    03:03 Building Confidence Through Challenges
    04:44 Overcoming Major Life Challenges
    05:21 The Importance of Small Wins
    09:33 The Role of Self Talk
    11:18 Creating a Positive Environment
    14:25 Personal Story: Overcoming Fear
    17:51 Choosing the Right Perspective
    19:53 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 20 мин.
    Slay Your Energy Vampires: Tools for Dealing With Toxic People: EP 51

    Slay Your Energy Vampires: Tools for Dealing With Toxic People: EP 51

    How to Identify and Manage Energy Vampires
    In this episode of the Inner Entrepreneur Podcast, host Paul Ryan discusses 'energy vampires'—people who drain your energy. Paul explains how to recognize different types of energy vampires and offers strategies for managing your interactions with them.
    Paul emphasizes the importance of protecting your own energy, highlights the difference between temporary and permanent energy vampires, and shares practical advice on how to keep your conversations closed to avoid giving energy vampires an opening. Paul also advises setting clear boundaries and offers specific tactics to help you conserve your energy for building the best life for yourself.
    00:00 Introduction to Energy Vampires
    00:19 Recognizing Energy Vampires
    01:16 Temporary vs. Permanent Energy Vampires
    04:20 Dealing with Energy Vampires
    08:40 Prioritizing Your Wellbeing
    11:22 Setting Boundaries and Offering Solutions
    15:48 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    16:34 Subscribe and Support
    About the host:
    Paul Ryan is an entrepreneur, business owner and an eternal student of life. As a CEO Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.
    Paul avidly consumes books, courses, and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 16 мин.
    Reduce Stress Now: Simple Tools for Managing Stress and Anxiety: Ep 50

    Reduce Stress Now: Simple Tools for Managing Stress and Anxiety: Ep 50

    Reduce Stress Now: Simple Tools for Managing Stress and Anxiety
    In this episode of the Inner Entrepreneur podcast, host Paul Ryan discusses the pervasive issue of stress in modern life and offers practical solutions to manage and reduce it. He categorizes these solutions into two main sections: long-term lifestyle changes and immediate, quick-fix tools.
    Ryan emphasizes the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, incorporating daily exercise, practicing meditation, journaling, talking to a trusted person, consuming healthy food, and taking control of one's schedule. He also provides short-term strategies such as specific breathing techniques, taking walks, inducing laughter, and relaxing baths to alleviate stress.
    Tune in to learn how to build resilience and create a more peaceful life.
    00:00 Introduction to Stress Management
    00:51 Understanding Stress and Its Impact
    01:57 Positive vs Negative Stress
    03:00 Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Stress Management
    03:36 The Importance of Sleep
    05:07 Daily Exercise for Stress Relief
    06:01 Meditation: A Powerful Tool
    08:42 The Benefits of Journaling
    09:57 Talking to Someone
    11:53 Healthy Eating for Mental Well-being
    13:49 Taking Control of Your Time
    16:15 Quick Fix Tools for Immediate Stress Relief
    16:55 Breathing Techniques
    20:49 Exercise Breaks
    22:29 The Power of Laughter
    23:06 Relaxing Evening Routine
    24:45 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 22 мин.
    This Is The Truth About Being Rich and Spiritual: EP 49

    This Is The Truth About Being Rich and Spiritual: EP 49

    Can You Be Rich and Spiritual?
    In this episode of the Inner Entrepreneur Podcast, host Paul Ryan discusses the widely held beliefs that oppose wealth and spirituality, examining the stereotypes of wealthy individuals as miserly and spiritual individuals as poor.
    Drawing upon personal experiences, Ryan explores the conflict between pursuing material success and spiritual fulfilment. He shares a transformative moment of clarity symbolized by a flagpole, illustrating the balance needed between both pursuits.
    Ryan emphasizes that true spirituality involves self-realization and following one's inner calling, which can include wealth creation. He encourages listeners to challenge limiting beliefs and pursue a life true to their highest personal values.
    00:00 Introduction to Wealth and Spirituality
    00:43 Challenging Common Beliefs
    02:12 Personal Journey and Struggles
    06:21 The Flagpole Realization
    08:55 Embracing Duality
    15:08 Final Thoughts and Call to Action
    About the host:
    Paul Ryan is an entrepreneur. business owner and an eternal student of life. As CEO a thriving distribution business, Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.
    Paul avidly consumes books, courses and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 15 мин.
    Stop These 4 Things If You Want A Happier Life : EP 48

    Stop These 4 Things If You Want A Happier Life : EP 48

    Four Habits to Stop for a Happier Life
    In this episode of the Entrepreneur Podcast, Paul Ryan discusses the four habits you need to stop to achieve true happiness.
    The episode focuses on eliminating worries about others' opinions, stopping the focus on undesired aspects of life, curbing negative self-talk, and ceasing to be a people-pleaser.
    Paul provides actionable insights on becoming aware of and changing these destructive habits, encouraging listeners to focus on creating a life that brings them joy and fulfilment.
    Tune in to learn how to break these patterns and start living your best life.
    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
    00:22 Stop Worrying About Others' Opinions
    04:38 Stop Focusing on What You Don't Want
    06:32 Stop Negative Self-Talk
    09:07 Stop Trying to Please Everyone
    10:48 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
    About the host:
    Paul Ryan is an entrepreneur. business owner and an eternal student of life. As CEO a thriving distribution business, Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.
    Paul avidly consumes books, courses and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.
    Connect with the host:
    Website: Pauljryan.net
    Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/
    Paul's X:  https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites

    • 11 мин.

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