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Tools, tips and techniques to take you from where you are to where you want to be (even if you don’t know where that is yet).

The Live Into Your Best Life Podcast Paulie Skaja

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Tools, tips and techniques to take you from where you are to where you want to be (even if you don’t know where that is yet).

    Unlocking Leadership Potential: Embracing a Growth Mindset for Success

    Unlocking Leadership Potential: Embracing a Growth Mindset for Success

    Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 
    Welcome back to another inspiring episode of Live Into Your Best Life with Paulie Skaja! In today's episode, Paulie delves into the intriguing concepts of fixed and growth mindsets, shedding light on their nuances and implications for various aspects of our lives.
    Paulie begins by clarifying that a fixed mindset and a growth mindset are not inherently good or bad. It's crucial to recognize that everyone may exhibit a mix of both mindsets in different areas of their life. The key is to understand where these mindsets serve us and where they might hold us back.
    Paulie highly recommends the book Mindset by Carol Dweck, which offers valuable insights into the fixed versus growth mindset debate. This book has been a cornerstone in Paulie's coaching, especially in leadership and executive development, providing practical advice on when and how to adopt a growth mindset.
    Paulie shares her passion for leadership coaching, emphasizing the importance of a growth mindset in effective leadership. Leaders often rise to their positions based on past performance, but transitioning to a leadership role requires a shift from managing tasks to empowering people. Paulie underscores the importance of self-awareness and the willingness to delegate and develop others as critical components of a growth-oriented leadership style.
    A key aspect of fostering a growth mindset is learning to empower others. Paulie advises leaders to ask open-ended questions that encourage team members to find their solutions, which can lead to innovative outcomes and personal growth. By letting go of the need to control everything, leaders can build a more capable and confident team.
    Paulie offers practical tips for those looking to shift from a fixed to a growth mindset. It starts with self-reflection—understanding where you currently stand and where you want to go. By becoming aware of your thought patterns and how they influence your actions, you can begin to make conscious shifts towards a more growth-oriented approach.
    In personal relationships, Paulie stresses the importance of understanding your values and setting boundaries. Recognizing that others may have different values and learning to navigate these differences with a growth mindset can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
    Paulie encourages listeners to reflect on various areas of their life—health, business, relationships, spirituality—and assess whether they are operating with a fixed or growth mindset. Professionals in fields like coaching, wellness, and change management often adopt a growth mindset, continually looking to help others reach their potential.
    Paulie wraps up the episode with actionable steps: Take time to reflect on whether you are living with a fixed or growth mindset in different areas of your life. Pay attention to your communication, both verbal and written. Are your responses growth-oriented or limiting? Gradually shift your mindset towards one that embraces possibilities and solutions.
    Paulie invites listeners to engage with the podcast. If you enjoy the content, subscribe and rate the show five stars. Share the podcast with friends who might benefit from the insights. Leave comments or feedback for future episodes.
    Join Paulie Skaja in exploring how a growth mindset can transform your life and help you live into your best self. Until next time, embrace the journey and live into your best life!

    • 22 мин.
    Unlock Your Potential: Transform Your Mindset and Live Into Your Best Life

    Unlock Your Potential: Transform Your Mindset and Live Into Your Best Life

    Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 
    Welcome to another empowering episode of Live Into Your Best Life with your host, Paulie Skaja. Today, let's embark on a journey of transformation and possibility, as we explore the profound impact of shifting our perspective towards a mindset of belief and action.
    Imagine for a moment that you possess the power to achieve anything you desire. What if you could truly believe that the best outcomes are within your reach? As Paulie reminds us, our beliefs shape our reality – what we focus on, we attract.
    But what if, instead of harboring doubts and self-limiting beliefs, we chose to believe in our ability to succeed? What if we took consistent action towards our goals, trusting in our worthiness to attain them?
    Like a scientist conducting an experiment, we can set hypotheses for our lives and measure our progress along the way. Just as tracking daily steps can lead to improved health, tracking our actions and their outcomes can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
    Yet, patience and consistency are key on this journey. Progress may be gradual, but each small step forward brings us closer to our desired destination.
    As we navigate this path, we must remain vigilant for signs of progress – tangible evidence that our efforts are bearing fruit. Whether it's noticing changes in our physical well-being or receiving recognition from others, these signs affirm that we are on the right track.
    And when discomfort arises – as it inevitably does when we step outside our comfort zones – we must discern whether it signifies growth or resistance to change. By embracing discomfort as a sign of growth, we can move forward with confidence and resilience.
    So, dear listeners, let's commit to tracking our progress, whether through journaling or using apps, and celebrate each milestone along the way. Together, let's live into our best lives, one step at a time.
    Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and share this podcast with your loved ones. Join us on this adventure of personal growth and discovery, and remember to enjoy the journey every step of the way. Until next time, take care and be well.
    #PersonalGrowth #BelieveInYourself #ProgressNotPerfection #LiveYourBestLife

    • 7 мин.
    Unlocking Career Fulfillment: Navigating Change and Embracing Authentic Connections

    Unlocking Career Fulfillment: Navigating Change and Embracing Authentic Connections

    Special Guest Chris Christensen
    Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 
    In this episode, Paulie Skaja engages in a profound conversation with Chris Christensen, Director of Sales at an assisted living company. Together, they explore Chris's journey of self-discovery and the transformative power of networking in shaping his career path.
    Chris opens up about his upbringing, deeply influenced by his mother's gregarious nature and his storytelling grandparents. From an early age, Chris found joy in connecting with people and understanding their stories, laying the foundation for his future in networking and relationship-building.
    After a decade in construction, Chris realized the limitations of physical labor and sought a career path that aligned with his passion for interpersonal connections. Networking became his guiding light, helping him transition into sales, where he could leverage his natural inclination towards advising and supporting clients.
    Reflecting on his childhood love for sports and his affinity for seniors, Chris found profound fulfillment in serving the elderly, honoring the wisdom passed down by his grandparents. Despite initial hesitations, he embraced change and trusted his intuition, ultimately finding his calling in the assisted living industry.
    Throughout the conversation, Chris emphasizes the importance of active listening, storytelling, and authentic human connection. He encourages listeners to trust their instincts, embrace vulnerability, and keep moving forward on their journey towards fulfillment.
    In closing, Paulie and Chris invite listeners to reflect on their passions, connections, and instincts, urging them to live into their best lives with courage and authenticity. If you resonated with Chris's journey and insights, be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe to the podcast for more inspirational episodes. Until next time, remember to live into your best life and enjoy the adventure!

    • 29 мин.
    Transform Your Life: Achieve Personal Growth with Honesty, Visualization, and Micro Wins

    Transform Your Life: Achieve Personal Growth with Honesty, Visualization, and Micro Wins

    Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 
    In this episode of Live Into Your Best Life, host Paulie Skaja delves into the transformative power of taking control of your life and setting clear, meaningful goals. She underscores the importance of being honest with yourself about your current situation and where you want to be. By reflecting on your circumstances without judgment, you can pinpoint the changes needed to reach your desired future. Paulie encourages listeners to visualize their ideal life in vivid detail, considering what it looks like, feels like, and who they are engaging with, to make that vision more tangible.
    Paulie discusses the significance of micro wins and consistent progress, noting that small, daily actions can lead to significant improvements over time. She shares personal experiences, such as choosing healthier food options and recovering from surgery, to illustrate how celebrating small victories and working with health professionals can enhance health and well-being.
    The episode also emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and understanding why they matter. For Paulie, reclaiming her health is crucial to being an active grandparent and enjoying activities like playing with her grandchildren. She highlights the need to stay committed to these goals despite external pressures and the challenges of changing habits.
    Paulie offers insights on the mindset needed for success, using an analogy from James Clear’s Atomic Habits to show how shifting your identity can influence your behavior. She encourages listeners to think about how they present their goals and to adopt the mindset of already being the person they aspire to become.
    Throughout the episode, Paulie emphasizes that the journey to living your best life is a continuous process of reflection, action, and adaptation. She reminds listeners that it’s okay to pivot and change direction if necessary and that the journey involves making consistent, small improvements that accumulate over time. By embracing this mindset and celebrating every step forward, listeners can make meaningful progress toward their goals and live into their best lives.
    Paulie concludes by encouraging her audience to subscribe, share the podcast, and engage with the content to help raise its visibility and support others on their journey.

    • 14 мин.
    Discovering Career Joy: A Conversation with my mom

    Discovering Career Joy: A Conversation with my mom

    In this episode of "Live Into Your Best Life," host Paulie Skaja shares a touching conversation with her mother, Claudia Skaja. Recorded during the writing of Paulie's book, the conversation captures Claudia's journey through various jobs, from babysitting to working in electronics companies.
    Claudia reflects on the changing nature of work and the importance of staying relevant in a world increasingly influenced by technology. She emphasizes the value of pursuing work that brings joy and aligns with personal passions, drawing inspiration from her own experiences sewing doll clothes as a child.
    Through Claudia's anecdotes and insights, listeners are encouraged to consider their own interests and how they can shape their career paths. Paulie highlights key takeaways, urging listeners to reflect on their passions and seek fulfilling work.
    Tune in to "Live Into Your Best Life" for more insightful conversations and practical tips on unlocking your potential and living your best life. 
    Paulie's formula for moving forward in life. Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 

    • 27 мин.
    Unlocking Your Potential

    Unlocking Your Potential

    Free giveaway https://www.paulieskaja.com/opt-in 
    In this episode of "Live Into Your Best Life," host Paulie Skaja sits down with her son Taylor Bell, a dynamic individual with a fascinating journey to share. Taylor, in his twenties and on the path to finding his true calling, recounts his experiences and insights, offering valuable lessons for listeners.
    From the outset, Paulie highlights Taylor's unique approach to life, emphasizing his fearlessness in pursuing his passions and carving his own path. Taylor's journey began with a diverse range of interests, including graphic design, computer programming, and game development. However, he encountered setbacks, such as struggling with calculus in college, which led him to pivot and explore new avenues.
    Despite facing uncertainty and challenges, Taylor remained resilient, seizing opportunities to learn and grow. He delved into cryptography, discovering a passion for puzzle-solving and cybersecurity. Taylor's pursuit of knowledge took him through various experiences, from freelance graphic design to warehouse work, until he found his footing in data engineering.
    Throughout his journey, Taylor emphasizes the importance of perseverance and adaptability. He underscores the value of following one's curiosity and embracing opportunities for growth, even if they deviate from the conventional path. Taylor's story serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the endless possibilities that unfold when one dares to chase their dreams.
    In addition to sharing his personal journey, Taylor offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of education and career development. He discusses the significance of certifications and practical training programs in gaining relevant skills, emphasizing the importance of understanding the fundamentals rather than simply seeking shortcuts.
    One highlight of Taylor's journey is his involvement in the Barriers to Entry program, where he not only excelled as a top performer but also took on leadership roles, mentoring others and shaping curriculum. His dedication and leadership qualities led to further opportunities, both within the program and in his current role as a data engineer.
    Taylor also sheds light on the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education and career advancement. He shares a cautionary tale of individuals attempting to cheat their way through technical interviews using AI-generated solutions, underscoring the importance of genuine learning and understanding.
    Throughout the conversation, Paulie and Taylor emphasize the transformative power of imagination, action, and continuous learning. They encourage listeners to embrace their passions, navigate challenges with resilience, and forge their own paths toward fulfillment and success.
    As the episode draws to a close, Paulie reflects on Taylor's journey and the valuable lessons gleaned from his experiences. She reiterates the importance of enjoying the journey, embracing each moment, and living into one's best life. With Taylor's inspiring story as a guide, listeners are encouraged to embark on their own quests for self-discovery and growth.

    • 33 мин.

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