Выпусков: 197

Each class covers one letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe's "Iggros Kodesh", and then delves into the background and context of the letter, with historical documents, contemporary writings, and analyses of Jewish law and Hasidic philosophy.

Shiurim are delivered live via Zoom Mon-Thurs in the middle of the work day, as part of the BMML "Chassidic Lunchbreak" initiative. Season 1: Recorded in 2023, focusing on letters written fifty years earlier in 1973 (Iggros Kodesh Volume 28). Season 2: Recorded in 2024, focusing on letters written fifty years earlier in 1974 (Volume 29) Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

The Rebbe's Letters Yechiel Krisch

    • Религия и духовность

Each class covers one letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe's "Iggros Kodesh", and then delves into the background and context of the letter, with historical documents, contemporary writings, and analyses of Jewish law and Hasidic philosophy.

Shiurim are delivered live via Zoom Mon-Thurs in the middle of the work day, as part of the BMML "Chassidic Lunchbreak" initiative. Season 1: Recorded in 2023, focusing on letters written fifty years earlier in 1973 (Iggros Kodesh Volume 28). Season 2: Recorded in 2024, focusing on letters written fifty years earlier in 1974 (Volume 29) Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    When it's too hot to wear Tzitzis

    When it's too hot to wear Tzitzis

    The Rebbe responds to a question about wearing Tzitzis in a dirty workplace, which leads to a discussion of whether men should be wearing a Tallis Katan while playing sports, working out, or boiling in the heat of summer. We end with a Sicha, and the overall implications for Tznius and strict Halachic adherence in the summer months.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 24 мин.
    Prayer and G-d in Public Schools

    Prayer and G-d in Public Schools

    The Rebbe believes in the power of the public school system to civilize the nations of the world, but recognizes the shortcomings of the system. In these letters and Sichos, he highlights some of the biggest issues and strongly advocates prayer, G-d, and morality in public school classrooms.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 26 мин.
    The U.S. Department of Education

    The U.S. Department of Education

    The Rebbe strongly supported (and according to some Washington insiders, was instrumental in founding) the U.S. Department of Education. Today we look at letters and Sichos in which the Rebbe supports the creation of a federal Department of Education, and begin to explore the Rebbe's position on the importance of strong public schools.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 22 мин.
    How to celebrate your Birthday

    How to celebrate your Birthday

    Guidance from the Rebbe on how to celebrate a birthday, with a handful of surprising letters about specific practices.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 19 мин.
    Shavuos & International Dateline (5783)

    Shavuos & International Dateline (5783)

    In honor of Shavuos, please enjoy this episode from last year (5783). In this special episode, we departed from our usual 1973 letter repertoire to discuss several letters about the international dateline—specifically focusing on how the Rebbe wanted those who traveled to/from Australia during Sefiras HaOmer to celebrate Shavuos.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 23 мин.
    Dealing with Anti-Semitic Politicians

    Dealing with Anti-Semitic Politicians

    The Rebbe's approach to dealing with world leaders who oppose Israeli and Jewish interests, in letters and Sichos.


    Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

    • 24 мин.

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