9 мин.

Today in the news: Russian Gov't Targets Domestic Software by 2025, Alfa Capital Management Sues Euroclear, Electronics Labeling Opposed, Border Alerts, Car Shortage Eases Учим английский по новостям

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News 1:
The Ministry of Digital Development has prepared a bill according to which the government and the Central Bank will be able to determine a list of critical information infrastructure objects - from 2025 they will have to switch to Russian software.

News 2:
Alfa Capital Management Company files a claim in the Moscow Arbitration Court against Euroclear for 248 billion rubles. The company requires the international depository to unblock client assets, as well as pay accumulated coupons and dividends.

News 3:
The Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers of Electrical and Computer Equipment proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade abandon the idea of labeling consumer electronics, since the Russian market is “sufficiently legal” not to take additional measures against counterfeit goods.

News 4:
Russians began receiving notices on the border with Estonia warning that the Russian-Estonian border could be closed at any time due to “migration pressure.” The same information is posted on the website of the Estonian Border Guard.

News 5:
The Russian Automobile Dealers association said that the shortage of passenger cars on the Russian market has “globally passed”: first, the establishment of a parallel import mechanism helped, and then the influx of Chinese brands.

Четырнадцатый выпуск сезона №2. Слушайте и прокачивайте свой английский.
Поддержите меня, если вам нравится то, что я делаю: https://boosty.to/english117/donate

News 1:
The Ministry of Digital Development has prepared a bill according to which the government and the Central Bank will be able to determine a list of critical information infrastructure objects - from 2025 they will have to switch to Russian software.

News 2:
Alfa Capital Management Company files a claim in the Moscow Arbitration Court against Euroclear for 248 billion rubles. The company requires the international depository to unblock client assets, as well as pay accumulated coupons and dividends.

News 3:
The Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers of Electrical and Computer Equipment proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade abandon the idea of labeling consumer electronics, since the Russian market is “sufficiently legal” not to take additional measures against counterfeit goods.

News 4:
Russians began receiving notices on the border with Estonia warning that the Russian-Estonian border could be closed at any time due to “migration pressure.” The same information is posted on the website of the Estonian Border Guard.

News 5:
The Russian Automobile Dealers association said that the shortage of passenger cars on the Russian market has “globally passed”: first, the establishment of a parallel import mechanism helped, and then the influx of Chinese brands.

9 мин.