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Worship: It's What We Do Part 3 | Chris Gregg First Christian Church of Brazil Indiana Sermons

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It's What We Do: Why Worship Matters
The Stakes are high. Why?
Because worship is what God is all about.
Worship should matter to you because it matters to God.
Because worship is what God is all about.
Worship doesn’t begin with us, it begins and ends with God.
God is the center of everything that exists.
He is above all the little gods of earth.
He alone is the Creator. Sustainer. Originator. Life Giver. Beauty Maker.
God’s Word affirms that God dwells in endless praise.
They were created to give God glory and praise!
What’s really crazy?
This God, who has never known any shortage of worship, wants to be worshiped by you.
God doesn’t need any more worship to be worthy. Why?
God knows who He is.
God knows what He’s worth.
God knows the best thing He can give us is Himself.
God is not an egotist seeking more than He deserves from us.
He is God, choosing, in worship, to reward us with Himself.
Don’t waste your worship.
Worship should matter to you because you are and always will be a worshiper.
We are created to worship, therefore we need to make sure the thing we declare to be of greatest value is really worthy in the long run.
You only have one life, and it’s imperative that you find an object worthy of your affection, worship.
Guard your worship.... and evaluate all potential takers.
Enjoying the things that God has made is not a sin, but when we elevate any of these to the highest place in our hearts, we’ve gone too far and cheated both God and ourselves.
Every day there is a battle for your worship.
Satan having been in God’s presence knows God is central and worthy of all praise.
Satan, because of pride, he couldn’t bow, and now leads a band of fallen angels spreading his mutiny to as many as he can.
How does Satan advance his rebellion against God today?
“to exchange the truth of God for a lie” to serve the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
Paul at the Areopagus
“Areopagus” after Ares, the Greek god of war.
Where did God choose for Paul to give his address on the real meaning of life?
In the very arena where opinions battled, and war was waged daily to shape the philosophical foundation of man’s existence.
Satan, the very fallen angel who challenged God, will challenge what God is saying to you.
“I didn’t start this war of worship, and I don’t care to be in it. I just want to live my life, make my own choices, and do my own thing.” This is not an option.
The reason why this is not an option is because our very lives are on loan from God, a sacred trust of opportunities and decisions.
We bear the very likeness of the Worthy One, every one of our choices is made on a battlefield with heavenly ramifications.
Jesus faced the same battle.
Jesus’ wilderness challenge: 40 days and nights
Your worship matters to God.
Important: Whatever you worship, you imitate. Whatever you imitate, you become.
Why be careful what you choose to worship?
Whatever you worship, you become.
Whatever you worship, you become obsessed with.
Whatever you value most, will ultimately determine who you are.

It's What We Do: Why Worship Matters
The Stakes are high. Why?
Because worship is what God is all about.
Worship should matter to you because it matters to God.
Because worship is what God is all about.
Worship doesn’t begin with us, it begins and ends with God.
God is the center of everything that exists.
He is above all the little gods of earth.
He alone is the Creator. Sustainer. Originator. Life Giver. Beauty Maker.
God’s Word affirms that God dwells in endless praise.
They were created to give God glory and praise!
What’s really crazy?
This God, who has never known any shortage of worship, wants to be worshiped by you.
God doesn’t need any more worship to be worthy. Why?
God knows who He is.
God knows what He’s worth.
God knows the best thing He can give us is Himself.
God is not an egotist seeking more than He deserves from us.
He is God, choosing, in worship, to reward us with Himself.
Don’t waste your worship.
Worship should matter to you because you are and always will be a worshiper.
We are created to worship, therefore we need to make sure the thing we declare to be of greatest value is really worthy in the long run.
You only have one life, and it’s imperative that you find an object worthy of your affection, worship.
Guard your worship.... and evaluate all potential takers.
Enjoying the things that God has made is not a sin, but when we elevate any of these to the highest place in our hearts, we’ve gone too far and cheated both God and ourselves.
Every day there is a battle for your worship.
Satan having been in God’s presence knows God is central and worthy of all praise.
Satan, because of pride, he couldn’t bow, and now leads a band of fallen angels spreading his mutiny to as many as he can.
How does Satan advance his rebellion against God today?
“to exchange the truth of God for a lie” to serve the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
Paul at the Areopagus
“Areopagus” after Ares, the Greek god of war.
Where did God choose for Paul to give his address on the real meaning of life?
In the very arena where opinions battled, and war was waged daily to shape the philosophical foundation of man’s existence.
Satan, the very fallen angel who challenged God, will challenge what God is saying to you.
“I didn’t start this war of worship, and I don’t care to be in it. I just want to live my life, make my own choices, and do my own thing.” This is not an option.
The reason why this is not an option is because our very lives are on loan from God, a sacred trust of opportunities and decisions.
We bear the very likeness of the Worthy One, every one of our choices is made on a battlefield with heavenly ramifications.
Jesus faced the same battle.
Jesus’ wilderness challenge: 40 days and nights
Your worship matters to God.
Important: Whatever you worship, you imitate. Whatever you imitate, you become.
Why be careful what you choose to worship?
Whatever you worship, you become.
Whatever you worship, you become obsessed with.
Whatever you value most, will ultimately determine who you are.

25 мин.