294 episodes

Looking for Christian Counsel on Money Matters?
This podcast provides Christian Stewards like you with professional insights about creating a Financial Plan and strengthening your bond with God, all from a biblical perspective.
Each episode is based on current news events and insights around the 4 pillars of Christian Investing:
-Debt Management
- Investing and
-Estate Planning/Family Dynamics
The host, A.B. Ridgeway, MBA, CPWA®️ is a Certified Private Wealth Advisor professional, who has served over a decade as a financial advisor and is the owner and Chief Compliance Officer of A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management, LLC.
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Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things A.B. Ridgeway

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Looking for Christian Counsel on Money Matters?
This podcast provides Christian Stewards like you with professional insights about creating a Financial Plan and strengthening your bond with God, all from a biblical perspective.
Each episode is based on current news events and insights around the 4 pillars of Christian Investing:
-Debt Management
- Investing and
-Estate Planning/Family Dynamics
The host, A.B. Ridgeway, MBA, CPWA®️ is a Certified Private Wealth Advisor professional, who has served over a decade as a financial advisor and is the owner and Chief Compliance Officer of A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management, LLC.
Christian Financial Planning- Homepage
Our Services:
Free Christian finance consultation:

    How To Find Lost Money: Claiming Your Unclaimed Property

    How To Find Lost Money: Claiming Your Unclaimed Property

    With billions of dollars sitting unclaimed in state treasuries, you could be missing out on money that rightfully belongs to you. On this episode, I break down the process of finding and claiming this money and offering practical steps to ensure you're not leaving any of your financial assets behind. Tune in to learn how to secure your financial future and recover what’s yours.
    Key Takeaways:
    Understanding Unclaimed Property: Unclaimed property refers to money or assets owed to you by businesses, financial institutions, or the government that you haven't collected. This can include forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, or insurance refunds. Knowing how to search for and claim this property can significantly enhance your financial well-being.State-Specific Searches: Each state in the U.S. has its own unclaimed property website. If you've lived in multiple states, it's crucial to check each one. Be wary of scams; always look for official government websites with ".gov" extensions to ensure you're accessing legitimate information.Simple Claiming Process: Claiming your unclaimed property is straightforward. Start by searching your state's unclaimed property website, entering your personal information, and following the verification steps. Documentation to prove your identity and address will be required, but the process is generally quick and user-friendly.Regular Checks Are Beneficial: Regularly checking for unclaimed property can be beneficial. Even small amounts like refunds from misspelled names or incorrect addresses can add up. Jimmy recommends making this a yearly habit to ensure you’re not missing out on any potential funds.Financial Planning Importance: Incorporating unclaimed property searches into your financial planning can reveal overlooked assets and prevent future losses. By understanding and managing your finances thoroughly, you can maximize your financial health and ensure you're not leaving money on the table.Quotes:
    "If a business, financial institution, or government owes you money that you did not collect, this is considered unclaimed money or property.""Each state has different URLs, but it should contain the state name or abbreviation with the extension G O V.""To claim your property is very simple. You enter your contact information like your name, address, birthday, social security number, and verify that it is actually you."For more detailed instructions and step-by-step guidance, visit our blog at:
    Claim Your Unclaimed Property: How To Find Your Money
    Make sure to share this episode with friends and family to help them reclaim their unclaimed property too!
    💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    📞 Have a question for the show? Email us at: aridgeway@abrwealthmanagement.com
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 6 min
    3 Things To Do To Prepare Your Family Financially Before Your Death

    3 Things To Do To Prepare Your Family Financially Before Your Death

    We all are going to die. But not all of us are preparing our families for it. And that is just sad. Because they need you to have your affairs in order. Or they will have to carry that burden on top of their already hard life, including losing someone so special to them.
    So preparing for death is not just spiritual, but also financial. Preparation can help to avoid leaving behind a legacy of chaos and conflict. Ridgeway shares a poignant story about a family torn apart due to lack of proper financial planning, highlighting the necessity of having an estate plan, medical directives, and appointing trustworthy executors.
    Importance of Estate PlanningEstate planning is crucial to avoid family disputes and ensure your wishes are respected. Without a clear plan, your family might face legal battles and emotional stress. Ridgeway's story of a family conflict underscores how a lack of preparation can lead to broken relationships.Medical Directives and End-of-Life DecisionsA medical directive is a vital component of an estate plan. It provides clear instructions on medical interventions in case of severe illness. This can prevent unnecessary stress and disagreements among family members during difficult times, ensuring that your medical wishes are honored.Appointing a Trustworthy ExecutorThe power of attorney ceases at death, making it essential to appoint an executor. This person will handle your estate according to your wishes. Ridgeway highlights that this role often falls to a spouse or close family member, but choosing the right person can prevent future conflicts and ensure smooth execution of your estate.Educating and Preparing SuccessorsPreparing your heirs to manage their inheritance is crucial. Ridgeway suggests educating them about financial management to avoid squandering the estate. This preparation helps ensure that your legacy is preserved and that your heirs are capable of handling their newfound responsibilities.Quotes
    "If you don't do these three things before you die, you may give birth to a generation of sin including lying, stealing, and even death.""Estate planning usually comes with what they call a medical directive. In that medical directive, you tell the doctors what to do in certain medical situations.""When you make someone a beneficiary, think about this: you don't have to notify them of the amount. You could just put them on the policy or bank account, but be careful because depending on the account and how they are listed, you may be giving them more assets than you feel comfortable with."💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    📞 Have a question for the show? Email us at: aridgeway@abrwealthmanagement.com
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 14 min
    The IRS wants to do the UNTHINKABLE with this $50 Billion Tax Loophole #284

    The IRS wants to do the UNTHINKABLE with this $50 Billion Tax Loophole #284

    Today we discuss the recent proposal by the US Treasury Department to close a major tax loophole for wealthy taxpayers, aiming to raise $50 billion over the next decade. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the true impact of such policies and the division they create among citizens. Ridgeway critiques the government's approach and encourages listeners to seek financial wisdom and unity in their Christian faith.
    Understanding Tax Loopholes:The US Treasury's proposal targets the practice of partnership bias shifting, where assets are moved among related parties to avoid taxes. This method has become common due to years of underfunding the IRS, resulting in less oversight of wealthy individuals. By closing this loophole, the government hopes to raise significant revenue, but it also highlights the imbalance in tax audits focused more on the average citizen.Division and Hierarchy:Drawing parallels with the Willie Lynch letter, Ridgeway discusses how division and hierarchy are used to control and manipulate. He warns against falling into the trap of viewing the wealthy as enemies and stresses that such divisions distract from addressing the real issues. Unity and understanding are key to overcoming these societal divides.Christian Perspective on Wealth:As Christians, Ridgeway urges listeners to consider how they view wealth and taxes. He emphasizes that being rich in spirit and righteous in action should be the focus, rather than harboring resentment towards the wealthy. Understanding and compassion are essential in navigating financial and social issues.Taking Advantage of Legal Tax Strategies:Ridgeway highlights the importance of utilizing legal tax strategies, such as contributing to IRAs and 401(k)s, to reduce taxable income and save money. These strategies are available to everyone, not just the wealthy. He encourages listeners to educate themselves or consult professionals to maximize their financial benefits and ensure they are not unfairly burdened by taxes.Quotes
    "The government wants you to believe the wealthy are the enemy, but in reality, the real issue is how the government misappropriates the taxes they collect.""We are in an era of tribalism where if you are not like us, you are the enemy. And I am pretty much sick of it.""As Christians, we need to focus on being rich in spirit and righteous in action. There is only one side that matters—God's side."💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    Next Steps
    📞 Have a question for the show? Email us at: aridgeway@abrwealthmanagement.com
    🏠 Visit our Website: https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 13 min
    "If I die before I wake"- Why you shouldn't die without a Will? (LIVE) #283

    "If I die before I wake"- Why you shouldn't die without a Will? (LIVE) #283

    In this episode, host AB Ridgway shares a personal story about his childhood fear surrounding the bedtime prayer "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep," leading to an important discussion on the importance of financial planning and the legacy we leave behind.
    Key Takeaways:
    The Power of Instructions: Instructions are essential in various aspects of life, from taking care of a wound to managing finances. Just like how medical professionals provide care instructions post-surgery, individuals must leave clear financial instructions to ensure their loved ones are well taken care of in their absence.Facing the Reality of Death: Ridgway emphasizes that death is an inevitable reality that we must prepare for. Avoiding the topic does not mitigate its impact. Instead, planning for it by leaving clear financial instructions can provide peace of mind and stability for our families.The Importance of Financial Instructions: Writing down financial instructions is crucial. Ridgway advises against recording sensitive details like account numbers in insecure locations. Instead, he suggests creating a framework of financial wishes and storing it securely, ensuring that those left behind can access and execute these plans effectively.Consequences of Neglecting Financial Planning: Ridgway shares a poignant story of a client who failed to update her beneficiaries, resulting in her son-in-law, whom she disliked, inheriting her estate. This example underscores the potential pitfalls and unintended consequences of neglecting to update and specify financial plans.Taking the First Step: Even simple instructions can have a significant impact. Ridgway illustrates how a few sentences outlining basic wishes can guide a financial advisor to create a comprehensive plan. This initial step is critical in ensuring that one’s financial legacy aligns with their intentions.Quotes:
    "Death is a reality that we all have to face, and we can't just put our heads under the covers and hope that we will be okay in the morning.""When you leave good instructions and have an executor follow those instructions as written, you will have more success."💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    Next Steps
    📞 Have a question for the show? Email us at: aridgeway@abrwealthmanagement.com
    🏦 Download our Free E-book- https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com/freechristianfinancebook
    🏠 Visit our Website: https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 17 min
    Free Christian Financial Planning Resources and New Website (#282)

    Free Christian Financial Planning Resources and New Website (#282)

    AB Ridgeway returns from a brief hiatus to share exciting updates and improvements to the podcast and website. He emphasizes the goal of the podcast: to teach listeners to be rich in spirit and righteous in action, regardless of their financial status.
    Ridgeway discusses the importance of making financial information easily accessible and announces new resources, such as blogs and downloadable financial planning tools.
    Key Takeaways
    Improved User Experience: AB Ridgeway has been working diligently to enhance the podcast and website experience. The goal is to make financial information accessible and actionable, whether you're listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or the website. The updated site now includes blogs, tools, and resources to complement each episode, providing a comprehensive learning experience.Balancing Life and Finances: Ridgeway highlights the common struggles of busy executives and parents, such as balancing work and family life. Through practical examples, like choosing a family-friendly vehicle, he emphasizes that financial decisions should align with personal and familial needs, regardless of income level.Actionable Financial Planning: The podcast stresses the importance of breaking down complex financial plans into manageable steps. Ridgeway suggests focusing on three immediate actionable items to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This approach helps clients make steady progress towards their financial goals.Educational Resources: To support listeners' financial journeys, the podcast offers various free resources on the website, including investment review guidelines and decision-making flowcharts. These tools are designed to empower individuals to make informed financial decisions independently.Community Engagement: Ridgeway encourages listener feedback and interaction. By commenting, sharing, and engaging with the content, listeners not only improve their own financial literacy but also help shape the direction of the podcast. This community-driven approach ensures the content remains relevant and valuable.Quotes
    "My goal of this podcast is to teach you how to be rich in spirit and righteous in action at any income level.""No matter how much money that you have, inflation affects everyone... policies that are passed by our nation can affect everyone, good or bad."🌍 New Website: https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com/podcast
    ⛪Free Christian Resources: https://www.abrwealthmanagement.com/financial-planning-resources
    💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    📞 Have a question for the show? Email us at: aridgeway@abrwealthmanagement.com
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 9 min
    Money Doesn't Matter But What You Did To Get It Does (#281)

    Money Doesn't Matter But What You Did To Get It Does (#281)

    In this episode of "Financial Advisors Say the Darnedest Things," host AB Ridgeway explores the concept of wealth and what it truly means to be rich. He challenges listeners to rethink their perceptions of money and self-worth, emphasizing that the idea of being "rich" is highly subjective and influenced by our backgrounds and environments. Ridgeway also delves into the importance of aligning one's financial goals with their values and the potential pitfalls of idolizing wealth over character.
    Key Takeaways
    Wealth is Subjective: The concept of being rich varies significantly depending on personal experiences and upbringing. For instance, someone from a low-income background might see $1 million as a fortune, while a child of a wealthy entrepreneur might view it merely as a business loan. Understanding that wealth is subjective helps us realize that there's no universal standard for being "rich."Comparison and Self-Worth: People often compare their wealth to those around them, affecting their self-worth. Ridgeway points out that we tend to measure ourselves against our immediate peers, not against billionaires like Elon Musk. This comparison can lead to unnecessary feelings of inadequacy and stress.Levels of Wealth Perception: Ridgeway describes three levels of wealth perception: those who don't recognize luxury, those for whom luxury is the norm, and those who have transcended materialism. Each level brings different social interactions and expectations, highlighting that true contentment comes from within rather than external validation.The Symbolism of Wealth: Material possessions like cars or houses often serve as symbols of success, but their value is highly dependent on the observer's perspective. Ridgeway uses the example of a luxury car to illustrate how different people perceive wealth differently based on their familiarity and personal context.Aligning Wealth with Values: It's crucial to ensure that the pursuit of wealth aligns with one's values and character. Money should be a tool to enhance one's life and the lives of others, not an end in itself. Ridgeway emphasizes the importance of ethical wealth accumulation and using money for positive impact.Quotes
    "The idea of being rich or even feeling rich is subjective. What seems like a lot of money to one person might be just a starting point for another.""We tend to attach our self-worth to those we feel most connected to. If our neighbor makes more money, we might feel less valuable, but we don't compare ourselves to billionaires.""True wealth isn't about the amount of money you have; it's about how you use it to improve your life and the lives of others. Money should be a supplement to your character, not a substitute."💵Sign up for a Christian Finance Consultation and create your Financial Plan Today!
    *Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.

    • 14 min

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