132 episodes

This is a 30 minute show that begins with either a humorous or inspirational segment that links directly to the scripture, followed by a focused discussion of how the scripture relates to Christians of all ages today.

Anchored by Truth from Crystal Sea Books - a 30 minute show exploring the grand Biblical saga of creation, fall, and redempti R.D.Fierro

    • Religion & Spirituality

This is a 30 minute show that begins with either a humorous or inspirational segment that links directly to the scripture, followed by a focused discussion of how the scripture relates to Christians of all ages today.

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 6 - A World Waiting

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 6 - A World Waiting

    Greetings! Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re glad to be back with you on Anchored by Truth as we continue a series we are calling “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” This series is designed to help you with your Bible reading and study. Specifically, we want to aid you in the assimilation of the priceless wisdom the Bible contains. In the first episodes in this series we learned that Christ Jesus is the cornerstone of the Bible. In fact, Jesus is the cornerstone of creation. The Bible makes it very clear that everything that exists was created by Jesus. Knowing that Jesus is the cornerstone of the Bible is essential to our Biblical understanding. But knowing that Jesus is the cornerstone is necessary but not sufficient to develop a comprehensive grasp of the Bible. We have to build on that cornerstone. And one way to do that is by having a contextual framework that helps us see the Bible as a unified whole. As we have said throughout this series, the Bible is a single story about a single plan centered on a single man. So, back with us today as we continue our discussion is RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books. RD, in our last couple of episodes we began talking about some themes that weave throughout scripture and help create a beautiful tapestry out of the threads that are the individual books and Bible accounts. What are some of those themes?
    RD: Well, before we get too far into our discussion I would also like to welcome everyone to this episode of Anchored by Truth. In our last few episodes on Anchored by Truth we introduced the idea that there are at least 4 themes that are woven throughout the Old Testament. The 4 themes are the preparation of the world for the arrival of the Messiah, Christ Jesus; the preparation of a family that would actually give birth to the Messiah; the restraint of sin; and the promotion of holiness and abundant living. 2 of these 4 themes continue on into the New Testament because is always concerned about the restraint of sin and that His children live holy and abundant lives. But once Jesus, the Messiah, actually arrived in the world there was no need to continue to prepare for his arrival. So, whereas in the Old Testament the inspired writers talked about preparing for Jesus’ first coming, the New Testament writers shift their attention to preparations for Jesus’ second coming – his return to earth. So, in addition to the two themes that carried over from the Old Testament, a new theme emerges in the New – the preparation of the world and especially the church for Christ’s second coming to earth.

    This is episode 274.

    • 30 min
    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 5 - A World Waiting

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 5 - A World Waiting

    VK: Greetings! Welcome to Anchored by Truth sponsored for you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re happy to have you back with us on Anchored by Truth as we continue a series we are calling “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” We are offering this series because we believe a contextual framework that guides Bible reading and study aids the assimilation of the priceless wisdom the Bible contains. In our first couple of episodes in this series we learned that Christ Jesus is the cornerstone of the Bible. In fact, Jesus is the cornerstone of creation. The Bible makes it very clear that everything that exists was created by Jesus. Knowing that Jesus is the cornerstone of the Bible is essential to our understanding but we think it’s important to build a solid Biblical structure on that foundation. And one way to do that is by having a contextual framework that helps us see the Bible as a unified whole. As we have said, the Bible is a single story about a single plan centered on a single man. So, back with us today as we continue our discussion is RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books. RD, in our last couple of episodes we began talking about how to develop an integrated context into which we can fit all the various elements of scripture. Can you give us a brief summary of some of the material we’ve discussed related to context?
    RD: Well, before we get too far into our discussion I would also like to welcome everyone to this episode of Anchored by Truth. In our last couple of episodes we have introduced the idea that there are at least 4 themes that are woven throughout the Old Testament. The 4 themes are the preparation of the world for the arrival of the Messiah, Christ Jesus; the preparation of a family that would actually give birth to the Messiah; the restraint of sin; and the promotion of holiness and abundant living. 2 of these 4 themes continue on into the New Testament because is always concerned about the restraint of sin and that His children live holy and abundant lives. But once Jesus, the Messiah, actually arrived in the world there was no need to continue to prepare for his arrival. So, whereas in the Old Testament there was a lot of attention paid to preparing for Jesus’ first coming, in the New Testament attention shifts to preparations for Jesus’ second coming – his return to earth.
    VK: Let’s remind everyone that the Bible is a single book about a single plan centered on a single man. The Bible contains a great many books but they all relate to a single, grand saga – the saga of creation, fall, and redemption. Jesus is the cornerstone and centerpiece of the plan of redemption. It is impossible to understand the Bible correctly without understanding Jesus’ foundational role. So, it makes perfect sense that the Bible’s 2 major parts, the Old Testament and New Testament, would each focus on Jesus. The Old Testament focuses on Jesus’ first coming. But once Jesus came many things that were only hinted at in the Old Testament came into sharp focus. It was as if mists had cleared. We could now see things more clearly – things such as how the Messiah could be both the “Lamb of God” and “the lion of the tribe of Judah” and how some prophetic structures in the Old Testament would be fulfilled in the first coming but others would await a later fulfillment. In his first coming Jesus came to effect salvation for the elect. In his second coming Jesus will glorify the elect so mankind can again assume the Dominion Mandate that was given in the Garden of Eden.

    This is episode 273.

    • 30 min
    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 4 - Genesis as Prologue

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 4 - Genesis as Prologue

    VK: Greetings! Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re happy to be back with you on Anchored by Truth as we continue with our series that we call “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books, is with us again today as we continue our discussion of how people can grow in their Biblical literacy by knowing the cornerstone of scripture and then developing a contextual framework to guide further reading and study. In our first two episodes in this series we learned that – unsurprisingly – Christ Jesus is the cornerstone of the Bible. In fact, Jesus is the cornerstone of creation since the Bible makes it clear that everything that exists was created by Jesus. The New International Version of Colossians, chapter 1, verses 16 and 17 say this. “All things have been created through [Jesus] and for [Jesus]. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together …” That’s a pretty clear statement. And other scriptures build on this foundational concept, don’t they RD?
    RD: Well, I’d also like to greet everyone joining us here today as we continue our discussion on the cornerstone and context of the Bible. Yes. There are a number of scriptures that affirm that Jesus is not only the cornerstone of creation but also the cornerstone of God’s plan of redemption. And Jesus himself tells us that. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 21, verse 42 when Jesus was speaking to the chief priests and elders he said to them: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?” Jesus was quoting was likely Psalm 118, verse 22 which says, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” And there are other Old Testament scriptures that reinforce this same point. Isaiah, chapter 28, verse 16 says, “So this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will never be shaken.’” The Bible is abundantly clear that Jesus is its cornerstone.
    VK: Let’s remind everyone that the Bible is a single book about a single plan centered on a single man. The Bible contains a great many books but they all relate to a single, grand saga – the saga of creation, fall, and redemption. Jesus is the cornerstone and centerpiece of the plan of redemption. It is impossible to understand the Bible correctly without understanding Jesus’ foundational role. So, that’s a great place to begin to understand how all scripture fits together in a unified whole but it’s not enough by itself, is it?

    This is episode 272.

    • 30 min
    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 3 - Timeless Themes

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 3 - Timeless Themes

    Episode 271 –Bible: Cornerstone and Context 3 – Timeless Themes
    Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The goal of Anchored by Truth is to encourage everyone to grow in the Christian faith by anchoring themselves to the secure truth found in the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God.
    This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham was the father of Isaac … .
    The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 1, verses 1 and 2, New International Version

    VK: Greetings! Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re glad to be back with you on Anchored by Truth as we continue with our series that we call “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books, is with us again today as we continue our discussion of how people can improve their understanding of the Bible by developing a contextual framework to guide their reading and study. RD, the Bible has a vast variety of material. It contains records of history, inspirational poetry, practical admonitions, moral and ethical commands, and even entertaining stories. All of this material can be engaging and valuable even when we just focus on the individual instruction or report. So, why do think that it is so important for Bible students to take the time to see a bigger picture?
    RD: Well, I’d also like to welcome everyone joining us here today as we continue our discussion on the cornerstone and context of the Bible. As you’ve noted there’s a wide variety of material in the Bible and even a wide variety of literary genres. The Bible has poems, proverbs, parables, allegories, as well as history and prophecy. And – also as you have noted – we can gain a lot just by learning about individual episodes of the Bible heroes like David with Goliath or Daniel in the lion’s den. And certainly many of the individual psalms are inspirational and comforting just as the individual proverbs contain practical advice that will help people live better lives. But as valuable as all this material can be when considered separately when we see how it is all part of God’s grand plan for His people I think the individual episodes take on even more meaning. As we see God’s overall plan for the created order it increases our ability to glorify Him through our lives and testimonies.
    VK: And that should be the central focus of every Christian life. One of the major confessional creeds says that the chief purpose of man is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”
    RD: Yes. It’s certainly important to learn from each part of scripture. But it is also important to be able to see the larger tapestry of scripture where the individual threads and features form a larger and more inspiring whole. And the first step in being able to do is to certainly see that Jesus is present in each and every part of the tapestry. Or to return to other metaphor Jesus is the cornerstone of scripture.
    VK: And we started out talking about Jesus as the cornerstone in our first two episodes in this series. In our first episode we pointed out that even in famous Old Testament stories that don’t seem to relate to Jesus such as Jonah and the whale Jesus was being foreshadowed. And in our second episode we talked about the elegance of the way in which Jesus’ attributes and work made Him the perfect – in fact the only possible – Mediator between God and man.
    RD: Yes. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden they violated the Covenant of Works which God had established with them. This left the covenant unsatisfied and incurred a debt with infinite consequences. Jesus came to address both of these concerns. He lived a sinless life. He fulfilled the Covenant of Works. So, he never needed to die for His own sin. This meant that when He willingly sacri

    • 30 min
    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 2 - Infinite Salvation

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 2 - Infinite Salvation

    Episode 270 –Bible: Cornerstone and Context 2 – Infinite Salvation
    Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The goal of Anchored by Truth is to encourage everyone to grow in the Christian faith by anchoring themselves to the secure truth found in the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God.
    For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.
    11 Timothy, Chapter 2, verses 5 and 6, New International Version

    VK: Hello! Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re so happy to have you with us today on Anchored by Truth as we continue with the series that we began in our last episode. We’re calling this series “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” Our goal on Anchored by Truth is to help people understand that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God. And one powerful way for people to come to that awareness is for them to realize that the Bible is a pre-eminently reasonable book. Some people may come to the Bible and think that the various books and stories contained in the Bible were just sort of randomly assembled. But nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible is a unified revelation. To help us continue this invaluable discovery, today in the studio we have RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books. RD, why did you decide to do a series you call “Cornerstone and Context?”
    RD: Well, I’d also like to welcome everyone joining us here today as we continue our new series. We’ve talked often on Anchored by Truth that in our day and age there is widespread Biblical ignorance in our culture. And surprisingly that Biblical ignorance extends even into our churches. If you talk to the average person sitting in a pew on Sunday morning and ask them whether they believe the Bible is the word of God the vast majority will say yes. But when you ask them to explain to you why they believe that you get a lot of blank stares. It’s not that they are not sincere in their belief. It’s that all too often they have only a cursory understanding of the faith they claim and even more cursory understanding of the Bible. That’s sad but it’s also perilous – because a Christian who can’t provide a reasoned explanation of what they believe and why they believe it is just chum to the cultural sharks who swarm in school buildings, the media, academia, corporate hallways, and government. Some surveys have said that as many as three-quarters of the kids raised in Christian homes lose their faith when the leave home.
    VK: What you’re saying is that our culture is no longer a safe place to be a Christian. While there are a lot of platitudes hurled around that talk about freedom of thought and expression, the truth is that the consistent target for denigration today is evangelical Christianity. Now we shouldn’t be surprised by this. Jesus told us that his people would be a target for the world and the devil. In what may be Jesus’ best-known discourse on the end times he said this: “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” That’s the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 9 through 11.
    RD: Yes. Note that in those verses Jesus warned that “many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.” Since Jesus said that these people would “turn away” that means that for at least some time there would be people who were seemingly His followers, seemingly Christian, but they really weren’t. And the occasion for those people abandoning their false profession of faith was because of persecution. W

    • 30 min
    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 1

    Bible: Cornerstone and Context 1

    Episode 269 –Bible: Cornerstone and Context 1
    Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The goal of Anchored by Truth is to encourage everyone to grow in the Christian faith by anchoring themselves to the secure truth found in the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God.
    I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.
    Revelation, Chapter 1, verse 8, New International Version

    VK: Greetings! Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. I’m Victoria K. We’re excited to be with you today on Anchored by Truth as we start a new series. It is apparent to anyone who is paying attention to cultural trends that the Christian faith in America has been subjected to more challenges in the last decade than in the first two centuries of the country’s existence. Some of the challenges come from a surrounding culture that has become either indifferent to matters of faith or even outright hostile to the Bible and Christ. And certainly one trend that worries just about every thinking Christian is the increasing level of Biblical ignorance that characterizes not only our society but often the people sitting in the pews. So, RD Fierro, an author and the founder of Crystal Sea Books, has entitled this series “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” And we have RD who is an in the studio today. RD, why did you decide to do this series?
    RD: Well, I’d also like to welcome everyone joining us here today as we begin a new series. As you’ve noted there is widespread Biblical ignorance in our culture today. And often, far too often, that Biblical ignorance extends even into our churches. That’s shameful but it’s also dangerous. You can’t be a Christian without knowing Christ. And you can’t truly know Christ without the Bible. And you can’t be eternally saved without truly knowing Christ. Therefore, it’s not too strong a statement to say that ignorance of the Bible poses a very real danger to people being saved from an eternal perdition. Sadly, I know a lot of Christians who recognize this but still don’t read or study the Bible regularly. And when I talk to them about why they don’t I’ll commonly hear the answer “I just don’t understand the Bible.”
    VK: And we can sympathize with that statement at Anchored by Truth. The last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, was written almost 2,000 years ago. And the first book of the Bible was written 1,500 years before that. So, the Bible was written in a different time. It was also written to a very different group of people. The Old Testament was written and delivered to the Hebrew people and its final book, Malachi, was completed at least 400 years before Jesus was born. And even though the New Testament was written during times and places that are more familiar to modern readers – because it was prepared during the height of the Roman Empire – it still contains references that to us are archaic.
    RD: Yes. And this lack of familiarity with the times, places, and peoples of the Bible is just the beginning of the issues that we confront when we try to encourage people to grow in their knowledge of scripture. Another real challenge is that just everybody who comes to the Bible does so without having a cornerstone on which to ground their reading and without having a context into which to place the various accounts, records, poems, and instructions.
    VK: And that’s why you called this series “The Bible: Cornerstone and Context.” We want to give people a framework that will enable them to know how the Bible fits together – and how the Bible fits into their lives and futures.
    RD: Yes. For those of us who are concerned about helping people understand that the Bible is the inspired word of God we want them to see that the Bible is not just a collection of stories,

    • 30 min

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