29 min

Homeopathy for Dogs: The Things You’ve Probably Never Heard Before Wag Out Loud

    • Pets & Animals

Hello there this is Krista with Episode #188 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Are you a smoker? Well consider this, all pets are at risk of developing breathing problems, as well as eye and skin irritations when they're exposed to smoke and smoke residue. Here's some alarming facts: when burned cigarettes release over 7000 chemicals. dogs that live in a smoking environment are two times more likely to develop lung or nasal cancers and inhaled tobacco smoke particles. They stay trapped in the noses of long nosed dog breeds, like greyhounds or Borzois or Doberman Pinchers, so they have a double risk of nose cancer. and the short and medium-nosed breeds like pugs, Bulldogs beagles, Brittany Spaniels, well, they have a higher risk of lung cancer, because their noses are much shorter, and more chemicals go directly into their lungs. As we all know, cancer can cut years from your dog's life. So maybe consider quitting smoking. Our dogs do so much for us. Do this for yourself and for them.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Welcome dog lovers to the podcast where we can all learn something new when it comes to caring for our dog's health and wellness. And joining me today is Susie Cyrenne, and she is an expert on homeopathy for dogs, and she's going to be sharing with us the things you've probably never heard before when it comes to homeopathy. So Suzie, I have been looking forward to this interview for quite some time. And I just want to ask you to first introduce yourself and share with us. How did you get into homeopathy for pets?

Oh, that's great. Thank you, Krista for having me. I'm honored. And yes, it's been a while it's been almost a year. So yeah, so my name is Suzie. I've been having this e commerce brand called Zumalka for now 10 years. So we sell homeopathy, homeopathy and natural supplements for pets, cats and dogs. And how I got into this, this business is quite the story. So I started I think dating my husband about 13 years ago. And when we did that, he told me his mom practiced homeopathy, I had no clue what that meant. And so I actually had been on prescription drugs for many years because I had skin issues, and I couldn't find anything to fix them. So I was just really desperate to find a solution. I wanted to try anything, anything new that I could find. And that's when I tried homeopathy for the first time. I tried it for myself. And I got excellent results. I wanted clear skin for my wedding. And I did that and it my step mom made it happen. So So for me, it was it meant a lot because it's not just about finding a natural product, but it's all you know, it's our self esteem, it can mean a lot of things. So I yeah, I was very happy to have found resolution, but not only that, a natural way too. So I follow this protocol for a few months and then cleared up my skin. And I just really realized at that time. Okay, well, first, what's homeopathy learn it really the nice way. And it works. That's what I realized. So. And this question, this question came up, why weren’t there alternative and natural options like this for pets? At the time, if you go back almost like 15 years ago, it's honestly it wasn't something that was very common. So yeah, so eventually, this led to a new and unique line of natural remedies for pets or recipes, that we pretty much serve mostly the US, though we do a little bit of here and there in the world. But that yeah, so that's how Zumalka came to life.

Wow, so you are living proof on homeopathy. And first, I guess before we dig in, what is homeopathy? Can you define that for us?


Absolutely. Homeopathy is a

Hello there this is Krista with Episode #188 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Are you a smoker? Well consider this, all pets are at risk of developing breathing problems, as well as eye and skin irritations when they're exposed to smoke and smoke residue. Here's some alarming facts: when burned cigarettes release over 7000 chemicals. dogs that live in a smoking environment are two times more likely to develop lung or nasal cancers and inhaled tobacco smoke particles. They stay trapped in the noses of long nosed dog breeds, like greyhounds or Borzois or Doberman Pinchers, so they have a double risk of nose cancer. and the short and medium-nosed breeds like pugs, Bulldogs beagles, Brittany Spaniels, well, they have a higher risk of lung cancer, because their noses are much shorter, and more chemicals go directly into their lungs. As we all know, cancer can cut years from your dog's life. So maybe consider quitting smoking. Our dogs do so much for us. Do this for yourself and for them.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Welcome dog lovers to the podcast where we can all learn something new when it comes to caring for our dog's health and wellness. And joining me today is Susie Cyrenne, and she is an expert on homeopathy for dogs, and she's going to be sharing with us the things you've probably never heard before when it comes to homeopathy. So Suzie, I have been looking forward to this interview for quite some time. And I just want to ask you to first introduce yourself and share with us. How did you get into homeopathy for pets?

Oh, that's great. Thank you, Krista for having me. I'm honored. And yes, it's been a while it's been almost a year. So yeah, so my name is Suzie. I've been having this e commerce brand called Zumalka for now 10 years. So we sell homeopathy, homeopathy and natural supplements for pets, cats and dogs. And how I got into this, this business is quite the story. So I started I think dating my husband about 13 years ago. And when we did that, he told me his mom practiced homeopathy, I had no clue what that meant. And so I actually had been on prescription drugs for many years because I had skin issues, and I couldn't find anything to fix them. So I was just really desperate to find a solution. I wanted to try anything, anything new that I could find. And that's when I tried homeopathy for the first time. I tried it for myself. And I got excellent results. I wanted clear skin for my wedding. And I did that and it my step mom made it happen. So So for me, it was it meant a lot because it's not just about finding a natural product, but it's all you know, it's our self esteem, it can mean a lot of things. So I yeah, I was very happy to have found resolution, but not only that, a natural way too. So I follow this protocol for a few months and then cleared up my skin. And I just really realized at that time. Okay, well, first, what's homeopathy learn it really the nice way. And it works. That's what I realized. So. And this question, this question came up, why weren’t there alternative and natural options like this for pets? At the time, if you go back almost like 15 years ago, it's honestly it wasn't something that was very common. So yeah, so eventually, this led to a new and unique line of natural remedies for pets or recipes, that we pretty much serve mostly the US, though we do a little bit of here and there in the world. But that yeah, so that's how Zumalka came to life.

Wow, so you are living proof on homeopathy. And first, I guess before we dig in, what is homeopathy? Can you define that for us?


Absolutely. Homeopathy is a

29 min