18 min

In Other News For January 4, 2023 Jon Bowne Politix

    • Philosophy

Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man's Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news and the news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn't want the average citizen to devour.

Speaking of establishment narratives. The narrative surrounding the 20 or so holdouts refusing to vote McCarthy in as speaker is becoming increasingly more intense. Apparently Dan Crenshaw, in a Cyclopian effort, is clawing to be the chair on the Department of Homeland Security. Word on the street is that most Americans despise Crenshaw and hope someone pokes him in his other eye.
‘What fools you are,
you strangers, or else you come from far away—
telling me to fear the gods and shun their rage.
The Cyclopes care nothing about Zeus,
who bears the aegis, or the blessed gods.
We are much more powerful than them.
I wouldn’t spare you or your comrades
to escape the wrath of Zeus, not unless
my own heart prompted me to do it.
But now, tell me this—when you landed here,
where did you moor your ship, a spot close by
or further off? I’d like to know that.’
“He said this to throw me off, but his deceit
could never fool me. I was too clever.
And so I gave him a cunning answer:
‘Earthshaker Poseidon broke my ship apart—
driving it against the border of your island,
on the rocks there. He brought us close to land,
hard by the headland, then winds pushed us
inshore from the sea. But we escaped—
me and these men here. We weren’t destroyed.’

-Homer: The Odyssey Book 9 The Cyclops

If people realized the gravity of the fleeting opportunity we have to put someone in as speaker other than Mcarthy to plug a hole in the dyke that will eventually burst. Flooding America with a totalitarianism the world has never seen. They would beg their congressmen…Republican, Independent, Democrat or Otherwise to vote for that candidate.

The Speaker of the house is a soiled chair. A disgusting hallucinatory stained piece of abused furniture. Where Speakers gleefully tear up the speech of the President of The United States behind his back on National Propagandavision… I know… But in our world. That is completely normal.
Dennis Hastert… convicted child molester. Tom Delay, indicted on criminal charges of conspiracy to violate election law by campaign money laundering. Paul Ryan and John Boehner, both lobbyist sycophants showering Congress with donations from the tobacco, marijuana, and Ibogaine lobbys.
While Nancy Pelosi, who’s father aided the Baltimore mafia, made millions off the stock market with shady insider deals with the aid of her "party don't stop round here for nobody….shiiiiii" husband.
In fact most people enter congress as relative paupers and leave as multimillionaires. They are all protecting the real government. The unelected Corporotocacy that does whatever the hell it wants. How deep does the money pit go?
Deep…Not to just the Fat Cat's supplying Washington D.C., "The District of Criminals" with a rigged system Marxed out by by unjust laws and policies.
Not just to please their "Familiars" prancing around Wall Street like a bunch of money grubbin' bozos.
Who, as the world would have it, are ultimately no different than the mentally ill drug addled homeless clogging their limo routes. Who now live a life of hobo luxury off of the Neo FDResque Democratic daydream.
The ties between Washington D.C., the Epstein Universe of Wall Street, the Hollywood propaganda factory,

Welcome to the In Other News podcast at dailynewscollective.com. The poor man's Drudge Report, anti propaganda, and everyday media sponge tool. Providing breaking news and the news (from actual sources,  research, and statistics) the establishment narrative doesn't want the average citizen to devour.

Speaking of establishment narratives. The narrative surrounding the 20 or so holdouts refusing to vote McCarthy in as speaker is becoming increasingly more intense. Apparently Dan Crenshaw, in a Cyclopian effort, is clawing to be the chair on the Department of Homeland Security. Word on the street is that most Americans despise Crenshaw and hope someone pokes him in his other eye.
‘What fools you are,
you strangers, or else you come from far away—
telling me to fear the gods and shun their rage.
The Cyclopes care nothing about Zeus,
who bears the aegis, or the blessed gods.
We are much more powerful than them.
I wouldn’t spare you or your comrades
to escape the wrath of Zeus, not unless
my own heart prompted me to do it.
But now, tell me this—when you landed here,
where did you moor your ship, a spot close by
or further off? I’d like to know that.’
“He said this to throw me off, but his deceit
could never fool me. I was too clever.
And so I gave him a cunning answer:
‘Earthshaker Poseidon broke my ship apart—
driving it against the border of your island,
on the rocks there. He brought us close to land,
hard by the headland, then winds pushed us
inshore from the sea. But we escaped—
me and these men here. We weren’t destroyed.’

-Homer: The Odyssey Book 9 The Cyclops

If people realized the gravity of the fleeting opportunity we have to put someone in as speaker other than Mcarthy to plug a hole in the dyke that will eventually burst. Flooding America with a totalitarianism the world has never seen. They would beg their congressmen…Republican, Independent, Democrat or Otherwise to vote for that candidate.

The Speaker of the house is a soiled chair. A disgusting hallucinatory stained piece of abused furniture. Where Speakers gleefully tear up the speech of the President of The United States behind his back on National Propagandavision… I know… But in our world. That is completely normal.
Dennis Hastert… convicted child molester. Tom Delay, indicted on criminal charges of conspiracy to violate election law by campaign money laundering. Paul Ryan and John Boehner, both lobbyist sycophants showering Congress with donations from the tobacco, marijuana, and Ibogaine lobbys.
While Nancy Pelosi, who’s father aided the Baltimore mafia, made millions off the stock market with shady insider deals with the aid of her "party don't stop round here for nobody….shiiiiii" husband.
In fact most people enter congress as relative paupers and leave as multimillionaires. They are all protecting the real government. The unelected Corporotocacy that does whatever the hell it wants. How deep does the money pit go?
Deep…Not to just the Fat Cat's supplying Washington D.C., "The District of Criminals" with a rigged system Marxed out by by unjust laws and policies.
Not just to please their "Familiars" prancing around Wall Street like a bunch of money grubbin' bozos.
Who, as the world would have it, are ultimately no different than the mentally ill drug addled homeless clogging their limo routes. Who now live a life of hobo luxury off of the Neo FDResque Democratic daydream.
The ties between Washington D.C., the Epstein Universe of Wall Street, the Hollywood propaganda factory,

18 min