Uniquely Suited to Deliver with Ethan Banks (2/2‪)‬ Nerd Journey: Career Advice for the Technology Professional

    • Careers

Have you checked out the Packet Pushers Job Board? According to trends Ethan Banks of Packet Pushers is seeing, companies need experienced senior technical people who are comfortable working with a complex IT stack. If you are one of those people, you are in demand, even during times of industry layoffs.

It’s challenging for the business owner to continue doing the work they love because administrative tasks can get in the way. Ethan Banks, co-founder of Packet Pushers Podcast Network and our guest this week in Episode 277, has arranged his company so he can focus on the work he is uniquely suited to deliver – creating content. Ethan will share thoughts on industry talent shortages and how his role as a business owner has changed since we last spoke with him.

Original Recording Date: 04-19-2024

Ethan Banks is a network engineer, business owner, and one of the founders of Packet Pushers. If you missed part 1 of this discussion, check out Episode 276.

Topics – A Network Effect and the Need for Senior Personnel, The Changing Nature of Ethan’s Role as a Business Owner, Appreciating What’s Now

A Returning Guest

* It’s been 5 years since we shared Ethan’s career story on the show. You can find our earlier discussions here:

* Episode 42 – Ethan Banks and the Journey to Career Self-Awareness

* Episode 43 – Ethan Banks on Podcasting and Turning a Hobby into the Packet Pushers

2:58 – A Network Effect and the Need for Senior Personnel

* John asks Ethan what it has been like to create a business that has a network effect as opposed to a broadcast business.

* Ethan says the jobs board will work best once there are thousands of listings. But there are some challenges to this because it’s new, much like starting a new podcast or any new endeavor. It takes time to grow.

* The Packet Pushers team has started by letting people know the jobs board exists by listing it on their websites, using ads within existing shows, and putting it in their newsletter.

* “But over time it’s going to grow. We’re already seeing evidence of that. It’s not even been 6 months yet, and we’re already seeing substantial growth and some interesting jobs being listed.” – Ethan Banks

* What kind of gaps does Ethan see as a result of layoffs in our industry?

* “I can tell you this. Looking at the kinds of jobs we’re seeing listed on the job board, companies need seniors. Companies need people that have experience. Companies need people that have a lot of skills. Those are tough positions to fill.” – Ethan Banks

* For those with 10 or more years of experience and expert / professional level certifications who are used to working with a complex technology stack…

* “Companies are looking for you. You are hard to come by. You are rare and increasingly rare as the IT tech stack continues to grow in complexity.” – Ethan Banks, a message to senior technology professionals

* Many highly skilled former network practitioners have gone on to and work for technology vendors (like Cisco and Juniper to give a couple of examples). That takes them “off the board” as a practitioner.

* This trend can keep companies short staffed with network engineers, including consulting firms.

Have you checked out the Packet Pushers Job Board? According to trends Ethan Banks of Packet Pushers is seeing, companies need experienced senior technical people who are comfortable working with a complex IT stack. If you are one of those people, you are in demand, even during times of industry layoffs.

It’s challenging for the business owner to continue doing the work they love because administrative tasks can get in the way. Ethan Banks, co-founder of Packet Pushers Podcast Network and our guest this week in Episode 277, has arranged his company so he can focus on the work he is uniquely suited to deliver – creating content. Ethan will share thoughts on industry talent shortages and how his role as a business owner has changed since we last spoke with him.

Original Recording Date: 04-19-2024

Ethan Banks is a network engineer, business owner, and one of the founders of Packet Pushers. If you missed part 1 of this discussion, check out Episode 276.

Topics – A Network Effect and the Need for Senior Personnel, The Changing Nature of Ethan’s Role as a Business Owner, Appreciating What’s Now

A Returning Guest

* It’s been 5 years since we shared Ethan’s career story on the show. You can find our earlier discussions here:

* Episode 42 – Ethan Banks and the Journey to Career Self-Awareness

* Episode 43 – Ethan Banks on Podcasting and Turning a Hobby into the Packet Pushers

2:58 – A Network Effect and the Need for Senior Personnel

* John asks Ethan what it has been like to create a business that has a network effect as opposed to a broadcast business.

* Ethan says the jobs board will work best once there are thousands of listings. But there are some challenges to this because it’s new, much like starting a new podcast or any new endeavor. It takes time to grow.

* The Packet Pushers team has started by letting people know the jobs board exists by listing it on their websites, using ads within existing shows, and putting it in their newsletter.

* “But over time it’s going to grow. We’re already seeing evidence of that. It’s not even been 6 months yet, and we’re already seeing substantial growth and some interesting jobs being listed.” – Ethan Banks

* What kind of gaps does Ethan see as a result of layoffs in our industry?

* “I can tell you this. Looking at the kinds of jobs we’re seeing listed on the job board, companies need seniors. Companies need people that have experience. Companies need people that have a lot of skills. Those are tough positions to fill.” – Ethan Banks

* For those with 10 or more years of experience and expert / professional level certifications who are used to working with a complex technology stack…

* “Companies are looking for you. You are hard to come by. You are rare and increasingly rare as the IT tech stack continues to grow in complexity.” – Ethan Banks, a message to senior technology professionals

* Many highly skilled former network practitioners have gone on to and work for technology vendors (like Cisco and Juniper to give a couple of examples). That takes them “off the board” as a practitioner.

* This trend can keep companies short staffed with network engineers, including consulting firms.