200 episodes

Welcome to "Money Roots," the podcast where personal finance becomes personal. Join host Amy Irvine, CEO of Rooted Planning Group, as she demystifies the world of finance and makes it approachable for everyone, from beginners to financial experts.

In each episode, Amy and her guests dig deep into the financial soil, planting the seeds of financial knowledge and helping you nurture your financial future. Whether you're looking to build a solid budget, invest wisely, or plan for retirement, "Money Roots" has you covered.

Get ready to explore practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert insights that will empower you to take control of your financial destiny. It's time to grow your money roots and thrive financially!

Subscribe to "Money Roots" now and join Amy on this exciting journey to financial empowerment. Let's put down some roots and flourish together.

Money Roots Amy Irvine

    • Business

Welcome to "Money Roots," the podcast where personal finance becomes personal. Join host Amy Irvine, CEO of Rooted Planning Group, as she demystifies the world of finance and makes it approachable for everyone, from beginners to financial experts.

In each episode, Amy and her guests dig deep into the financial soil, planting the seeds of financial knowledge and helping you nurture your financial future. Whether you're looking to build a solid budget, invest wisely, or plan for retirement, "Money Roots" has you covered.

Get ready to explore practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert insights that will empower you to take control of your financial destiny. It's time to grow your money roots and thrive financially!

Subscribe to "Money Roots" now and join Amy on this exciting journey to financial empowerment. Let's put down some roots and flourish together.

    Crafting Your Financial Story: Be the Hero of Your Life

    Crafting Your Financial Story: Be the Hero of Your Life

    About the Guest(s):Amy Irvine is a financial expert who is passionate about helping individuals take control of their financial well-being. With extensive experience in financial planning and coaching, Amy empowers her clients to write their own financial stories and achieve their goals. She is known for her innovative and personalized approach to financial advice, emphasizing the alignment of values with spending habits to create lasting financial stability.
    Episode Summary:In this episode, Amy Irvine delves into the importance of taking control of your financial narrative by writing your own story. Drawing parallels between crafting a compelling movie plot and designing your financial journey, Amy encourages listeners to identify themselves as the hero of their story and navigate challenges with a strategic mindset. By leveraging the concept of a hero, a villain, and a guide, Amy provides a unique perspective on reshaping financial narratives to achieve success and fulfillment.
    Key themes discussed include the significance of self-empowerment, the role of financial obstacles as villains in our stories, and the importance of seeking guidance to overcome challenges. Amy highlights the impact of setting clear financial goals, aligning spending with values, and utilizing resources to thrive financially. By emphasizing the power of intentional financial planning and storytelling, Amy inspires listeners to take charge of their financial destinies and build a secure future.
    Key Takeaways:Embrace your role as the hero of your financial story and proactively shape your narrative.Identify financial obstacles as villains that impede your progress and seek guidance to overcome them.Define clear financial goals, align spending with values, and utilize resources to thrive financially.Craft a strategic plan of action with the guidance of mentors or resources to steer your financial journey toward success.Take ownership of your financial narrative, eliminate distractions, and focus on creating a fulfilling and sustainable financial future.
    Notable Quotes:"Your life is about events supported by your dollars and cents.""Sometimes the villains in our financial stories can also be opportunities for growth and transformation.""Write your own financial story by defining your goals, aligning spending with values, and seeking guidance when needed."
    Tune in to the full episode to discover how you can rewrite your financial story, overcome obstacles, and achieve financial success. Don't miss out on valuable insights and empowering strategies from Amy Irvine to transform your financial future.

    • 9 min
    Facing Financial Fears: Strategies for Overcoming Money Anxiety

    Facing Financial Fears: Strategies for Overcoming Money Anxiety

    About the Guest(s):Kate Welker is a seasoned financial planner with a passion for helping individuals overcome financial stress and anxiety. With a background in empowering clients to take control of their money management, Kate is dedicated to providing actionable steps to improve financial well-being. Her expertise lies in debt management, reducing spending, preparing for emergencies, and setting realistic financial goals.
    Episode Summary:In this insightful episode of "Money Roots," Kate Welker dives into specific areas of financial concerns and fears that often plague individuals. From tackling debt to reducing spending and preparing for financial emergencies, Kate provides practical advice and tools to help listeners take charge of their financial well-being. By addressing common fears like running out of money or losing a job, she offers actionable steps to build confidence and security in one's financial future.
    Kate emphasizes the importance of facing financial challenges head-on, developing strategies to manage debt effectively, and building emergency savings. By understanding fixed sources of income, utilizing tools like the 4% rule, and creating ideal and lean budgets, listeners can gain clarity and direction in their financial planning journey.
    Key Takeaways:Confront your financial fears by understanding your current financial situation.Develop a clear debt management strategy using methods like the avalanche or snowball method.Reduce spending by analyzing expenses and creating ideal and lean budgets based on personal goals.Build emergency savings to prepare for unexpected financial setbacks.Utilize fixed sources of income and the 4% rule to estimate retirement needs and ensure financial security.
    Notable Quotes:"Figure out where you're at, know what you have, and understand where your money is going to have some control." - Kate Welker"Confront your financial fears by understanding your current financial situation and taking actionable steps to improve it." - Kate Welker"Developing a clear debt management strategy and reducing spending can lead to financial empowerment and security." - Kate Welker
    Resources:Rooted Planning Group - Visit the website for more financial planning resources and to schedule a call with a financial planner.
    Listen to the full episode of "Money Roots" with Kate Welker for valuable insights and practical tips on overcoming financial fears and achieving financial stability. Tune in for more expert advice on managing your money effectively and securing your financial future.

    • 21 min
    Reducing Stress and Anxiety Around Money: Tips for Taking Control

    Reducing Stress and Anxiety Around Money: Tips for Taking Control

    About the Guest(s):Kate Welker is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ at Rooted Planning Group. With years of experience in the financial industry, Kate is passionate about helping individuals reduce stress and anxiety around money. She believes in empowering her clients by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to take control of their finances. Kate's expertise lies in budgeting, debt management, and retirement planning.
    Episode Summary:In this episode of Money Roots, Kate Welker addresses the common issue of stress and anxiety surrounding the topic of money. She shares her own personal journey of overcoming financial anxiety and provides practical strategies to help listeners reduce their stress and feel more in control of their finances. Kate emphasizes the importance of facing your current financial situation, avoiding comparisons with others, creating a plan, and continuously learning about money management. By implementing these steps, individuals can gain a sense of empowerment and confidence in their financial decisions.
    Key Takeaways:Facing your current financial situation is the first step to reducing stress and anxiety around money. Take the time to gather all your financial information, including assets, debts, and monthly expenses.Avoid comparing yourself to others when it comes to money. Everyone has their own unique financial journey, and it's important to focus on your own goals and progress.Create a plan by identifying one small thing you can control and take action on. Whether it's increasing your savings or paying off debt, making incremental changes can lead to significant improvements over time.Knowledge is power when it comes to money management. Take the initiative to learn about personal finance through reputable resources, such as books, podcasts, or working with a financial planner.Seek professional help if needed. Consider working with a fee-only financial planner who can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and goals.
    Notable Quotes:"When you talk about money, think about money, it comes up in conversations. Do you find yourself anxious or stressful? Are you having uncomfortable reactions? Maybe sweaty palms? Maybe your heart rate accelerates? Maybe your gut is churning?" - Kate Welker"Stop comparing. Your journey is your own, your money is your own, your lifestyle is your own." - Kate Welker"Pick one small thing you can control and start doing that. Small steps you can control begin to add up over time." - Kate Welker
    Resources:Rooted Planning Group - Website

    • 21 min
    The Importance of a Home Inspector: Answering Common Questions

    The Importance of a Home Inspector: Answering Common Questions

    About the Guest(s):Liz Zemak is an experienced financial advisor and homeowner. With a background in personal finance and a passion for helping others, Liz has dedicated her career to educating individuals on the importance of financial planning and homeownership. She has successfully navigated the challenges, providing them with expert guidance and support. Liz is known for her attention to detail and commitment to ensuring her clients make informed decisions. With a deep understanding of the local market, Liz is able to offer valuable insights and advice to those looking to buy or sell a home. She is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their real estate goals and is passionate about providing exceptional service.
    Episode Summary:In this episode, Liz Zemak addresses various questions and concerns related to homeownership. She begins by emphasizing the importance of hiring a reputable home inspector when purchasing a home. Liz provides tips on finding a reliable inspector and highlights the benefits of utilizing technology for inspection reports. She then discusses how to prioritize home improvement projects when you realize there are more repairs needed than anticipated. Liz advises making a comprehensive list and categorizing the repairs based on safety and urgency. She also suggests seeking the expertise of a general contractor and shares tips on finding a trustworthy contractor. Lastly, Liz emphasizes the importance of creating a designated drop zone in your home to keep things organized and create a sense of calm when entering your living space.
    Key Takeaways:Hiring a reputable home inspector is crucial when purchasing a home to ensure you are aware of any potential issues or repairs needed.Prioritize home improvement projects by creating a comprehensive list and categorizing repairs based on safety and urgency.Having a reliable general contractor in your contacts can provide valuable insights and cost estimates for potential home improvement projects.Creating a designated drop zone in your home can help keep things organized and create a sense of calm when entering your living space.Utilizing technology for inspection reports and organizing paperwork can streamline the home buying and maintenance process.
    Notable Quotes:"Before you make that purchase offer or decide that you want to have that house, make sure that you have it inspected." - Liz Zemak"Take it one step at a time and do what you can manage, and just starting somewhere will help you build that momentum." - Liz Zemak"Having one or two good general contractors in your contacts is a really, really good idea." - Liz Zemak"A drop zone in your home is a really great thing, whether you rent or you own." - Liz Zemak
    Listen to the full episode here to gain valuable insights and tips for navigating the home buying and maintenance process. Stay tuned for more informative episodes from Money Roots.

    • 16 min
    Creating a Home Management Binder for Effective Household Organization

    Creating a Home Management Binder for Effective Household Organization

    About the Guest(s):Liz Zemak is a homeowner and home management expert. With years of experience in maintaining and managing her own home, Liz has developed effective strategies and systems to keep her house in order. She is passionate about helping others create a well-organized and efficient home management system. Liz shares her knowledge and tips through her podcast, Money Roots, where she provides valuable insights on various aspects of homeownership and home management.
    Episode Summary:In this episode of Money Roots, host Liz Zemak discusses the importance of creating a home management binder. She explains that a home management binder is a customizable tool that helps homeowners keep track of important information and tasks related to their homes. Liz shares her own experience and provides practical advice on how to create and maintain a home management binder. She suggests different categories to include in the binder, such as contact information, reminders, manuals, planning, and financial records. Liz emphasizes the benefits of having a home management binder, including better organization, easier maintenance, and the ability to pass on important information to future homeowners. She encourages listeners to start building their own home management binder and offers tips on how to maintain and update it regularly.
    Key Takeaways:Creating a home management binder is a valuable tool for homeowners to keep track of important information and tasks related to their homes.A home management binder can be customized to fit individual needs and preferences, whether in physical or electronic form.Categories to include in a home management binder may include contact information, reminders, manuals, planning, and financial records.Maintaining a home management binder helps homeowners stay organized, prioritize tasks, and easily access important information.A home management binder can be a useful resource to pass on to future homeowners when selling a house.
    Notable Quotes:"A home management binder is a great way to keep all the documents and information you need for your home in one place." - Liz Zemak"Having a home management binder helps free up brain space and allows you to easily access important information when needed." - Liz Zemak"Including financial records in your home management binder helps you keep track of maintenance costs and provides valuable information for future homeowners." - Liz Zemak
    Resources:Money Roots website: rootedpg.com
    Don't miss out on Liz Zemak's insightful discussion on creating a home management binder. Tune in to the full episode of the Money Roots podcast to learn more about how this tool can help you stay organized and maintain your home efficiently. Visit rootedpg.com for more helpful tips and financial pointers.

    • 19 min
    Creating a Personal Property Inventory for Homeowners: Tips and Benefits

    Creating a Personal Property Inventory for Homeowners: Tips and Benefits

    About the Guest(s):Liz Zemak is an experienced financial advisor and homeowner. With a background in personal finance and a passion for helping others, Liz has dedicated her career to educating individuals on the importance of financial planning and homeownership. She has successfully navigated the challenges of building a home and has firsthand experience with needing a personal property inventory. Liz is committed to empowering others to take control of their finances and protect their assets.
    Episode Summary:In this episode of Money Roots, Liz Zemak discusses the importance of creating a personal property inventory. She shares her own experience of having her tools stolen during the construction of her home and emphasizes the need for proper documentation when filing an insurance claim. Liz provides practical tips on how to get started with a home inventory, including listing items room by room, capturing detailed information such as purchase date and cost, and taking photos or videos of valuable items. She also highlights the benefits of maintaining an up-to-date inventory, such as accurate insurance coverage and estate planning. Liz emphasizes the importance of revisiting the inventory regularly and keeping it secure.
    Key Takeaways:Creating a personal property inventory is crucial in the event of a loss or damage to your belongings.The burden of proof is on the property owner when filing an insurance claim, so having a detailed inventory is essential.Start by picking an easy spot to begin, such as a room with valuable items, and list everything in that room with as much detail as possible.Include purchase date, cost, make, model, and serial numbers for items that have them.Take photos or videos of each item, including the model and serial numbers, and keep receipts and appraisals with the inventory.Store the inventory securely, either in a safe, a safe deposit box, or with a trusted contact.Regularly update the inventory and review your insurance coverage to ensure you are adequately protected.A personal property inventory can also be useful for financial planning and estate planning purposes.
    Notable Quotes:"The burden of proof is on the property owner, not the insurance company. So you're gonna have to have something to present to the insurance company to say that these are the items that I owned and, you know, that they were damaged or stolen." - Liz Zemak"The more detailed you can be, the better off you're going to be when and if you need to make that claim." - Liz Zemak
    Resources:Rooted Planning Group
    Listen to the full episode of Money Roots to learn more about the importance of creating a personal property inventory and how to get started. Stay tuned for more valuable insights and practical advice on personal finance and homeownership.

    • 20 min

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