17 min

[區區有睇頭] EP38-屯門(上集)|Tuen Mun (Part I‪)‬ 港少少 ‧ 扮代表 | Chit Chat ‧ Hong Kong

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一直以來,屯門俾外界嘅印象係山旯旮、大西北、屯門公路經常塞車等負面標籤。但原來呢個地方係一個寶藏,佢擁有六千多年嘅豐厚歷史,除咗大量文物出土之外,仲係一個軍事海防重鎮。想刷新你對屯門嘅刻板印象?千祈唔好錯過今集精彩嘅內容。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

For a long time, the impression of Tuen Mun from outsiders is lots of negative labels such as remote area, far away from the city centre, and frequent traffic jams on Tuen Mun Road, but it turns out that this place is a treasure as it has a rich history of more than 6,000 years. Not only is a large number of cultural relics being unearthed, but also an important military and coastal defensive area. If you would like to demolish your stereotype of Tuen Mun?  Don't miss this episode and follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.

一直以來,屯門俾外界嘅印象係山旯旮、大西北、屯門公路經常塞車等負面標籤。但原來呢個地方係一個寶藏,佢擁有六千多年嘅豐厚歷史,除咗大量文物出土之外,仲係一個軍事海防重鎮。想刷新你對屯門嘅刻板印象?千祈唔好錯過今集精彩嘅內容。順手follow埋我哋個Instagram: instagram.com/chitchathongkong 睇埋啲相同簡介,你就會清楚啲㗎啦。

For a long time, the impression of Tuen Mun from outsiders is lots of negative labels such as remote area, far away from the city centre, and frequent traffic jams on Tuen Mun Road, but it turns out that this place is a treasure as it has a rich history of more than 6,000 years. Not only is a large number of cultural relics being unearthed, but also an important military and coastal defensive area. If you would like to demolish your stereotype of Tuen Mun?  Don't miss this episode and follow instagram.com/chitchathongkong.

17 min