31 avsnitt

We are a group of amateur musicians who share a deep longing to worship God. 愛的凱歌 is our invitation to our listeners. As you listen to the songs performed on this podcast, let us trust, contemplate, love, worship, serve, and exalt God together. Hallowed be His name!

The songs included in this program are mostly contemporary Christian worship songs from North America [the United States; the English-speaking world]. The translation of lyrics from English to Chinese and the instrumental arrangement of each song are completed by two members of our team. Our presentation of these songs employs instrumental ensembles with voice or instrumental ensembles alone.

May the music presented in 愛的凱歌 nurture our lives and foster our spiritual growth, and lead us to union with the One we love!

一群業餘的愛樂者,同時也是單純渴慕以音樂來敬拜上帝的基督徒,藉由「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」這個平台,邀請您一同來聆聽詩歌,齊來信靠、仰望、愛慕、敬拜、服侍與尊榮上帝。願人都「尊祂的名為聖」。


盼望「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」--藉由詩歌敬拜--能成為彼此生命與靈性的成長;更要緊的,使我們與所愛慕的那位,合而為一。

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愛的凱歌 (Adore Him‪)‬ Judy Lin

    • Religion och spiritualitet

We are a group of amateur musicians who share a deep longing to worship God. 愛的凱歌 is our invitation to our listeners. As you listen to the songs performed on this podcast, let us trust, contemplate, love, worship, serve, and exalt God together. Hallowed be His name!

The songs included in this program are mostly contemporary Christian worship songs from North America [the United States; the English-speaking world]. The translation of lyrics from English to Chinese and the instrumental arrangement of each song are completed by two members of our team. Our presentation of these songs employs instrumental ensembles with voice or instrumental ensembles alone.

May the music presented in 愛的凱歌 nurture our lives and foster our spiritual growth, and lead us to union with the One we love!

一群業餘的愛樂者,同時也是單純渴慕以音樂來敬拜上帝的基督徒,藉由「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」這個平台,邀請您一同來聆聽詩歌,齊來信靠、仰望、愛慕、敬拜、服侍與尊榮上帝。願人都「尊祂的名為聖」。


盼望「愛的凱歌 (Adore Him)」--藉由詩歌敬拜--能成為彼此生命與靈性的成長;更要緊的,使我們與所愛慕的那位,合而為一。

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    有福的確據 ("Blessed Assurance")

    有福的確據 ("Blessed Assurance")

    Hi 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌Adore Him,我是 Judy。不知道大家有沒有特別喜歡的聖詩?記得以前,幾個朋友相聚聊天談論這個話題時,彼此半開玩笑、半正經地說,若我們當中有人哪一天先回天家,希望其他還在世上的朋友,能在告別式的禮拜中,吟唱故人生前最喜愛的聖詩。
    今天要和大家分享由芬妮•克羅斯比(Fanny Crosby)創作的聖詩〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)。芬妮在教會歷史上被譽為聖詩皇后,雖然到了中年才開始寫聖詩,但芬妮的餘生,創作了高達九千多首的聖詩,並且發表的許多詩歌被翻譯成二百多種各國語言。其中流傳到如今,仍然受到許多基督徒喜愛的聖詩,例如有:〈榮耀歸於天父〉(To God Be the Glory)、〈近主十架〉(Near the Cross)、〈懇求救主格外垂聽〉 (Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour)、〈主,我是屬你〉(I Am Thine, O Lord)、〈救主比生命更寶貴〉(Saviour, More Than Life to Me)、〈安穩在耶穌手臂〉(Safe in the Arms of Jesus),以及〈主凡事引導〉(All the Way My Saviour Leads Me )。
    在眾多芬尼創作的聖詩中,我想最被大家熟悉的應該就是〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)。而芬尼離世安息後,她的墓碑上,除了刻著馬可福音14:8 的內容:「她所作的,是盡她所能的。」此外,便是〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)第一節的歌詞:「有福的確據,耶穌屬我,我今得先嚐,天堂的榮耀!為父神後嗣,已得救贖,從聖靈得生,寶血洗淨。」副歌:「這是我故事,我的詩歌;讚美我救主,晝夜唱和。」
    聖詩〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)是芬妮53歲時創作的作品。芬妮從年輕的時候,就非常喜愛以管風琴彈奏的音樂。她的一位作曲家好友菲比•納普(Phobe P. Knapp)是紐約衛理公會教會的一位平信徒,家境非常富裕,家裡收藏許多珍貴的樂器,甚至有大型的管風琴。有一天,芬妮去拜訪菲比,希望聽菲比彈奏管風琴,但不巧當時菲比家的管風琴在維修中,於是,菲比以鋼琴取代管風琴,彈奏了一首新創作的樂曲。彈奏後,菲比問芬妮對這首樂曲的旋律有什麼感覺?芬妮毫無猶豫地回答:「有福的確據,耶穌屬我」,並且立刻提筆寫下了全部的詩句,〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)這首流傳至今,仍深受許多基督徒喜愛的聖詩便由此誕生。
    今天節目一開頭,有提到我和幾個朋友曾經分享,希望個人喜愛的聖詩,在告別式禮拜中能夠被吟唱…。關於這個話題,我覺得比起我們個人對哪首樂曲、曲風、或者聖詩詩句類型的喜好而言,更重要的是,我們想藉由所喜愛的詩歌來傳遞:作為主耶穌見證人的喜樂!正如芬妮在聖詩〈有福的確據〉 (Blessed Assurance)中譜寫的三節歌詞,表明了人們能擁有永生生命的確據,那是何等的寶貴與蒙福!特別是在這首聖詩的副歌中,芬妮這麼描述:
    This is my story, this is my song, 
    Praising my Savior all the day long. 
    This is my story, this is my song,
    Praising my Savior all the day long.

    聖經詩篇89:1-2,詩人如此告白:「我要歌唱耶和華的慈愛,直到永遠;我要用口將祢的信實傳與萬代。因我曾說:祢的慈悲必建立到永遠; 祢的信實必堅立在天上。(詩篇89:1~2) 擁有永生生命的確據是何等的重要!何等的寶貴!

    • 7 min
    為了這個時刻 ("For Such a Time as This")

    為了這個時刻 ("For Such a Time as This")

    Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。我們在前幾集的podcast中,曾經介紹Shawna Edwards創作的詩歌〈遠超過所能〉(“More than Enough”)。今天則是要和大家分享她創作的另外一首詩歌〈為了這個時刻〉(“For Such a Time as This”)。我們先來聽聽這首詩歌的器樂版本。


    Shawna Edwards以聖經舊約中的書卷《以斯帖記》為題材,寫下詩歌〈為了這個時刻〉(“For Such a Time as This”)。《以斯帖記》主要是描寫發生在波斯皇帝宮中的故事。當時亞哈隨魯王統治整個帝國,王后為瓦實提。在一次宴客中,王后瓦實提因得罪亞哈隨魯王而被罷黜。在重新選立王后的過程中,以斯帖取而代之,成為新任的王后。


    為著青少年與兒童靈性教育成長,Shawna Edward創作了許多以聖經故事為題材的詩歌,〈為了這個時刻〉正是其中的一首。那麼我們來聽聽看,在這首詩歌中,她如何將《以斯帖記》此故事,傳遞給這個世代的青少年與兒童。在這首歌中,Shawna Edwards如此描述:
    大家聽完由Shawna Edwards在〈為了這個時刻〉(“For Such a Time as This”)中所描寫的以斯帖後,有什麼想法呢?比起歷世歷代的基督徒,我們活在這個時代的好處之一,就是能夠很容易地從各個媒體網絡中,得到許多的資源與幫助,但在此同時,我也再次思想與檢討,這些資源並不應該成為我們直接跳過親自讀聖經—也就是神的話語—的理由或者藉口,反倒應該成為引導我們,來到神面前,親自與祂建立關係、建立信仰根基的輔助物。這是我在準備這集podcast時,其中的一個信仰省思。不知道大家的想法又是如何呢?

    • 10 min
    配得一切尊崇 ("Worthy of It All")

    配得一切尊崇 ("Worthy of It All")

    Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。
    今天要和大家分享由David Brymer創作的詩歌〈配得一切尊崇〉(“Worthy of It All”)。David Brymer 一直很積極投入於國際禱告殿(International House of Prayer)的運動。〈配得一切尊崇〉的歌詞,描述著啟示錄第四章和第五章,天上敬拜的異象。David Brymer 藉由這首創作,邀請凡屬乎神的聖潔兒女,來到聖潔神寶座前,獻上我們對聖潔神與羔羊耶穌的讚美與愛慕。


    All the saints and angels
    Bow before Your throne
    All the elders cast their crowns
    眾長老同來 將冠冕
    Before the Lamb of God and sing





    You're worthy of it all
    You're worthy of it all
    For from You are all things
    And to You are all things
    You deserve the glory



    Day and night, night and day
    Let incense arise


     我 又 看 見 寶 座 與 四 活 物 , 並 長 老 之 中 有 羔 羊 站 立 , 像 是 被 殺 過 的 , 有 七 角 七 眼 , 就 是 神 的 七 靈 , 奉 差 遣 往 普 天 下 去 的 。
     這 羔 羊 前 來 , 從 坐 寶 座 的 右 手 裡 拿 了 書 卷 。
     他 既 拿 了 書 卷 , 四 活 物 和 二 十 四 位 長 老 就 俯 伏 在 羔 羊 面 前 , 各 拿 著 琴

    • 14 min
    感激 ("Gratitude")

    感激 ("Gratitude")

    Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌〈感激〉(“Gratitude”),出自於Brandon Lake於2020年發行的專輯House of Miracles。

    Brandon Lake是一位美國詩歌創作者,敬拜團領袖和牧師,喜愛和來自世界各地不同背景、教派的音樂創作者合作。〈感激〉(“Gratitude”)就是他和Benjamin Hastings 以及Dante Bowe攜手創作的。

    在〈感激〉的歌詞中,Brandon Lake敘述他心中滿溢著對神無限的感激,謙卑來到神面前,獻上感謝的祭。與此同時,他也意識到身為人的渺小與有限。在第一、二節歌詞,他這麼敘述:

    All my words fall short
    I got nothing new
    How could I express
    All my gratitude?

    I could sing these songs
    As I often do
    But every song must end
    And You never do

    緊接著,Brandon Lake 並沒有允許自己因為看到自身的有限、不足,而停滯不前、或者退縮,也不允許自己被這種錯誤的、不恰當的情緒或者感覺所支配。如同聖經詩篇50:23所說的:「凡以感謝獻上為祭的,便是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩。」因此,在第三節歌詞&副歌中,Brandon Lake這麼描述:

    I've got one response
    I've got just one move
    With my arm stretched wide
    I will worship You

    So I throw up my hands
    And praise You again and again
    'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah
    And I know it's not much
    But I've nothing else fit for a King
    Except for a heart singing hallelujah
    惟一個頌讚的心 哈利路亞

    為了再次強調副歌中對神千千萬萬的感謝、無限的感激與不止息的讚美,Brandon Lake在Bridge的樂段,這麼描述:

    So come on, my soul
    Oh, don't you get shy on me
    喔 不要害羞遲疑,
    Lift up your song
    'Cause you've got a lion inside of those lungs
    Get up and praise the Lord
    起來吧 讚美主!

    在Bridge樂句中,出現了一句很不尋常的描述:“ ‘Cause you’ve got a lion inside of those lungs,” 直白的翻譯好像在說我們的肺裡面有一個獅子。然而詩歌的結尾,Brandon Lake再次帶我們回到副歌的歌詞,提醒自己也叫人不要誤解,雖然用獅子比喻我們要放膽且竭力地頌讚神,但我們並非靠著音量的大小,或者自己的力量來頌讚神,如同約翰福音4: 23-24,耶穌曉諭我們的:「時候將到,如今就是了,那真正拜父的,要用心靈和誠實拜他,因為父要這樣的人拜他。  神是個靈,所以拜他的必須用心靈和誠實拜他。」也就是要靠著聖靈和真理(神的話)來敬拜祂。
    節目最後,邀請您一同來聆聽鋼琴獨奏版本的 〈感激〉(“Gratitude”)。我們下週見!

    ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: 

    ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: https://he-is-the-one-we-adore.firstory.io/

    ✏️ 〈感激〉(“Gratitude”) 
    詞曲|Words and Music by Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, Dante Bowe
    鋼琴獨奏編曲|Arranged for Piano Solo by Brian Büda
    演奏者|Performed by Judy Lin

    ✏️ 中英文歌詞對照 (Lyrics: English & Mandarin)
    🎼 譯者|Translator: Judy Lin

    • 9 min
    避難所 ("Take Shelter")

    避難所 ("Take Shelter")

    Dear Listening Friends,

    Welcome to our program, 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy. Today, we will share a Christian song called "Take Shelter." Skye Peterson wrote this song during high school, expressing her discovery of God as the only One who could bring peace to all humankind. Despite facing social anxiety, sorrows, fears, sins, and weariness, she found unshakeable peace in the knowledge that God is her king and loves her.

    One day, while writing church music with her friend Ben Shive, the melody of "Take Shelter" resurfaced in Skye's heart. Early one morning, she and Ben Shive rewrote the song, with Kristyn Getty later joining them to complete it.

    The war between Ukraine and Russia broke out shortly after finishing the song. Skye remembered how difficult it was to respond to the tragedy, especially hearing about the deaths of many boys and girls due to bombings. Yet, she remained convinced that God, through His only Son, our Savior, offers us everlasting shelter. He is the King of Peace, our shelter, and our refuge. Skye emphasized that not only those directly affected by war but all of us need to take shelter. If God is not our shelter, we are hopeless.

    Skye hoped that the lyrics of this song could serve as prayers, anthems, and battle cries, not only for us but also for those on the front lines of wars and various conflicts, our neighbors, and all who await the final shelter of His second coming.

    In this episode, we invite you to listen to the Mandarin version of "Take Shelter" recorded by our team. May this song also be our prayers, anthems, and battle cries. See you next week!

    ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: https://open.firstory.me/story/clrq2cwjl01k401v51igm6r6f?m=comment

    ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: https://he-is-the-one-we-adore.firstory.io/

    Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。今天要和大家分享的詩歌為〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”)。

    〈避難所〉(“Take Shelter”) 是Skye Peterson高中時期寫的詩歌,最原始的版本,整體而言寫的很粗糙,但透過這首詩歌,她想嘗試表達:唯有神是我們真正的避難所、藏身處。Skye Peterson回憶:雖然高中時期的她,懂得東西不多,但她確實知道上帝是她生命的王,在人生的風暴中,唯有神能帶給人們唯一且真實的平安。她進一步地分享:生活中許多艱難的時刻,父母總是會擁抱她,如同一條厚厚的毯子包覆在她身上,讓她感受到溫暖與遮蓋。但更重要的,她深刻體會到:社會性的各種焦慮、不安、憂傷、罪惡、疲乏雖然會擊打她,但這些並無法撼動一個永不改變的事實——她所告白並且信靠的君王,是真神上帝,深深地愛著她。這就是Skye Peterson寫了這首詩歌的由來。之後,Skye Peterson也沒有多想什麼,就把這首詩歌放在抽屜的最底層,一放就是兩年。

    後來,出於某些原因,大約當Skye Peterson開始嘗試和她的朋友Ben Shive一起創作教會音樂的時候,Skye Peterson才又再次地想起〈避難所〉這首詩歌的旋律。所以,在某天的早晨,除了已經創作好的副歌部分,Skye Peterson和Ben Shive在錄音室,兩小時內,重寫了〈避難所〉這首詩歌。後來Kristyn Getty 加入,幫助他們完成了這首詩歌的創作。

    Skye Peterson 另外提到,想不到在完成〈避難所〉不久,就獲悉烏俄戰爭爆發的消息。對於有人向真實的、活生生的男孩、女孩投擲炸彈,使得她對於詩歌〈避難所〉所要帶出的主題,有了完全新的領受。她坦言,面對這樣的悲劇和痛苦,很難知道該說什麼,但她真心相信:我們的神以某種奇妙的方式,藉由祂獨生子耶穌基督,已經為我們提供一個永恆的避難所、

    • 9 min
    遠超過所能 ("More Than Enough")

    遠超過所能 ("More Than Enough")

    Dear Listening Friends, 

    Welcome to our program, 愛的凱歌 Adore Him. My name is Judy. On the second Sunday of May, we celebrate Mother’s Day and would like to take this opportunity to wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day.

    Today, we will be sharing a Christian song called “More Than Enough - a Mother’s Day Song” by Shawna Edwards. Shawna Edwards is an American Christian artist who writes gospel music to share her faith in Christ. She is particularly concerned about the spiritual growth of youth and children. She has written a series of gospel songs based on stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Her website, Shawna Edwards Music, is an excellent resource for Sunday School teachers, youth fellowship counselors, and choir conductors.

    In “More Than Enough,” Shawna Edwards intentionally avoids using the word “Mother” in the lyrics, even though the song is about Mother’s Day. This is so that children raised and nurtured by people other than their biological mother can still sing the song and dedicate it to their aunt, uncle, or grandparents.

    I attended Sunday worship services at a local church for over ten years. Every year, as Mother's Day approached, the church prepared gifts for every Sunday school teacher. A few years ago, the principal of the Sunday school in the church, who has now passed away, shared with me, "Even though I am single and have never been married nor have a family, I am so blessed! I can share God's love with kids at Sunday school, and that's so wonderful and amazing. Though all I could do was tiny, I asked God to help me remain faithful in picking the kids to attend Sunday school on Sundays. Even though I don't have the gift of teaching, I can encourage those with gifts to participate in Christian education for kids and the youth. I feel happy and contented when I see every kid growing up and becoming spiritually mature, knowing how to trust in God and loving Him."

    “More than Enough” is written for Mother’s Day. Still, its lyrics highlight that whoever remains faithful to God keeps loving and raising the precious kids for God's sake and anticipating their spiritual growth (as the principal of the Sunday school did).  This makes me reflect on what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3: 6, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” The song also leads me to contemplate God’s wide and deep love. A passage in Isaiah 49: 15-16 appeared in my mind.

    “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
        and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
    Though she may forget,
        I will not forget you!
    See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
        your walls are ever before me.
    Since 愛的凱歌 Adore Him started last December, we have received many emails and messages from listeners who have requested the music sheet for gospel songs in Chinese. However, due to copyright laws, we are unable to offer them. Nevertheless, we have some exciting news to share! Last week, Shawna Edwards released her songs in Mandarin on her website, Shawna Edwards Music. The Mandarin versions include "More Than Enough," "Risen," "The Miracle," and "For Such a Time as This." Additionally, translations of her songs will be released in Mandarin. If you are interested, we invite you to check out her website.

    At the end of this episode, we invite you to listen to the Mandarin version of "More Than Enough." We'll see you next week!

    ❤️ We welcome feedback and comments: https://open.firstory.me/story/clrq2cwjl01k401v51igm6r6f?m=comment

    ❤️ 愛的凱歌 Adore Him: https://he-is-the-one-we-adore.firstory.io/

    Hi, 各位聽眾朋友們,平安!歡迎收聽愛的凱歌 (Adore Him),我是Judy。接下來的禮拜天是母親節,在這裡先預祝每一位媽媽「母親節快樂」!


    • 9 min

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