30 min

05. Simon Geale, Executive VP Procurement @ Proxima: Digital Transformation in Procurement The Way We Source

    • Ledarskap

- Some of the biggest challenges Procurement is facing today.

- Practical tips on what Procurement should be doing to align with the overall business goals.

- Digital Transformation in Procurement.

- What sets apart good CPO's from great CPO's - and some shoutouts to some CPO's he thinks are really pushing the envelope today.

- The importance of storytelling.

- What are some of the big trends in Procurement & supply Chain in the next 3 to 5 years?


Simon Geale LinkedIn

Proxima Group

Kodiak Hub

- Some of the biggest challenges Procurement is facing today.

- Practical tips on what Procurement should be doing to align with the overall business goals.

- Digital Transformation in Procurement.

- What sets apart good CPO's from great CPO's - and some shoutouts to some CPO's he thinks are really pushing the envelope today.

- The importance of storytelling.

- What are some of the big trends in Procurement & supply Chain in the next 3 to 5 years?


Simon Geale LinkedIn

Proxima Group

Kodiak Hub

30 min