39 min

063 - Royal Reveal Dune Not Enter

    • Science fiction

Welcome back as we continue our quest towards the end of Dune by discussing the first half of Chapter 47! The Emperor makes his first appearance, and the Baron makes a return! With some information gathered from both Alia and his own sources, the Emperor puts the Baron to shame. From a reunion of old friends to interesting slang (T-P?), join your hosts as they bask in the tension of chapter 47!

Welcome back as we continue our quest towards the end of Dune by discussing the first half of Chapter 47! The Emperor makes his first appearance, and the Baron makes a return! With some information gathered from both Alia and his own sources, the Emperor puts the Baron to shame. From a reunion of old friends to interesting slang (T-P?), join your hosts as they bask in the tension of chapter 47!

39 min