11. Diagonal Bio AB: "Our latest external study delivered extremly good results in line with our expectations" - Jack Egelund Madsen, CEO


Jack Egelund Madsen, CEO at Diagonal Bio AB (publ), joins FinVoices to speak about the company and share the updates regarding Diagonal Bios latest and upcoming milestones.

The latest results from the external study have proven that Diagonal Bios platform technology are delivering the quality, speed and sensitivity in line with our expectations, and more. Further, Jack explains the main focus for this year is to commercialize LAMPlify.

// Diagonal Bio AB (publ) is a biotech company based in Lund. The company is developing two platforms developed on their own patented technology, PANVIRAL and LAMPlify, to detect genetic markers in genetic material (DNA or RNA based) regardless if this is originating from humans, animals, plants, viruses, bacteria and fungi. //

FinVoices is operated by Impala Nordic.

Disclaimer** Nothing said in the podcast is a buy or sell recommendation. This episode has been done on behalf of the company.

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