33 min

2 Chronicles 19:4-11, "With a Loyal Heart‪"‬ Sermons from Bethany ARP Church

    • Kristendom

In many ways discipleship is the work of repetition. It so often follows a pattern of: sin, repentance, growth, sin, repentance, growth, and on and on. 

This is what we are seeing in the life of Jehoshaphat. He had started out well, organizing Judah with an eye towards justice, yet when given the opportunity to "export" that justice to Israel he fell hard and sinned greatly before the LORD. 

In His blessed grace Jehovah had rescued the king of Judah from the consequences of his transgressions and brought him back to Jerusalem where he had spent time in reflection and the work of renewing his covenantal commitment to God through prayer, fasting, and "dwelling" in the face of the LORD. This seeking of God where He may be found is shown to be the merciful power that it is by what we see Jehoshaphat do in this passage.

Much like in chapter 19 at the beginning of his story the king is active in putting Godly judges in place, but there is a difference this time. He says that these judges are to, "...act in the fear of the LORD, faithfully and with a loyal heart." 

What this means in practical words is that these men given the responsibility of making sure that God's people are dealt with fairly and without partiality are to always remember that at the end of the day they are not working for Jehoshaphat, but Jehovah. This is to show them that in the Day of Judgment when they have to give an account for their labors God's Word and His Law will be the standard by which they will they themselves will be judged.

This teaching is meant to provide peace and comfort to the nation, as it is also meant to give the Church a word of solace, especially in a world where we do not know what will be "right" or "wrong" from day-to-day. The Christian has the knowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ has declared what is holy and righteous and good in His word, and that is what the Church must ground its teaching and its behavior. For the wisdom of our Savior is greater than anything the fickle mind of man could ever come up with, and it is the only way that Believers can know that which is honoring to God and that which brings glory to His name. 

In many ways discipleship is the work of repetition. It so often follows a pattern of: sin, repentance, growth, sin, repentance, growth, and on and on. 

This is what we are seeing in the life of Jehoshaphat. He had started out well, organizing Judah with an eye towards justice, yet when given the opportunity to "export" that justice to Israel he fell hard and sinned greatly before the LORD. 

In His blessed grace Jehovah had rescued the king of Judah from the consequences of his transgressions and brought him back to Jerusalem where he had spent time in reflection and the work of renewing his covenantal commitment to God through prayer, fasting, and "dwelling" in the face of the LORD. This seeking of God where He may be found is shown to be the merciful power that it is by what we see Jehoshaphat do in this passage.

Much like in chapter 19 at the beginning of his story the king is active in putting Godly judges in place, but there is a difference this time. He says that these judges are to, "...act in the fear of the LORD, faithfully and with a loyal heart." 

What this means in practical words is that these men given the responsibility of making sure that God's people are dealt with fairly and without partiality are to always remember that at the end of the day they are not working for Jehoshaphat, but Jehovah. This is to show them that in the Day of Judgment when they have to give an account for their labors God's Word and His Law will be the standard by which they will they themselves will be judged.

This teaching is meant to provide peace and comfort to the nation, as it is also meant to give the Church a word of solace, especially in a world where we do not know what will be "right" or "wrong" from day-to-day. The Christian has the knowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ has declared what is holy and righteous and good in His word, and that is what the Church must ground its teaching and its behavior. For the wisdom of our Savior is greater than anything the fickle mind of man could ever come up with, and it is the only way that Believers can know that which is honoring to God and that which brings glory to His name. 

33 min