15 min

3 Steps to a less stressful, more meaningful career Level-Up Your Career

    • Karriär

If you're tired of the fear of being potentially laid off, or if you're exhausted with the churn of new leadership and having to build and re-build your credibility and influence with company leaders, or if you're drained from the stress you're feeling from your job, then this podcast is for you!
In 15-minutes, I'll give you the exact same 3-point framework that I give to my clients to help them identify a more energizing, fulfilling, and meaningful career.
Hi there!  I’m glad you’re here with me.  I’m glad you found me.  I’m Sherri Thomas, and what I teach are things you can do right now to help you uplevel your reputation, and your influence, and your executive presence so that you have stronger connections, easier relationships, and more control and opportunities in your career. You can be more of the decision maker in your career.
One of the questions I get asked the most is, “How do I find a job that’s less stressful?” Or, “How do I find a job that’s more meaningful?”  So in this episode I’m going to chunk it down, and share with you 3 strategies that I give my clients… and these are 3 areas you want to examine if you want a less stressful, or more meaningful job.
All jobs have days of stress and frustration, but when you have this natural positive energy and excitement in your career, you’re better able to manage through tough days.
So those 3 areas I’m going to walk you through in this podcast are -
Are you working in the industry that best aligns with your personal values?
Does the organization you’re working in fill you with pride?
Does your job role inspire you.
I’m about to walk you through each of those 3 areas.
I’m Sherri Thomas. I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a Fortune 100 leadership coach, and President of Your Leadership Lab, and when I say leadership I’m not talking about a job title like a VP or Director. You can be an individual contributor, you can be a project manager, you can be any level in engineering, or sales, or marketing. It doesn’t matter where you are inside an organization. When I say “leadership” I’m talking about your personal leadership skills. Those qualities that help you rise up inside an organization and be heard and get noticed, and be valued and recognized for your special gifts and talents… so that you can get the promotion you want, the job title and salary that you want.
Earlier in my career, when I was a communications manager I abruptly was laid off due to a re-org, and I was devastated. I couldn’t understand how I could do every, single thing my manager asked me do, exceed expectations, get a great annual performance review, and then get laid off. It didn’t make sense to me.
And in that emotional tornado I was thrust in, I made it my personal mission that I would be re-hired into that Fortune 100 company, AND I would do everything I could to learn why some professionals get promoted and these great opportunities and climb the career ladder - while others stay stuck. That became my personal mission. I wanted to look behind the curtain, and learn, what those secret strategies are.
And so that’s what I’ve been doing… I’m happy to say that I was re-hired and stayed with that Fortune 100 company 20 years… in fact, I learned so much about cracking that code of how to get hired and re-hired, and how to get promoted, and how to re-brand yourself inside (and outside) a company, and how to have easier relationships with company leaders and executives, how to get noticed, and be recognized and valued and appreciated… that I became the designated leadership coach for our company’s VP’s and leaders - teaching them how to brand themselves, and how to build a powerful executive presence, so that they could climb the career ladder.
And today, I’m President of Your Leadership Lab and have helped over 10,000 professionals move their career forward. And I’m here today, because there are so many people coming

If you're tired of the fear of being potentially laid off, or if you're exhausted with the churn of new leadership and having to build and re-build your credibility and influence with company leaders, or if you're drained from the stress you're feeling from your job, then this podcast is for you!
In 15-minutes, I'll give you the exact same 3-point framework that I give to my clients to help them identify a more energizing, fulfilling, and meaningful career.
Hi there!  I’m glad you’re here with me.  I’m glad you found me.  I’m Sherri Thomas, and what I teach are things you can do right now to help you uplevel your reputation, and your influence, and your executive presence so that you have stronger connections, easier relationships, and more control and opportunities in your career. You can be more of the decision maker in your career.
One of the questions I get asked the most is, “How do I find a job that’s less stressful?” Or, “How do I find a job that’s more meaningful?”  So in this episode I’m going to chunk it down, and share with you 3 strategies that I give my clients… and these are 3 areas you want to examine if you want a less stressful, or more meaningful job.
All jobs have days of stress and frustration, but when you have this natural positive energy and excitement in your career, you’re better able to manage through tough days.
So those 3 areas I’m going to walk you through in this podcast are -
Are you working in the industry that best aligns with your personal values?
Does the organization you’re working in fill you with pride?
Does your job role inspire you.
I’m about to walk you through each of those 3 areas.
I’m Sherri Thomas. I’m a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a Fortune 100 leadership coach, and President of Your Leadership Lab, and when I say leadership I’m not talking about a job title like a VP or Director. You can be an individual contributor, you can be a project manager, you can be any level in engineering, or sales, or marketing. It doesn’t matter where you are inside an organization. When I say “leadership” I’m talking about your personal leadership skills. Those qualities that help you rise up inside an organization and be heard and get noticed, and be valued and recognized for your special gifts and talents… so that you can get the promotion you want, the job title and salary that you want.
Earlier in my career, when I was a communications manager I abruptly was laid off due to a re-org, and I was devastated. I couldn’t understand how I could do every, single thing my manager asked me do, exceed expectations, get a great annual performance review, and then get laid off. It didn’t make sense to me.
And in that emotional tornado I was thrust in, I made it my personal mission that I would be re-hired into that Fortune 100 company, AND I would do everything I could to learn why some professionals get promoted and these great opportunities and climb the career ladder - while others stay stuck. That became my personal mission. I wanted to look behind the curtain, and learn, what those secret strategies are.
And so that’s what I’ve been doing… I’m happy to say that I was re-hired and stayed with that Fortune 100 company 20 years… in fact, I learned so much about cracking that code of how to get hired and re-hired, and how to get promoted, and how to re-brand yourself inside (and outside) a company, and how to have easier relationships with company leaders and executives, how to get noticed, and be recognized and valued and appreciated… that I became the designated leadership coach for our company’s VP’s and leaders - teaching them how to brand themselves, and how to build a powerful executive presence, so that they could climb the career ladder.
And today, I’m President of Your Leadership Lab and have helped over 10,000 professionals move their career forward. And I’m here today, because there are so many people coming

15 min