15 min

32. 15 Min Third Eye Chakra Meditation Reclaim Your Power

    • Självhjälp


*Listen to 5-7 days for optimal results*

The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit) This chakra is located in the center of the eyebrows, a little bit above them. There is actually no element associated with this chakra because the energy of it is so high that it goes beyond any material thing. The vowel sound "AYE" is also associated with the third eye chakra. The third eye is a mystical center and is discussed in many different religions, philosophies and spiritual texts. It allows us to remove the "veil" from our perception and to see beyond the surface of things, beyond what things seem to be. And when I say "see" I don't mean with your two physical eyes, I mean well, with your third eye! Many people refer to this center as the sixth sense and believe that it is just as important if not more than our other 5 senses.  This center opens us up to universal consciousness and compliments the solar plexus' rational and logical thinking mode. Here we have inner knowings beyond reasoning.

The function of this chakra is clear perception. Some other associations with the third eye chakra are truth, clarity, timing, perception, intuition, breaking illusions, wisdom, foresight, acceptance, objectivity and discernment.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are denial, going against our sixth sense or what we feel is true and right and a lack of clear perception on issues or obstacles in life.


*Listen to 5-7 days for optimal results*

The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit) This chakra is located in the center of the eyebrows, a little bit above them. There is actually no element associated with this chakra because the energy of it is so high that it goes beyond any material thing. The vowel sound "AYE" is also associated with the third eye chakra. The third eye is a mystical center and is discussed in many different religions, philosophies and spiritual texts. It allows us to remove the "veil" from our perception and to see beyond the surface of things, beyond what things seem to be. And when I say "see" I don't mean with your two physical eyes, I mean well, with your third eye! Many people refer to this center as the sixth sense and believe that it is just as important if not more than our other 5 senses.  This center opens us up to universal consciousness and compliments the solar plexus' rational and logical thinking mode. Here we have inner knowings beyond reasoning.

The function of this chakra is clear perception. Some other associations with the third eye chakra are truth, clarity, timing, perception, intuition, breaking illusions, wisdom, foresight, acceptance, objectivity and discernment.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are denial, going against our sixth sense or what we feel is true and right and a lack of clear perception on issues or obstacles in life.

15 min