41 min

Build the Death Star - Star Wars meets Scrum Scrumblebee

    • Ledarskap

Would the Rebel Alliance stand a chance if the Death Star would have been build using Scrum? I guess we will never know...

... however, playing the Scrum simulation game 'Building the Death Star' by Corrado De Sanctis - the Dex game - teams pioneer towards the pillars of successful enterprise agility. What brings the highest gain on the quest to conquer the universe? High performing teams? Effective OKRs?

In this simulation 6 scrum teams explore the realm of large project agility. Within the two hours playtime teams learn in a playful way what the magic ingredients for a project success are.  How does the game look like? Dedicated work streams are responsible for the various components of the Death Star as real as the real fiction suggests. Every bit is like in the real Star Wars stories and authentically relate to the Death Star building in 'The New Hope'. But how easy is it to coordinate building the super laser and connecting it to the power needed? What happens if the emperor has taken Princess Leia hostage and needs the torture chamber active ASAP? 

Whilst the empire had 400,000 droids to build the death star we have six teams to coordinate the work. This game has a Scrum board, 134 components to be build - each represented by a card, six teams, the universe throwing a spanner into the gearbox and a ruthless and demanding emperor. It is ideal to be played with a minimum of 14 people and aims for anyone who is exposed to Agile ways of working - or wants to learn about agility on an experiential level.

In today's Scrumblebee episode we hear employees of the happy MatchesFashion family play the 'Build the Death Star' game. Of course we didn't let the opportunity slip to talk to Michael Park who invited us to MatchsFashion London and who has deep insight into the powers of this game. Corrado De Sanctis has invented the Death Star game all by himself and explains what has prompted him to do so. 

And if you are interested in a written experience report by Corrado on LinkedIn just click here:


Would the Rebel Alliance stand a chance if the Death Star would have been build using Scrum? I guess we will never know...

... however, playing the Scrum simulation game 'Building the Death Star' by Corrado De Sanctis - the Dex game - teams pioneer towards the pillars of successful enterprise agility. What brings the highest gain on the quest to conquer the universe? High performing teams? Effective OKRs?

In this simulation 6 scrum teams explore the realm of large project agility. Within the two hours playtime teams learn in a playful way what the magic ingredients for a project success are.  How does the game look like? Dedicated work streams are responsible for the various components of the Death Star as real as the real fiction suggests. Every bit is like in the real Star Wars stories and authentically relate to the Death Star building in 'The New Hope'. But how easy is it to coordinate building the super laser and connecting it to the power needed? What happens if the emperor has taken Princess Leia hostage and needs the torture chamber active ASAP? 

Whilst the empire had 400,000 droids to build the death star we have six teams to coordinate the work. This game has a Scrum board, 134 components to be build - each represented by a card, six teams, the universe throwing a spanner into the gearbox and a ruthless and demanding emperor. It is ideal to be played with a minimum of 14 people and aims for anyone who is exposed to Agile ways of working - or wants to learn about agility on an experiential level.

In today's Scrumblebee episode we hear employees of the happy MatchesFashion family play the 'Build the Death Star' game. Of course we didn't let the opportunity slip to talk to Michael Park who invited us to MatchsFashion London and who has deep insight into the powers of this game. Corrado De Sanctis has invented the Death Star game all by himself and explains what has prompted him to do so. 

And if you are interested in a written experience report by Corrado on LinkedIn just click here:


41 min