40 avsnitt

Tune in as Athena Lucene, Spiritual Thought Leader at athenalucene.com, shares consciousness awakening information and tips to give you more insights into uncovering and managing your spiritual giftedness. You will have a better understanding of how to develop and integrate your spiritual gifts in your daily life through spiritual growth.

Cosmic Celebrity Podcast: Consciousness Awakening Tips for The Spiritually Gifted Athena Lucene

    • Religion och spiritualitet

Tune in as Athena Lucene, Spiritual Thought Leader at athenalucene.com, shares consciousness awakening information and tips to give you more insights into uncovering and managing your spiritual giftedness. You will have a better understanding of how to develop and integrate your spiritual gifts in your daily life through spiritual growth.

    Episode 40: Don’t Be Afraid to Embrace Your Uniqueness

    Episode 40: Don’t Be Afraid to Embrace Your Uniqueness

    If you’re finding it difficult to embrace who you are, then listen to this podcast episode for encouragement. You are a unique treasure, and it’s important that you celebrate your uniqueness so that you can experience fulfillment in your life.

    When you don’t accept yourself, you’re not accepting the unique spark of the Divine that you represent.  Tune in as I expound more on this and share tips on how to love yourself more.

    Episode Highlights:

    * Appreciating ALL of who you are

    * Stop insulting your higher self

    * Being open to the beauty of your essence

    * People pick up on your self-doubt and use it against you

    * Dissolving misaligned energies

    * Being present and enjoy the journey

    * Incorporating positive self-talk

    * The key to not attracting people who will abuse you

    * How to be happy and fulfilled


    I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    Welcome to Episode 40 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast here at athenalucene.com. On this episode, and each and every episode, you’ll receive intuitive energy healing that will naturally realign your energy pattern, your vibrational energy pattern, your unique essence, back to the higher frequency that it was created at before you came to the third dimensional construct and started having various experiences that caused you to more and more misalign with the cosmic energy, with the divine energy, your divine essence, your cosmic celebrity, right?

    Because cosmically speaking, your soul – all of our souls – are beautiful, celebrity divine essences, right, that is so beautiful and meant to be sparking, right? Meant to be divine sparks, right? And unique expressions of creativity and divinity flowing through us.

    And so, the more you embrace and integrate and heal those misaligned energy patterns within you, you are embracing, you’re activating your cosmic celebrity here on the planet.

    Your Uniqueness is Special

    So on this episode, I’ll be talking to you about embracing your uniqueness, right? Why you cannot be afraid, why you must be unafraid to embrace your uniqueness, right?

    So your uniqueness is something that is special to you. It’s your unique, energetic pattern. You’re your divine essence, right? Your soul essence. And in your physical life experience, you’re living and truly meant to really embrace all of who you are and just truly appreciate the unique creative expression of the Creator that you are.

    I remember growing up as a child … of course I didn’t have a lot of the language and the understanding of my experiences and why I was experiencing myself in the way that I was, right? So I was often, like, made fun of. I was often considered the weird one or, you know, the very different one, right?

    I was really excited and happy kid. It was like, I was, in some ways, just truly excited about other people in a way that so many other people … It was like happiness on steroids in some senses.

    But then there was other senses where it was like I just reacted to person’s energy all around me. And a lot of times I took on person’s energy and a lot of times I used to pretend like I was someone else. I would be around someone, whether it’s an aunt or a classmate, or even a teacher, and because I was so sensitive to energy, I would take on their energy. And before I knew it, I was talking like them and acting like them.

    It took me a very long time, way into adulthood, to truly understand the concept of even embracing my uniqueness. And I’m so grateful that the circumstances has came and presented themselves the opportunity for me to truly self-discover and embrace and understand who I am and my gifts,

    • 17 min
    Episode 39: How to Cope as The Black Sheep of Your Family

    Episode 39: How to Cope as The Black Sheep of Your Family

    If you’ve been labeled the black sheep of your family – the weird one, the strange one, the one that no one seems to understand – and you’re feeling hurt, frustrated, or are finding it difficult to cope with the judgment, then this episode is for you.

    As spiritually gifted people, we tend to be labeled various things that have negative connotations, and many times our own family members are our worst critics.

    Some of them will succumb to superstition and negative social conditioning about your giftedness, but it’s up to you to have the courage to not allow their judgments to stop you from shining your light and being true to who you are.

    On this episode, I share my own personal experience with being the black sheep in my family, how I deal with that in a healthy way, and how you can do the same.

    Episode Highlights:

    * A deeper look at why you have been labeled the black sheep

    * Societal programming on humanity

    * Don’t take it personal

    * Why you should embrace being the black sheep

    * Shifting the negative connotation

    * The choice you made before being born into this world

    * Christ Consciousness and moving your lineage forward

    * Knowing your worth and the value of your giftedness

    * Be proud of who you are

    * Your perception about you is the only thing that matters

    * Approaching the situation with wisdom and skill

    * Don’t get stuck on the emotional roller coaster

    * The struggle of not being accepted by your family

    * Blessing your family with love no matter how they treat you

    * Athena’s emotional ups and downs with her own family

    * How to handle being accused of doing witchcraft, voodoo, or obeah

    * The irony of it all


    I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    Welcome to episode 39 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast here at athenalucene.com. On this episode, and every episode, you will receive intuitive divine downloads that will naturally realign you to your natural, unique, energetic pattern, your signature pattern, your soul essence.

    And the more you awakened to that alignment and divine essence within you, the more you are embodying and embracing a cosmic celebrity, or I say your cosmic celebrity – living your authentic truth, standing in the truth of your purpose, honoring yourself, honoring your soul, and absolutely never betraying your soul. That becomes an absolute non-negotiable for you.

    On this episode specifically, I’m going to be talking to you about why you’ve been labeled the black sheep of your family and what to do about it.

    The “Black Sheep” Label Explained

    So, many times when I’m talking to persons who are spiritually gifted, I hear the same story. It’s amazing how when persons are spiritually gifted, how so many spiritually gifted persons, while they feel alone, there’s so many of them that have so many similar experiences because of their giftedness when it comes to nurturing those gifts and understanding them and embracing them and truly integrating them in their day-to-day life in a really psychological and emotionally balanced way.

    I always hear the peripheral, “I am a black sheep in my family,” or, “I’ve been labeled as a black sheep in my family.” And the first thing I want to address is what exactly is the black sheep of the family label? So what I mean by that … And by all means, your experience is unique to you and personal to you, so fill in the blanks. And either what I say or how I label or how I explain or experience what exactly that is, that’s true for me. So you can add to it or take away from it.

    But when I say black sheep of the family,

    • 34 min
    Episode 38: Spiritual Detox From Your Narcissist Lover

    Episode 38: Spiritual Detox From Your Narcissist Lover

    You absolutely must have the courage to love yourself enough to get out of toxic relationships. You may be in a relationship that is so toxic that you don’t even realize the high level of toxicity because you’re so deep in it.

    I know exactly what this is like because I was married to a narcissist for years, and on this episode, I’m going to share spiritual insights with you on how to get that narcissist out of your life and how to dissolve the patterns that are attracting these types of people to you.

    Don’t be afraid – be your own savior! It’s time to attract healthier people in your life.

    Episode Highlights:

    * Why many empaths and light workers attract narcissistic lovers

    * Doing investigative work on yourself

    * Being vigilant about everybody in your life

    * Take a step back and observe

    * Athena’s experience with being in a toxic marriage

    * The awareness that has not been awakened yet in others

    * Why you need to put yourself first

    * The trap that society created that leaves you unaware

    * The psychological game that your narcistic lover is playing with you

    * What you need to do to stay sane

    * Living in a mind warp of constant negative projections on you

    * The way in which you keep giving your narcissistic lover permission to mistreat you… and what to do about it

    * Becoming more emotionally developed

    * Stop trying to get love from a narcissist

    * One of the biggest reasons why you keep staying stuck

    * You are your own savior

    * Don’t be afraid to get out of the relationship

    * Start doing the inner work

    * Not letting anyone make you feel like you need them more than you need yourself

    * How to attract healthier people in your life


    I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    Welcome to episode 38 of the Cosmic Celebrity Podcast, here at athenalucene.com. On this episode, we’ll be talking about spiritual detox from your narcissistic lover. You’ll also receive intuitive energy healing and divine downloads that will naturally realigned you to the natural frequency of your unique energy pattern.

    You’ll also receive information that is going to be life changing, specifically if you are in a situation where you feel like you’re in this emotional feedback loop on a roller coaster ride with the person who’s supposed to love you the most – your spouse, your lover, a boyfriend, a life partner, right? A boyfriend or girlfriend.

    And you’ll also receive just more inspiration towards how you can naturally realign to your divine essence, your cosmic celebrity, awaken and connect more to your spiritual essence and your spiritual centeredness, right?

    That’s what I call your cosmic celebrity. We’re all cosmic celebrities, more and more as we connect spiritually and profoundly to our inner being, our inner spirit, right? When we have blossom our inner spirit and live soulfully with purpose and joy and happiness and in states of absolute abundance, absolute non-negotiable abundance.

    A More Direct Approach

    So, usually on my podcasts and when I speak, I’m usually very optimistic and come across over optimistic sometimes to some people. And that’s okay. I’m more and more realizing the need to speak to you a little bit more directly, and less “airy fairy,” as some may call it, right?

    Because the frequencies, the higher frequencies of peace and love and joy and acceptance and optimism and a state of, all is well, and everything is always working out for you… Persons mistake that for being in denial or being in a state where you’re not connected to quote unquote, the physical reality of the life experience you’re havin...

    • 28 min
    Episode 37: Why the World Needs the Love and Light of the Spiritually Gifted

    Episode 37: Why the World Needs the Love and Light of the Spiritually Gifted


    This is a beautiful time for the spiritually gifted. In times such as these, the world is more willing to embrace and accept the visions, revelations, and divine downloads that flow through and to those who are gifted.

    But are you trapped in negative thinking brought on by the dire predictions on social media and the news? Have you accepted the idea that things have to get worse before they get better? Are you burdened by fear for the future?

    When you let fear and the energy of unawakened persons decide or dominate your energy, you’re allowing them to control your perception of what will be. But when you turn your mind to the positive and the possibilities, creativity and solutions will flow toward you.

    Tune in to today’s episode, where I discuss why you should share your light with the world and exactly how to do it.

    Episode Highlights:

    * Why your spiritual gifts are so needed in times such as these

    * Accept your spiritually gifted self

    * The bottom line is: Do you have the courage to…

    * Some answers for those who are wondering if they’re spiritually gifted

    * How to connect and send light

    * This is a beautiful time for spiritually gifted persons

    * All is well!

    * This is not the time to be scared and lack courage

    * Start nurturing your spiritually gifted self

    * Don’t underestimate your power to send loving light energy to others

    * A great use of your time right now

    * Be open to the flow of creative ideas and solutions

    * Start thinking higher and use all the paradigms that support you

    * What stops the flow of solutions and ideas

    * What you will see as time goes by

    * It doesn’t have to get worse before it gets better

    * How you contribute to the collective


    I harmonize in order to survive. Modeling instinct, I seal the store of lifeforce with a galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    On this episode, we’ll be talking about, at such a time as this, why are your spiritual gifts so needed, as well as your love and light essence …  right?

    So, you really illuminating your light, you really expanding your heart energy and also exactly how do shift your energy and how do you work with your energy to really dissolve any dense emotions?

    You’ll also receive intuitive energy downloads and energy healing that will realign you and inspire you to the remembrance and the conscious awakening and evolution that really you came here for to experience the remembrance of and to do really powerful things and to really live in a very balanced and integrated and healthy way, as you develop your gifts, as you nurture your gifts, as you awaken to more understanding about how the synchronicities are really unfolding in your life as you really blissfully and joyfully experience your own humanity and share it with others, as you develop your gifts more and nurture your gifts more and become more aware of your oneness with the collective consciousness and the source energy creator of all life.

    Your Spiritual Gifts Are Needed Now More Than Ever

    So many times, you hear me say “cosmic celebrity,” the more you embrace that, the more you are being it, being your cosmic celebrity, being really powerfully aligned with your higher self and really honoring your soul journey, really celebrating it and accepting it and loving it and really allowing yourself to be nourished by your spiritual connection, to be nourished, guided, to be assisted in your life by your spiritual connection and your intuitive abilities, and taking the next step now is to more fully embrace your life for the best version of it that it may be.

    And despite everything going on with the COVID-19 pandemic … it’s sometimes difficult at first to perceive these types of situations from a very positive state of mind. Right?

    And you know,

    • 17 min
    Episode 36: It’s Time to Stop Caring So Much and Oversharing with People Who Don’t Get You

    Episode 36: It’s Time to Stop Caring So Much and Oversharing with People Who Don’t Get You


    Do you feel like people aren’t listening to you? That they just don’t get you?

    Well, you’re right! Not everyone is the mystic that you are, aware of the possibilities within and around them. Some people haven’t experienced what you have or done the work that you have. They’re not as spiritually connected or as conscious of their evolution. They don’t get you because they can’t.

    That’s why it’s on you to be discerning about who you talk to about your gifts, who you share your internal dialogue with, and know which you things you never share with anyone – some things meant to be between you and the Creator.

    When you stop sharing with the wrong people and start practicing silence and sharing deeply only with people who have earned the right to hear it, who are respectful of you and your boundaries, I think you’ll experience an amazing transformation in your life, like I did.

    Tune in to today’s episode where I share my story about oversharing and offer two big ideas for being heard.

    Episode Highlights:

    * Why it’s time for you to stop caring about people who don’t get you

    * How to live and embrace your cosmic celebrity every day

    * My own transformative realization about oversharing

    * The only people I share with on a deeper level

    * Who you need to stop sharing with, regardless of their relationship to you

    * How to stop being a magnet for people who drain your energy

    * A message that I’ve said before and will continue to say until it hits home

    * What you need to be focusing on now

    * Questions to ask yourself about every relationship you have

    * Your internal dialogue and who should have access to it

    * How to get people to really listen to you (and it’s not by talking louder or longer)

    * How listening to others can help you protect yourself

    * How you create these problems and how you can resolve them

    * Where to place others after you take center stage in your life

    * What a Mariah Carey song has to do with your soul essence

    * The simple solution for all those things you’re eager to share but can’t say aloud


    I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    On this episode, we’ll be talking about why it’s time for you to stop caring about people who don’t get you, and worst of all, oversharing with them, right?

    You’ll also receive intuitive, energetic downloads and healing that’s going to naturally realign you to your natural frequency, the natural frequency of your unique energetic, divine essence, and soul imprint, right? So what does all that mean?

    What Is Your Cosmic Celebrity?

    So, every time that you engage with life or interact lovingly, right? Every time that you have that really conscious awareness in conversations with others and your own self-talk, every time that you make an empowering decision for yourself and live life, live your truth, right?

    You live your truth out loud, whatever version that looks like for you, whether it’s sticking and focusing to the things that truly nourish you and truly give you a sense of aliveness and happiness and joy, and truly, essentially living your purpose, right?

    Every time you do that, and the more and more you reflect that in the different areas of your life, you are living and embracing your cosmic celebrity, right? Your cosmic divine self, the self, the part of you, your inner spirit, that you’re allowing to blossom.

    And so, each of us have a unique energetic signature (I like to call it), that the Creator has gifted us through the creation of life and all of the existence, really, our existence.

    So, when the Creator created us, the Creator created us with a unique energetic imprint, right? And it’s this soul’s signature that we emanate an...

    • 30 min
    Episode 35: Magical Living Is Real When You’re Aligned With Universal Law and Order

    Episode 35: Magical Living Is Real When You’re Aligned With Universal Law and Order


    What does the word magic mean to you? Is it real?

    Well, I’m here to share with you that yes, it is indeed real. It’s not just something you see in fantasy movies or TV shows… and it’s more than “miracles”.

    When you’re in alignment with divine order, spiritual magic happens naturally. Yes, that’s right, it’s a natural occurrence. Your spiritual gifts are a result of your divine connection, and when you’re tapped into that connection, you have the ability to produce what people may perceive to be “miracles,” but it’s really your natural intuitive heart magic.

    Tune in to today’s episode as I share details about what true magic is and how to tap into it with integrity.

    Episode Highlights:

    * What true magic is and allowing it to flourish

    * Staying in the intuitive instinctual space

    * Being at the frequency of solutions

    * You are in power of your outcome

    * Sharpening your awareness

    * Tapping into your divine desire and living a divine life

    * Being in the doingness of being a mystic

    * Not being confined by third dimensional programming

    * Embracing nurturing relationships

    * Having a multidimensionally fulfilling existence

    * Making a choice to love yourself

    * Stop playing it small

    * You’re not here to fit in

    * Not succumbing to energetic exhaustion

    * Having massive impact without being a doormat

    * Having confidence in your senses

    * Being in the energy of your own supernatural force field

    * Don’t explain it, BE it

    * Don’t wait for other people to validate you

    * Understanding the world and yourself in the world

    * Honoring your magic


    I harmonize in order to survive, modeling instinct. I seal the store of life force with the galactic tone of integrity. I am guided by the power of universal water.

    On this episode we’ll be talking about magic being real when it’s aligned with universal laws and order. You’ll also receive intuitive energy healing and divine downloads that will naturally realign you to your unique vibrational frequency, your unique divine essence, your soul imprint that will awaken your consciousness so that you can live a more fully integrated and balanced life, right?

    I call that, you know, really embodying your cosmic celebrity, right? So, when you’re living in this third dimensional construct or the planetary construct as a mystic or a spiritually gifted person, and you are fully awakened and integrated and nurtured and developed in your abilities, you are embodying more and more of your cosmic celebrity.

    So naturally, there is a process in nurturing your abilities, embracing your abilities through self-love, through understanding about your abilities and how they work and how they can be a blessing to you and others.

    Yeah, there’s a process in that.

    There is a process in that that I like to associate with your spiritual growth, right? Your awareness of the universal oneness and all there is. The divine source energy, Creator of all life.

    What is Magic?

    So, let’s get right into it. Basically… Magic, there’s been so much talking about magic and exactly what magic is. You know, is magic real or is it not real? The bottom line is, it is real.

    Magic is what many persons who are gifted in other ways but not necessarily spiritually gifted would call miracles, right? Miraculous happenings, right? The unexpected happening, right? An unexpected turn of events in a person’s favor, right? That’s what many people call miracles, but as spiritually gifted persons, it’s more than just simply miracles, right? This is magic.

    This is spiritual magic that allows certain outcomes that is highly favorable and beneficial for you because you are connected very naturally as a mystic and a spiritually gifted person to ...

    • 28 min

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