13 min

Dancing with My Shadows: Imposter & Self-Doubt Confidently Step Up

    • Karriär

Dancing with My Shadows: Imposter & Self-Doubt

Hey there, lovely souls!

Caroline here, and I've got a story to share straight from the heart. Today's podcast is a little different; it's more like a cosy chat over a cuppa.

So, grab your favourite brew and settle in.

Picture this: I'm in the creative process, crafting the subtitle for my program, "Rise Up and Lead with Heart." The main title, "Be Unapologetically You," feels spot on. But, oh boy, the subtitle journey turns into a rollercoaster.

I'm part of this fantastic mastermind group, and I'm feeling pretty confident about my first attempt. Bam! Reality check from the business strategist – not quite there yet.

Cue frustration, self-doubt, and a touch of blame thrown around.

Ever been there?

Here's the kicker: I realised my ego was hurt, and I was reacting, not responding.

Time to hit the brakes, ground myself, and shift gears.

It's a conscious dance with your shadows, after all.

Round two – a revised subtitle, and I'm feeling like a champ.

But guess what?

Polite feedback saying, "Go deeper, you're close but not quite there."

Ouch. The ego takes another hit.

Now, here's where the magic happens.

Instead of diving deeper into self-pity, I flip the script to gratitude.

Grateful for the constructive feedback, for someone genuinely invested in my growth.

A shift from fear to gratitude – it's a game-changer.

And that's the nugget I want you to take away.

When criticism stings or rejection knocks on your door, catch yourself in that story-spinning moment.

Find a sliver of gratitude – it's a beautiful twist in the plot.

Let's zoom out for a sec.

Ever notice how rejection can lead to something better?

Like those job rejections that later make you say, "Thank goodness I dodged that bullet!"

Life's funny that way.

So, here's the deal: in moments of self-doubt, when your inner critic takes the stage, acknowledge it.

Label those emotions, but then choose to shift.

Choose gratitude.

Trust that there's a bigger picture at play.

Now, if this resonates with you, I've got some goodies lined up.

First off, a free resource on calming your inner critic – a practical 3-day journey.

It's not just a PDF; it's a heart-centred practice to reconnect with yourself.

And for those ready to dive deeper, consider joining "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

It's a monthly membership at $49.00.

We don't just talk strategies; we dive into the emotional rollercoaster of leadership – the stuff most shy away from.

Think emotional regulation, compassionate leadership, and navigating those challenging moments from the inside out.

So, beautiful souls, if this strikes a chord, I'd love for you to join.

And whether you do or not, I'll keep sharing these nuggets right here on the podcast.

Sending you heaps of heart-centred vibes.

Until next time, we love, we learn, we rise.

This is Caroline, signing off. Cheers! 🌟

Dancing with My Shadows: Imposter & Self-Doubt

Hey there, lovely souls!

Caroline here, and I've got a story to share straight from the heart. Today's podcast is a little different; it's more like a cosy chat over a cuppa.

So, grab your favourite brew and settle in.

Picture this: I'm in the creative process, crafting the subtitle for my program, "Rise Up and Lead with Heart." The main title, "Be Unapologetically You," feels spot on. But, oh boy, the subtitle journey turns into a rollercoaster.

I'm part of this fantastic mastermind group, and I'm feeling pretty confident about my first attempt. Bam! Reality check from the business strategist – not quite there yet.

Cue frustration, self-doubt, and a touch of blame thrown around.

Ever been there?

Here's the kicker: I realised my ego was hurt, and I was reacting, not responding.

Time to hit the brakes, ground myself, and shift gears.

It's a conscious dance with your shadows, after all.

Round two – a revised subtitle, and I'm feeling like a champ.

But guess what?

Polite feedback saying, "Go deeper, you're close but not quite there."

Ouch. The ego takes another hit.

Now, here's where the magic happens.

Instead of diving deeper into self-pity, I flip the script to gratitude.

Grateful for the constructive feedback, for someone genuinely invested in my growth.

A shift from fear to gratitude – it's a game-changer.

And that's the nugget I want you to take away.

When criticism stings or rejection knocks on your door, catch yourself in that story-spinning moment.

Find a sliver of gratitude – it's a beautiful twist in the plot.

Let's zoom out for a sec.

Ever notice how rejection can lead to something better?

Like those job rejections that later make you say, "Thank goodness I dodged that bullet!"

Life's funny that way.

So, here's the deal: in moments of self-doubt, when your inner critic takes the stage, acknowledge it.

Label those emotions, but then choose to shift.

Choose gratitude.

Trust that there's a bigger picture at play.

Now, if this resonates with you, I've got some goodies lined up.

First off, a free resource on calming your inner critic – a practical 3-day journey.

It's not just a PDF; it's a heart-centred practice to reconnect with yourself.

And for those ready to dive deeper, consider joining "Rise Up and Lead with Heart."

It's a monthly membership at $49.00.

We don't just talk strategies; we dive into the emotional rollercoaster of leadership – the stuff most shy away from.

Think emotional regulation, compassionate leadership, and navigating those challenging moments from the inside out.

So, beautiful souls, if this strikes a chord, I'd love for you to join.

And whether you do or not, I'll keep sharing these nuggets right here on the podcast.

Sending you heaps of heart-centred vibes.

Until next time, we love, we learn, we rise.

This is Caroline, signing off. Cheers! 🌟

13 min