Day 1194 – Birth Springs from Death – Meditation Monday

Podden: Wisdom-Trek © - Archive 4

Wisdom-Trek / Creating a Legacy

Welcome to Day 1194 of our Wisdom-Trek, and thank you for joining me.

This is Guthrie Chamberlain, Your Guide to Wisdom

Birth Springs from Death – Meditation Monday

Wisdom – the final frontier to true knowledge. Welcome to Wisdom-Trek where our mission is to create a legacy of wisdom, to seek out discernment and insights, and to boldly grow where few have chosen to grow before.

Hello, my friend, I am Guthrie Chamberlain, your captain on our journey to increase wisdom and create a living legacy. Thank you for joining us today as we explore wisdom on our 2nd millennium of podcasts. This is Day 1194 of our trek, and it is time for Meditation Monday.

Taking time to relax, refocus, and reprioritize our lives is crucial in order to create a living legacy. For you, it may just be time alone for quiet reflection. You may utilize structured meditation practices. In my life, meditation includes reading and reflecting on God’s word and praying. It is a time to renew my mind, refocus on what is most important, and make sure that I am nurturing my soul, mind, and body. As you come along with me on our trek each Meditation Monday, it is my hope and prayer that you too will experience a time for reflection and renewing of your mind. 

Does the thought of dying scare you and cause anxiety? In today’s meditation, let us consider…

Birth Springs from Death

We are all only one heartbeat away from our own funeral, which from God’s perspective, is nothing to grieve.

He responds to these grave facts with this great news King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 7:1, “A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume. And the day you die is better than the day you are born.” Now there is a twist. Heaven enjoys a maternity-ward reaction to funerals. Angels watch expectantly for the last breath of believers the same way grandparents wait expectantly for the first breath of a grandchild. “He’ll be coming through any minute!” They can’t wait to see the new arrival. While we’re driving hearses and wearing black, the angels are in exuberant celebration. We don’t grieve when babies enter the world. The hosts of heaven don’t weep when we leave it.

Oh, but many of us weep at the thought of death. Do you? Do you dread your death? And is your dread of death robbing your joy of life?

Hebrews 2:15 tells us that Jesus’s death sets us free as “only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.”

Your death may surprise you and sadden others, but heaven knows no untimely death as Psalms 1[39:16] records:

You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

The dread of death ends when you know heaven is your true home. I have had the opportunity to travel many times by plane, and I’ve never seen one passenger weep when the plane landed. Never. No one clings to the armrests and begs, “Don’t make me leave. Don’t make me leave. Let me stay and eat more peanuts.

We’re willing to exit because the plane has no permanent mailing address. Nor does this world. Philippians 3:20 reminds, “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.”

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