28 min

Digital Detox Legal Well-Being In Action

    • Mental hälsa

In this episode, our host Bill Slease speaks briefly on statistics of daily technology use and discusses strategies for intentional tech use and the importance of creating healthy boundaries with our guest, Prosecutor Caitlin Dillon. Offering practical tips for reducing screen time, such as setting specific times for device-free activities and using apps that monitor and limit usage, Bill and Caitlin talk realistic changes a legal professional can make with technology in their work and personal life. By fostering a more mindful relationship with technology, listeners can consider what works for them and their lifestyle.

In this episode, our host Bill Slease speaks briefly on statistics of daily technology use and discusses strategies for intentional tech use and the importance of creating healthy boundaries with our guest, Prosecutor Caitlin Dillon. Offering practical tips for reducing screen time, such as setting specific times for device-free activities and using apps that monitor and limit usage, Bill and Caitlin talk realistic changes a legal professional can make with technology in their work and personal life. By fostering a more mindful relationship with technology, listeners can consider what works for them and their lifestyle.

28 min