17 min

Ep 6: How to Soothe an Anxious Mind with Fiber High Fibre

    • Hantverk

Ever heard of comfort food?

Well in this episode we explore how comfort fiber (the non dietary kind) can form such a wonderful part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

I share about my own experiences with anxiety and panic disorder and give you lots of inspiration for how you could use some comforting fibre practice in your own life to help support a more comfortable way of living. 

If my discussion of meditation and spinning gets you really excited please click here to read more about my Well Spun boxes. These are curated fiber boxes that combine traceable sustainable fibres with custom made fibre based guided meditations, giving you the perfect framework to really establish a holistic spinning practice. 

To read about this topic head to my blog post here. 

Ever heard of comfort food?

Well in this episode we explore how comfort fiber (the non dietary kind) can form such a wonderful part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

I share about my own experiences with anxiety and panic disorder and give you lots of inspiration for how you could use some comforting fibre practice in your own life to help support a more comfortable way of living. 

If my discussion of meditation and spinning gets you really excited please click here to read more about my Well Spun boxes. These are curated fiber boxes that combine traceable sustainable fibres with custom made fibre based guided meditations, giving you the perfect framework to really establish a holistic spinning practice. 

To read about this topic head to my blog post here. 

17 min