1 tim. 34 min

Episode 3.1: Pascal Auclair The Anxiety Lab

    • Buddhism

So happy to be back in The Anxiety Lab with you! Today I talk to meditation teacher Pascal Auclair. We discuss the practice of literally slowing down, being “absolutely no one,” the fascinating nature of ever-changing mind states, working with craving and desire, changing our relationship to pleasant vs unpleasant experiences, how being HIV positive changed his relationship to happiness, and so much more!  
You can find Pascal (and his beautiful teachings!) at pascalauclair.com
As mentioned my free social gratitude app is landedapp.net, or search “landed mindful audio” on the iPhone App Store. Recent press in Tricycle Magazine: https://tricycle.org/article/landed-app-update/
Get in touch with me at theanxietylab@gmail.com or on Instagram @sagarbot. Music by Niall Connolly. Thanks for being here. 

So happy to be back in The Anxiety Lab with you! Today I talk to meditation teacher Pascal Auclair. We discuss the practice of literally slowing down, being “absolutely no one,” the fascinating nature of ever-changing mind states, working with craving and desire, changing our relationship to pleasant vs unpleasant experiences, how being HIV positive changed his relationship to happiness, and so much more!  
You can find Pascal (and his beautiful teachings!) at pascalauclair.com
As mentioned my free social gratitude app is landedapp.net, or search “landed mindful audio” on the iPhone App Store. Recent press in Tricycle Magazine: https://tricycle.org/article/landed-app-update/
Get in touch with me at theanxietylab@gmail.com or on Instagram @sagarbot. Music by Niall Connolly. Thanks for being here. 

1 tim. 34 min