1 tim. 18 min

Episode 42.Realm Domination and Chicken-Fried Sigmarites (chat gpt named this‪)‬ Rage Of Sigmar Podcast

    • Sällskapsspel

Get ready for a completely absurd and hilarious episode of Rage of Sigmar! We're taking a deep dive into the world of competitive Age of Sigmar with a recap of Realmsgate GT and Jacob's team event in Nashville. Joe went on an epic 5-0 winning streak at Realmsgate GT, but his secret strategy involved nothing more than a lucky pair of socks and a tub of cheese puffs. Meanwhile, Jacob's team had some outrageous encounters, including a run-in with a chicken-fried Sigmarite who had a vendetta against anyone with a painted army. We'll share all the side-splitting highlights, lowlights, and everything in between. So, get ready for some serious realm domination, a healthy dose of absurdity, and more laughs than you can handle in this episode of Rage of Sigmar!
"Episode 42 of Rage of Sigmar was an absolute rollercoaster of hilarious misadventures and winning strategies that left me simultaneously inspired and laughing until my sides hurt!"
- Chat Gpt

Get ready for a completely absurd and hilarious episode of Rage of Sigmar! We're taking a deep dive into the world of competitive Age of Sigmar with a recap of Realmsgate GT and Jacob's team event in Nashville. Joe went on an epic 5-0 winning streak at Realmsgate GT, but his secret strategy involved nothing more than a lucky pair of socks and a tub of cheese puffs. Meanwhile, Jacob's team had some outrageous encounters, including a run-in with a chicken-fried Sigmarite who had a vendetta against anyone with a painted army. We'll share all the side-splitting highlights, lowlights, and everything in between. So, get ready for some serious realm domination, a healthy dose of absurdity, and more laughs than you can handle in this episode of Rage of Sigmar!
"Episode 42 of Rage of Sigmar was an absolute rollercoaster of hilarious misadventures and winning strategies that left me simultaneously inspired and laughing until my sides hurt!"
- Chat Gpt

1 tim. 18 min