20 min

EPISODE #6 - Who Is Your "PAIR-UP"‪?‬ PROJA

    • Självhjälp

We need a good friend to take our life endavors to the next level. A true friend is a confidant who gives us confidence. And we need "confidence" to act with no hesitation. And as a result, materialize our dreams and objectives in life.

We don't need hundreds or even tens of friends to achieve this. We don't need thousands of so-called "facebook friends" to give us confidence. All we need is just one "good" friend. That is it. We don't need the whole world. This one friend can enlighten our dark moments and enhance our achievements. 

For this "ideal" friend, we can prepare a long list of characteristics such as "Prioritizing us over himself/herself" or "some one we can count on", or... but we want to be more realistic and list the least of characteristics to be considered when selecting a "good" PAIR-UP for us:

P for Patience - He/She should have enough patience to listen to us as we might share a lot. Or sometimes we may have difficult conversations...

A for Advisor - This person should be honest when giving us advice. And remain as un-biased as possible. His/Her interests and jealousies should not influence her advice.

I for Intelligence - Being patient and honest is not enough, this person should also be intelligent enough to give us real and relevant advice.

R for Relax - We should feel comfortable with this person and not be intimated otherwise we will not share our true feelings and as a result we will not receive the "right" advice.

U for Understanding - What we share might be embarrassing. For example, for sharing some of the mistakes we have made in the past, this person should not judge us...

P for Protect - And finally this individual should protect our secrets and not share it to others (without our permission). Or even worst, bring it up to our face on a bad day.

If you find a "PAIR" with the above six characteristics, PAIR-UP as soon as possible and you will see the positive results in your life right away (for those of us that already have a "good" friend, appreciate this "gift" - listen to my EPISODE #4 podcast).

We need a good friend to take our life endavors to the next level. A true friend is a confidant who gives us confidence. And we need "confidence" to act with no hesitation. And as a result, materialize our dreams and objectives in life.

We don't need hundreds or even tens of friends to achieve this. We don't need thousands of so-called "facebook friends" to give us confidence. All we need is just one "good" friend. That is it. We don't need the whole world. This one friend can enlighten our dark moments and enhance our achievements. 

For this "ideal" friend, we can prepare a long list of characteristics such as "Prioritizing us over himself/herself" or "some one we can count on", or... but we want to be more realistic and list the least of characteristics to be considered when selecting a "good" PAIR-UP for us:

P for Patience - He/She should have enough patience to listen to us as we might share a lot. Or sometimes we may have difficult conversations...

A for Advisor - This person should be honest when giving us advice. And remain as un-biased as possible. His/Her interests and jealousies should not influence her advice.

I for Intelligence - Being patient and honest is not enough, this person should also be intelligent enough to give us real and relevant advice.

R for Relax - We should feel comfortable with this person and not be intimated otherwise we will not share our true feelings and as a result we will not receive the "right" advice.

U for Understanding - What we share might be embarrassing. For example, for sharing some of the mistakes we have made in the past, this person should not judge us...

P for Protect - And finally this individual should protect our secrets and not share it to others (without our permission). Or even worst, bring it up to our face on a bad day.

If you find a "PAIR" with the above six characteristics, PAIR-UP as soon as possible and you will see the positive results in your life right away (for those of us that already have a "good" friend, appreciate this "gift" - listen to my EPISODE #4 podcast).

20 min