3 min

Grow No More Coffee Contrails

    • Science fiction

Side A of beautiful thrift store find, check out this college speech recording from the 1950s. If dandruff is giving you constant problems, then this is the product for you. Grow No More, a keen product of the future, as detailed in this special advert. Unconditionally guaranteed to remove every hair from your head. Pardon the scratchiness, it's an original vinyl recording. Listen now at Coffee Contrails.

Side A of beautiful thrift store find, check out this college speech recording from the 1950s. If dandruff is giving you constant problems, then this is the product for you. Grow No More, a keen product of the future, as detailed in this special advert. Unconditionally guaranteed to remove every hair from your head. Pardon the scratchiness, it's an original vinyl recording. Listen now at Coffee Contrails.

3 min