Does depression keep you from getting out of bed in the morning? Do you still carry burdens from unresolved childhood trauma? Do you say everything is fine, when inside you are hurting deeply, and wish you could find a friend who understands? You have come to the right place, friend. Through Heal Depression with God Podcast, you can find hope and healing in your journey to mental wellness. I am a cancer-conquering, set-free-from depression daughter of the King, best-selling author, mom of five and grammy, prayer warrior, loyal friend, and encourager. I like to meander through mountain meadows, enjoying the sweet-smelling butterscotch scent of lodgepole pines and admiring wildflowers. I like listening to the chickadees sing. When I am at home, I play board games with my family, and dance in my furry lion pajamas, raising the praise in my living room. It was not that long ago, where I was weeping in the middle of the night, crying out to God as I suffered through breast cancer treatments of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation in my mid forties. Though I was a Christian, I felt alone, like I was abandoned. Sobbing continually, I struggled to get out of bed, and care for my five children. At one point, I didn’t want to live anymore. My sadness had much deeper roots than just cancer. Deep down inside, I also still carried wounds of shame, grieving from childhood abuse from a known teen neighbor. It wasn’t until I began journaling my grief in my mid-forties, surrendering all my tears and sadness, to the Comforter and spending time in His presence, that I began to heal. I had to stand on His promises even though He seemed far away. Jesus, who suffered on the Cross for you and me, knew what it felt like to have his friends hurt him and leave him. Yet he gave them grace, forgiving them, the model for which helped me work through the hurt of childhood trauma. Immersing myself in His Word, in worship, and in nurturing nature, I began to heal and find emotional wellness. The Lord, in His goodness and mercy, met me through moonlit nights, rustling autumn leaves, and the hugs of my children. And he can touch you, too. It is possible to heal and find hope, rising from the pit of depression to joy. In this podcast, you’ll learn how Christ-centered mental-wellness strategies, creative expression, and soul-nurturing nature imagery can help you connect with God and jumpstart the healing journey so you can flourish in wellness. To calm your soul, I may sing or pray, inviting our Comforter to touch you and give you hope. If you’re ready to ditch depression and rise in resiliency, let’s find freedom together. Walk with me as we stroll through the forest, picking wildflowers and listening to chickadees sing. We can dip our toes into living water, skipping in newly found joy and wholeness. And wherever you are, you can put on your garments of praise (I will smile if you are leaping in furry lion pjs, like me!) and dance with me, as we sing praises to our Lord and King. Come on in and connect with your Creator. We can discover spiritual and mental wellness together on the Heal Depression with God podcast, where hope rises like the morning sun glowing on a majestic mountain. Contact by Email: Intro, outro, and trailer music “Bright as the Dawn” is licensed by Taizo Audio through Premium Beat by Shutterstock. #6193805 Disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional therapist, and unable to diagnose, treat or analyze depression or other associated mental illnesses. Based on Biblical principles, my personal experience of healing, and creative expression, I offer these Christ-centered mental wellness strategies to support, encourage and instill hope through your journey to mental and spiritual health. Please see your doctor, psychologist, or professional therapist for help with diagnosing and treating mental illness. If you are severely depressed, to the point where you are considering suicide, plea