121 avsnitt

Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays and consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.
And remember,
Who you are is enough. Always.
With love,

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Heart, Soul + Guts Amy Biondini | Master Energy Healer and Mindset Coach

    • Religion och spiritualitet

Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays and consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.
And remember,
Who you are is enough. Always.
With love,

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #120 Enjoy Your Earth Life

    #120 Enjoy Your Earth Life

    Friday 11th June 2021
    There are no mistakes. Only lessons. Just experience. 
    You didn’t do it wrong. You simply learned. 
    So many are in search of a perfection that does not exist. Perfection is not the goal of life. And never was. 
    Be in the experience of life. The full colours. All the flavours. Your soul is eternal and this earth life is short. Enjoy it. For it is unique. Your joy is contagious, your sorrow real. All the flavours of life are here to be experienced in this earth walk.  That is your job. Experience earth in all her multicoloured, multifaceted beauty. And then beloved, you will find your multidimensional self. And remember that all is well. 
    Be well and live free. 
    And so it is done.
    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 1 min.
    #119 Separation. Discernment. Responsibility.

    #119 Separation. Discernment. Responsibility.

    10th June 2021
    All messages of separation are lies. For it is only in separation that you feel lost, afraid and not enough. That is the agenda that promotes separation through division - the us and them. There is no us. There is no them. All are One.
    There are many agendas, many more than you can see with your conscious mind. You can perceive them with your heart. You can feel them in your body. The Higher Light gives and allows. The lower light takes and controls. Yes, beloved, all is light. It is merely the perception of the light. The judgement. The higher the vibration the purer the light and the expansive message. The lower the vibration the denser and contracted the messages that come through. All dimensions can be channeled from, not all have a pure intention. That does not make them wrong, this is polarity and duality at work. Discernment is needed. 
    A message from a guide or trusted one must still be run through the filters of your own discernment. It does not mean the message is wrong or corrupted - those labels assist the separation agenda. It means beloved that you are no longer a child that is open to all experiences but a being in spiritual maturity. In spiritual maturity each being is asked to take full responsibility for their own experience. Do not blindly trust. Discern. Even this message that has been channeled, question it, feel into it, is it truth, is for you. Messengers of Light that bring forth and translate the messages will welcome your questioning, your curiosity. For they recognise their humanity and welcome the collective into the conversation. They know and embody the truth that they are not above anyone else, they have simply being tasked with this role.
    Your gifts are your own and as needed in the collective at this time as all of those you are inspired by.
    You are enough just as you are. And remember that you are only as enlightened as serves your mission and purpose on earth. It does not mean that you are not a master, it means that you don’t need the information to fulfill your purpose or for the evolution of your soul. What you need will always come to you. 
    Be well, Beloved and practice active discernment. It will serve you well.
    Yours in Divine truth.
    Mother Mary and Isis.

    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 4 min
    #118 You are co-creating the New Earth (Channelled Message)

    #118 You are co-creating the New Earth (Channelled Message)

    Greetings Beloved Ones. 
    We are here with a message of forbearance and hope. Much has shifted on your plane and much is still in flux. This is beautiful, Beloveds. The time you have been waiting for, for years, for lifetimes is here before you now. Celebrate your achievements for you have co-created this and now it is birthing. The New Earth is here. The true Gaia and the diamond grids  that were lain many thousands of years ago. Now, is the time that those grids, the diamond blue pathways within Gaia, are now illuminated. This is important work you are doing. Much is asked of you but never more than you can cope with. 
    You are ready even when you don’t feel ready. 
    Your job. Your sacred duty, at this time, is to fully embody the light of your own soul. This means being willing to look into the shadows and reclaim the gifts they hide, to release the trauma. To experience the joy. To sit in the unknowing and feel the discomfort, then to find the inner knowing and trust to stay in that space. 
    Now is a time of deep trust. It is being asked of all. Those who signed up to come to Earth as Guides are going through the next level of their awakening. This is beautiful. And this is causing many to doubt their path, their truth, their own knowing. 
    You have not been blindfolded, your soul is not masked. 
    You are simply ascending to new heights of vibration and there are new ways to play in this space. You know the ways of the third dimensional earth. Those paradigms are broken now. They are complete. The collapse of those timelines has been initiated. The new grids, structures and ways of being are being birthed now. This is new territory for all. The key to sink in and find peace in this new energyscape is to find the playfulness of a child on a new adventure. The end is not the point, knowing how  the pieces will fall into place is not your job or your concern. Everyday you are influencing the fields. As you drop density, as you attune to higher levels, as you increase your capacity to hold more light in your fields, what is possible for new earth, expands. This is not being done to you but you are co-creating this golden age. 
    Do your work. Know that it matters. 
    The seeming trials are not tests but the birth canal of your ascended being. Lean in and it will pass with greater ease. The support you need is around you now. The answers you seek are within you. 
    Witnessing you in your highest light. 
    With love. 
    And so it is.
    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 4 min
    #117 The Channel 8 June 2021

    #117 The Channel 8 June 2021

    The Channel. 
    8th June 2021
    There is much interference and distortions in the fields. Eons of humanity’s history is clearing. There is no need for you to get swept up in the undertow of the clearing. Much is being released but not all needs to be engaged with. 
    Do your work. Let others do thiers. 
    It is not your job to clear all things for humanity. It is your responsibility to do the work that was given to you - the healing, the clearing, the loving, the joy. Joy is so very important at this time. 
    It is not a time of darkness although that is how it feels to many on the earth plane. This is a time of huge celebration. 
    The human collective is ascending. There is agreement in the fields for this ascension. The ascension is rapid and that is why it can feel jarring to your sensitive human systems. 
    Practice radical self-love at this time. Be devoted to your own evolution. This is not a time of sacrifice for the collective - that speaks of lack, scarcity and poverty. It is disempowering. You do not need to martyr yourself for your family or lineage and they do not need you to be their savior. All are sovereign. Rest in your sovereignty for you are sovereign in your own space. As is everyone else. Sovereignty is a state of being. One of responsibility, devotion, integrity and vision. 
    What do you stand for? Not in your business but in your soul. Are you in practical everyday integrity with that stance? Now is not the time for socially acceptable war cries and instagram only commitments. No. The devotion is the stance of your soul. To have that trickle into all aspects of your being. To be One with All because All are One. We are all the Creator. The Creator is All. Remember that. 
    You are powerful beyond your conscious awareness and what you think, say and do matters. This is not said to scare you but to remind you of your divine responsibility. To be the light that ignites the light in souls still finding their way home, you must be impeccable in your word. 
    Not perfect for perfection does not exist in this realm. It has been distorted. To be impeccable is to be without blemish. To be without blemish is to be in soul integrity. No other being need agree with you, the truth of your soul is all that matters. Be all that you came here to be. And as you align and realign - for it is a daily practice, your earth experience will reshape itself to be the physical manifestation of your devotion. The wealth, the riches, the joy, the love. No thing is denied to you, beloved. All is available for you in this now moment. But, before you can receive, you must believe. Not in a Being outside of yourself (although many Great Ones have incarnated over the ages to light the pathways home), but in the magnificence of your own soul that has incarnated in human form as you. You are Human and you are Divine. Remember your divinity and respect your humanity. 
    May you day be blessed with deep love and a peace that permeates your full being. 
    And so it is done. 
    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 4 min
    #116 The Channel June 7 2021

    #116 The Channel June 7 2021

    We're doing a new thing today. I got the divine nudge to go back to daily episodes and here is the first one. You'll hear me call it Soul Boost but going forwards it'll be called The Channel. Catch it here or live on Instagram! Regular, Heart, Soul + Guts episodes will still be coming out and I have some awesome guests lined up for you in season 8!
    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 5 min
    #115 Your time is now

    #115 Your time is now

    A message for the collective June 1 2021. The time is now. Stop waiting, your time is now, the time has come. The moment you've been waiting for is now. You do not need more information. You do not need more content. You do not need to consume anything else.
    Everything you need is within. The wisdom you seek is encoded in the light within you. It is time to be mindful of what you allow yourself to consume.
    Everything you see, everything you hear, affects and alters your field, your vibration. There are distortions coming into your field not that they are bad or wrong or evil. They're simply not you. They are not in service to your highest light. Now is the time for you to reclaim your field, your energy, your full presence and be on this earth. 
    Be mindful of what you allow in through the portals of your eyes through the portals of your ears, it affects you more than you know. This includes information from the Guru's the thought leaders, conversations, TV and music. It is not to restrict you. But simply for you to be mindful and what you allow into your space.
    For as you consume all this content, it affects what you put out into the world. Now is not your moment to consume, now is your moment to create. You are the creator, the creatrix, you're not the consumer. Stop taking information in and start channeling information through and out into the world. 
    Stand in your power at the divine creator/creatrix that you are, embody your space, embody your light, take up space, share your light, your guidance, your gifts for the message that you specifically bring to this earth, is needed, now. And the message you specifically bring to this earth will not come from anyone else. I know mental mind may trick you into believing that if you do not step up someone else will. Well, that is true. Beings are never alone, all will find the guidance that they need. But no one else will ever be you. No one else will deliver it the way you will, at the time, in the space, with the experiences that you do, that you have, that you bring, there is no one else. There is only you. 
    And as now is your time to step up, to step in, to be brave, to speak your truth, to shine your light and allow the magic, the potency that is you to come through to the earth so we may all benefit from the deep wisdom within you.
    And so it is.
    Heart, Soul + Guts is your companion guide in your journey to do business from soul and I’m delighted to be accompanying you. You’ll find a mix of interviews, meditations and shows where I let the message come through as it wanted to.
    Plenty here to dive into and you will likely find yourself inspired, challenged to think differently and your perspectives shifted.
    Do browse through the archives as the wisdom is timeless, let your intuition lead you and you’ll find the message meant just for you.
    New shows drop weekly on Wednesdays.
    And consider this your open invitation to welcome to join the email list and I’ll meet you in your inbox every Friday with channelled guidance, motivation and support.
    May you be blessed, may your earth walk be easy, may you be bathed in grace for all your days.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    • 4 min

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