14 avsnitt

A bi-weekly story to help grow your sales. We take the approach to sales that our buyers have changed, so we better update our skill set to better exceed their expectations. Building relationships will always be relevant, but they way we do it today is simply different. We really need to figure out some ways to build better relationships online, using digital as a help, not an inconvenience. In this somehat quirky podcast, we will try to give you some guidance or inspiration in a nontraditional sense. We will share stories, cool tools, some good research and we hope a little humor here and there.

Hospitality Sales Podcast Holly Zoba

    • Näringsliv

A bi-weekly story to help grow your sales. We take the approach to sales that our buyers have changed, so we better update our skill set to better exceed their expectations. Building relationships will always be relevant, but they way we do it today is simply different. We really need to figure out some ways to build better relationships online, using digital as a help, not an inconvenience. In this somehat quirky podcast, we will try to give you some guidance or inspiration in a nontraditional sense. We will share stories, cool tools, some good research and we hope a little humor here and there.

    Hospitality Sales Show 13 - Client Advisory Board During Covid

    Hospitality Sales Show 13 - Client Advisory Board During Covid

    Our podcast guest is Elaine Sandoval, Corporate Director of Sales and Marketing with Pacific Hospitality Group. She shares a unique approach that her company took during covid by creating a client advisory board to ensure they stayed in touch with the changing business practices and needs of their clients. In this podcast we talk about how the idea originated, some of the details of setting it up and the valuable information and benefits they realized from the creation of this board.

    • 19 min
    Hospitality Sales Show 12 - Feel it, Face it, Feed off it!

    Hospitality Sales Show 12 - Feel it, Face it, Feed off it!

    Feel it. Face it. Feed off it!

    Fear is the great equalizer between mildly successful salespeople and WILDY successful salespeople.   

    We have all felt it when doing a drop-in on a business, making a presentation to the local Chamber of Commerce or picking up that Million Pound phone to make that prospecting call. Many salespeople allow this feeling to stop them from taking the required actions that will lead them to a new level of success. I will discuss how to understand your fears, control them, and use them to your benefit. Yes, as crazy as it sounds…you can learn to use that fear feeling in a positive way reach your sales goals and outsell your competition.

    • 16 min
    Hospitality Sales Show 12

    Hospitality Sales Show 12

    Feel it. Face it. Feed off it!

    Fear is the great equalizer between mildly successful salespeople and WILDY successful salespeople.   

    We have all felt it when doing a drop-in on a business, making a presentation to the local Chamber of Commerce or picking up that Million Pound phone to make that prospecting call. Many salespeople allow this feeling to stop them from taking the required actions that will lead them to a new level of success. I will discuss how to understand your fears, control them, and use them to your benefit. Yes, as crazy as it sounds…you can learn to use that fear feeling in a positive way reach your sales goals and outsell your competition.

    • 16 min
    Hospitality Sales Show 11 - Goals and Luck

    Hospitality Sales Show 11 - Goals and Luck

    Every year around this time I make my new year's resolutions - except mine end up as an 8 page excel spreadsheet. You might think I am crazy for doing this but I think you are crazy if you don't! In this podcast I talk about the hows and whys of goal setting.

    • 24 min
    Hospitality Sales Show 10 - Meet GitGo

    Hospitality Sales Show 10 - Meet GitGo

    "Who is Gitgo?"

    In this podcast, we chat with Amy Infante, CEO of GitGo. Amy has been working with hotels sales teams for many years and she talks about how her organization was built to help hotels find revenue when they need it, how they need it.

    • 36 min
    Hospitality Sales Show 9 - Adapt or Perish

    Hospitality Sales Show 9 - Adapt or Perish

    "Adapt or Perish"

    It may seem a little extreme, but research has shown that it isn't hunters or farmers who are the most successful sellers, instead, it is those who are able to adapt to what is needed. That is what we explore in this podcast.

    • 16 min

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