iHemp Michigan Podcast

Dave Crabill, iHemp Michigan
iHemp Michigan Podcast

iHemp Michigan is a member based organization committed to promoting industrial hemp from seed to sale. Our focus is influencing responsible and fair regulation, providing grower education, and enabling full access to the evolving marketplace. iHemp Michigan advocates for wellness in people and the planet through Hemp... and it begins with the farmer.

  1. 2023-02-17

    Sustainability and Environmental Impact of Hemp

    iHemp Michigan would like to thank this episodes sponsors -- https://www.iconprocessors.com and https://downonthefarm.biz/.   Hemp has been widely recognized for its environmental and sustainability benefits, making it an increasingly popular choice for a wide range of products, including textiles. From reducing carbon emissions to conserving water and preserving soil, the use of hemp in various industries can have a significant impact on our planet and its future. In this week’s iHemp Hour, SHEMP Yarn Company founder, Susan Barnhardt, joins us as we delve into the environmental and sustainability benefits of hemp, exploring the ways in which it can be used to promote a more sustainable future. From the production process to the end use of hemp products, we will examine the various ways in which hemp contributes to a healthier and more sustainable world. Whether you are an industry professional or simply a concerned consumer, this episode  is sure to provide valuable insights into the important role that hemp can play in creating a better future for us all.    SHEMP Yarn Company is a woman-owned business that blends wool and industrial hemp to create sustainable yarn and knitwear! Whether you knit, crochet, or appreciate sustainable fashion, SHEMP has the impact to affect EVERYONE, and here’s how:  The average American throws away about 81 pounds of clothing each year, 85 percent of which end up in landfills. These textiles then break down and release about half a million tons of microplastics into the ocean each year. That accounts for about 35 percent of all the microplastics in our marine ecosystems!   That’s A LOT of pollution coming from something as simple as a white T! Because at SHEMP, we use wool and hemp, we’re able to save water, reduce greenhouse emissions, and save our marine life from pollution that can even end up in our own bodies.   Susan is a mother, grandmother, and recently, a great-grandmother, and wants to know she has done everything possible to create a better future for the next generations.  It is her intention to do more than just provide our customers with the best yarn on the market — we’ll give them a cleaner planet.   🌎 Visit our website for more information about iHemp Michigan and to join the cause: https://ihempmichigan.com?utm=oc    🔊 Learn more by watching past iHemp Hour shows:  https://ihempmichigan.com/ihemp-hour-industrial-hemp?utm=oc #iHempMichigan #iHempHour #hemp

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  2. 2023-02-03

    Investing in Hemp Building with Ray Kaderli

    We would like to thank https://www.iconprocessors.com and https://downonthefarm.biz for making this episode possible.    Hemp is part of the future of construction. Support has grown over the years to reduce climate change, recycle, lower carbon emissions, and convert to electric vehicles.  These green initiatives are influencing the path of construction.  Building with hemp:   -makes a healthy structure to occupy.  -is sustainable and stewards natural resources.  -is POSSIBLE.  -offers many profitable business opportunities.    We will discuss this and more with incoming US Hemp Building Association President, Ray Kaderli.  Be sure to tune in to iHemp Hour this week.  It’s not going to be one you want to miss.  Ray Kaderli is the founder of two companies active in building homes utilizing hemp as a primary building material. He is also the incoming President of the US Hemp Building Association, a trade association that advocates and supports the use of industrial hemp in building and construction.   The first company is Hemp Build Network LLC, www.hempbuildnetwork.com    The focus of the company is to make building with hemp possible. Many people have learned the benefits of hemp but don’t know that building with hemp IS POSSIBLE. It can be difficult. You need five key components of your project or it will fail. Hemp Build Network is a network of professionals and resources that make building with hemp possible.    The second company is Triple P Fund. www.triplepfund.com    This is an investment fund that invests with purpose on purpose. The focus of the fund is to empower investors to make a profit, benefit people, and steward the planet. To achieve this Triple P seeks to foster opportunities that connects investment with entrepreneurial creativity. The perfect example of connecting capital with creativity is the real estate investment of building houses with hemp.    Ray likes sharing ideas about building long-term legacy wealth, and building with hemp.    The story of people forming genuine connections in the hemp building industry is a story in itself. Ray likes connecting, sharing ideas, doing projects and enjoying where the story unfolds. Ultimately the story navigates to a “pathway to production”. This enables the ending of the story to be a healthy planet and people, but the story has just begun….   🌎 Visit our website for more information about iHemp Michigan and to join the cause: https://ihempmichigan.com?utm=oc    🔊 Learn more by watching past iHemp Hour shows:  https://ihempmichigan.com/ihemp-hour-industrial-hemp?utm=oc  #iHempMichigan #iHempHour #hemp

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  3. 2023-01-13

    Bud & Breakfast with Derive Travel

    Connie Maxim-Sparrow from Dérive Travel join us this week on the iHemp Hour to discuss the growing cannabis tourism industry in Michigan. From bud & breakfasts on the Michigan Cannabis Trail to festivals and private events, Michigan has been a top contender in the cannabis tourism industry. Find out where the industry is headed and how you can support it.   Be sure to listen to a fun and interesting discussion.   This week's episode is brought to you https://downonthefarm.biz and https://iconprocessors.com.     Down on the Farm is helping farmers and landowners.  Do you find that working through the maze of government regulation is frustrating and confusing?  Have you been denied benefits from the USDA? You are not alone – we can help you.  Food Safety Certification for Hemp Growers & Processors  Hemperors Hemp Seed Products 12 oz Hemp Seed Oil Bottle  $15 ea. or case lot pricing  Ask Blain about hemp seed cake and hemp flour!   Icon Processors was founded by Dr. Fabio Rodi after years of experience witnessing the wellness benefits of natural plant derivatives, in particular CBD from hemp. A decade ago, Dr. Fabio decided it was his calling to become a pioneer in producing cannabinoid-based products from hemp. Icon, with product and R&D facilities in MI, and Vermont, has become a major producer of CBD based consumer products through successful brands and white label partners:  – Hemp CBD Extraction  – White Label Manufacture  – Website and Logo / Label designer  – Cannabis Consulting  – Pre and Post Harvesting Equipment Rental; limited amounts available   🌎 Visit our website for more information about iHemp Michigan and to join the cause: https://ihempmichigan.com?utm=oc    🔊 Learn more by watching past iHemp Hour shows:  https://ihempmichigan.com/ihemp-hour-industrial-hemp?utm=oc

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iHemp Michigan is a member based organization committed to promoting industrial hemp from seed to sale. Our focus is influencing responsible and fair regulation, providing grower education, and enabling full access to the evolving marketplace. iHemp Michigan advocates for wellness in people and the planet through Hemp... and it begins with the farmer.

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