1 tim. 15 min

INDIEcent Exposure #43:feat. Kendra Black INDIEcent Exposure – INDIEcent Exposure

    • Musikintervjuer

Greetings, my INDIEcent brother and sisters! How. The Hell. Have. You. Been..?Welcome to Episode #43 of INDIEcent Exposure. As you have probably noticed, this show has been on hiatus for a long bit over the Winter.

Editor's Notes:• This post contains affiliate links• Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

KENDRA BLACK — Special Guest Performance!

After you finish listening to the show, enjoy this short set Kendra Black performed exclusively for INDIEcent Exposure.

Photo by Jeremy Nelson; graphics by @laurasgraphicdesigner — aka Laura Luna.

A lot of reasons for that, but probably the biggest is an onslaught of debilitating depression that affected nearly every area of my life. And with depression came doubts. And with doubts came delays. And then dust began to settle. Which depressed the fuck out of me even more. I’ve successfully battled this demon for, God, decades, and it hasn’t been this bad since way back in some very dark times. And I know I’m not alone out there. So many of my friends, especially my creative, artistic friends, fight the same demon, and this pandemic has been emotional quicksand.


Immune is the marching band to either the apocalypse or redemption – take your pick.

.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100 !important;letter-spacing:0.5px !important;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px !important;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1356316662_Color.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:0.60fr 1.40fr !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px;width:596px;height:auto !important}}ImmuneTo them it might be the same thing. As the Doomsday Clock ticks and tocks its way toward oblivion, they have chosen to abandon the path of least resistance in favor of authenticity and musical defiance. Calling the broken metropolis of Los Angeles home, Immune has performed at Ozzfest and Mayhem Festival and have had their music featured in numerous films and television shows.

Greetings, my INDIEcent brother and sisters! How. The Hell. Have. You. Been..?Welcome to Episode #43 of INDIEcent Exposure. As you have probably noticed, this show has been on hiatus for a long bit over the Winter.

Editor's Notes:• This post contains affiliate links• Musicians' bio info comes from the artists, their websites, or their publicists. Click on names below to visit their websites where you can get the full story, photos, and very often video.

KENDRA BLACK — Special Guest Performance!

After you finish listening to the show, enjoy this short set Kendra Black performed exclusively for INDIEcent Exposure.

Photo by Jeremy Nelson; graphics by @laurasgraphicdesigner — aka Laura Luna.

A lot of reasons for that, but probably the biggest is an onslaught of debilitating depression that affected nearly every area of my life. And with depression came doubts. And with doubts came delays. And then dust began to settle. Which depressed the fuck out of me even more. I’ve successfully battled this demon for, God, decades, and it hasn’t been this bad since way back in some very dark times. And I know I’m not alone out there. So many of my friends, especially my creative, artistic friends, fight the same demon, and this pandemic has been emotional quicksand.


Immune is the marching band to either the apocalypse or redemption – take your pick.

.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__title{font-family:"Roboto Condensed",Sans-serif !important;font-weight:100 !important;letter-spacing:0.5px !important;color:#eeffb5;margin-bottom:14px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__description{font-family:"Palatino Linotype",Palatino,Palladio,"URW Palladio L","Book Antiqua",Baskerville,"Bookman Old Style","Bitstream Charter","Nimbus Roman No9 L",Garamond,"Apple Garamond","ITC Garamond Narrow","New Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook","Century Schoolbook L",Georgia,serif !important;font-size:18px !important;color:#ffffff;margin-bottom:30px !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-inner-block{text-align:left}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature{background-color:#cf2e2e;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url(https://www.indiecent-exposure.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1356316662_Color.jpg);background-position:center center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:contain}.ugb-f853c6d.ugb-feature:before{background-color:#cf2e2e;opacity:0.3}@media screen and (min-width:768px){.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-feature__item{grid-template-columns:0.60fr 1.40fr !important}.ugb-f853c6d .ugb-img{border-radius:30px;width:596px;height:auto !important}}ImmuneTo them it might be the same thing. As the Doomsday Clock ticks and tocks its way toward oblivion, they have chosen to abandon the path of least resistance in favor of authenticity and musical defiance. Calling the broken metropolis of Los Angeles home, Immune has performed at Ozzfest and Mayhem Festival and have had their music featured in numerous films and television shows.

1 tim. 15 min