12 min

Looking for Inspiration? Try These Words of Wisdom from Pema Chodron Coffee with Christa

    • Ledarskap

Looking for Inspiration? Try These Words of Wisdom from Pema Chodron

Do you have any go-to mentors or role models for a fresh perspective when you're feeling stuck? Today, I'll be sharing some powerful words of wisdom from Pema Chodron – an American-Tibetan Monk.

Let's explore what resonate with you and apply them to your current journey!

Looking for Inspiration? Try These Words of Wisdom from Pema Chodron

Do you have any go-to mentors or role models for a fresh perspective when you're feeling stuck? Today, I'll be sharing some powerful words of wisdom from Pema Chodron – an American-Tibetan Monk.

Let's explore what resonate with you and apply them to your current journey!

12 min