1 tim. 42 min

Luke Cooper: Who Cares‪?‬ Larger Than Yourself

    • Entreprenörskap

Luke Cooper is on a quest to level the playing field for entrepreneurs of color. Raised surrounded by drugs and violence, as a young boy he watched his father get sentenced to 20 years in prison. If it wasn’t for a strong mom, a short ride in a Cessna airplane, and a science fair he won at 12 years old, Luke’s life would have looked a lot different. As he says, he probably would be dead. Luke’s story on how he realized that he controlled his own destiny, which led him to start and sell some very successful tech companies, is full of priceless lessons on how to inclusively grow ideas.

Luke Cooper is on a quest to level the playing field for entrepreneurs of color. Raised surrounded by drugs and violence, as a young boy he watched his father get sentenced to 20 years in prison. If it wasn’t for a strong mom, a short ride in a Cessna airplane, and a science fair he won at 12 years old, Luke’s life would have looked a lot different. As he says, he probably would be dead. Luke’s story on how he realized that he controlled his own destiny, which led him to start and sell some very successful tech companies, is full of priceless lessons on how to inclusively grow ideas.

1 tim. 42 min