1 tim. 6 min

Madd's FM25 Wishlist 5 Star Potential | A Football Manager Podcast

    • Spel

On this week’s pod we will see if there are any save updates about the place, we are officially bringing back the renowned 5 Star Potential Spotlight where we actually have an FM topic of sorts to discuss, and if there is time (there’s always time) we will also have a quiz to round things off!

5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod - www.5starpotential.com

DaveAzzopardi - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardi
Twitter: twitter.com/daveazzopardi

FMDoop - Twitter: www.twitter.com/fmdoop - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/doop

MaddFM - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaddFM_ Website: https://maddfm.com/

On this week’s pod we will see if there are any save updates about the place, we are officially bringing back the renowned 5 Star Potential Spotlight where we actually have an FM topic of sorts to discuss, and if there is time (there’s always time) we will also have a quiz to round things off!

5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod - www.5starpotential.com

DaveAzzopardi - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardi
Twitter: twitter.com/daveazzopardi

FMDoop - Twitter: www.twitter.com/fmdoop - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/doop

MaddFM - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaddFM_ Website: https://maddfm.com/

1 tim. 6 min