28 avsnitt

「Meta Potatoes · 元土豆」Web3 & Metaverse Research 播客——由小F和大M开辟,两个在元宇宙里种土豆的人分享她们的耕耘成果。尝试用有趣、接地气的方式去研究元宇宙和Web3。同时聊聊艺术、资本和科技圈的新尝试,抱着开放包容、持续迭代的心态,用研究和对话获取前沿讯息。

🥔 {Meta Potatoes · 元土豆} 的4大栏目:

🥔 {元土豆开元记} 栏目是元土豆的研究成果。从逻辑和技术层面切入解析元宇宙和Web3 里的关键概念,并用易懂的语言方式分享给大家。

👩🏻‍🌾 {豆农碎碎念} 栏目是小F、大M及好友们,以自由聊天的形式分享对元宇宙和Web3 的理解、畅想与批判。

🍵 {豆农茶话会} 栏目会邀请行业创始人、投资人、从业者来和我们聊聊元宇宙及Web3 行业中发生的趣事。

🔮 {Potato Eng} Introduce Web3 & metaverse techs and apps, by introducing projects we found interesting.


Meta Potatoes MetaPotatoes

    • Konst

「Meta Potatoes · 元土豆」Web3 & Metaverse Research 播客——由小F和大M开辟,两个在元宇宙里种土豆的人分享她们的耕耘成果。尝试用有趣、接地气的方式去研究元宇宙和Web3。同时聊聊艺术、资本和科技圈的新尝试,抱着开放包容、持续迭代的心态,用研究和对话获取前沿讯息。

🥔 {Meta Potatoes · 元土豆} 的4大栏目:

🥔 {元土豆开元记} 栏目是元土豆的研究成果。从逻辑和技术层面切入解析元宇宙和Web3 里的关键概念,并用易懂的语言方式分享给大家。

👩🏻‍🌾 {豆农碎碎念} 栏目是小F、大M及好友们,以自由聊天的形式分享对元宇宙和Web3 的理解、畅想与批判。

🍵 {豆农茶话会} 栏目会邀请行业创始人、投资人、从业者来和我们聊聊元宇宙及Web3 行业中发生的趣事。

🔮 {Potato Eng} Introduce Web3 & metaverse techs and apps, by introducing projects we found interesting.


    {PotatoEng28} Playmint: Where‘s the "Fun" in On-chain Games?

    {PotatoEng28} Playmint: Where‘s the "Fun" in On-chain Games?

    Welcome everyone to {PotatoEng} 🥔 Lately, potatoes got interested in the topic of "fully on-chain gaming". We have discussed in our previous podcasts that due to factors such as "not fun enough", "poor user experience", and "attracting speculators rather than players", blockchain games have been constantly criticized. Among them, fully on-chain games, which move all servers to the blockchain, offer even less user-friendly experiences. Hence, we're curious about who is playing and creating these fully on-chain games, and what attracts investors to this field.
    We are delighted to have David Amor, CEO of Playmint, one of the earliest projects in fully on-chain gaming, as our guest this time! He will clear up some of our doubts: What exactly is ‘fully on-chain gaming’? Who are the target players and what is the future market? Why does Playmint believe in fully on-chain gaming, and what are the technical implementations behind it?
    Additionally, Playmint is hiring Solidity engineers! If you're a suitable candidate, feel free to DM M. or F.!
    欢迎大家来到 PotatoEng 🥔 小土豆的英文频道。最近土豆们对全链游戏话题 "fully on-chain gaming" 比较感兴趣,并且我们在之前播客中也讨论过,因为“不够好玩”、“用户体验欠佳”、“吸引来的往往是投机者而不是玩家” 等等因素,导致区块链游戏一直为人诟病。而其中,全链游戏更是因为将服务器也完全移至链上,导致玩家体验更不友好。所以我们也很好奇,到底是什么样的人群在玩、在创造全链游戏,资本看好全链游戏的点又在哪。
    这一期很高兴请来了最早一批做全链游戏的项目方 Playmint 的 CEO David Amor 来为豆粉们解惑:全链游戏是什么、目标玩家与未来市场? Playmint 为什么信仰全链游戏,以及背后的技术实现等等。
    此外,Playmint 在招 Solidity 工程师!感兴趣的小伙伴欢迎 DM 大M 或 小F 聊聊!
    欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes 的立场)Note: All content does not constitute investment advice. Some of the contents are paraphrases and do not represent Meta Potatoes' position
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾David | CEO, Playmint
    CoHost | F. Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
    CoHost | M. Experience designer, Strategist
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 1 }
    关于 Playmint 与全链游戏
    Q: fully on-chain gaming, how does it differ from traditional gaming? And why did you choose to contribute to on-chain gaming?
    🟣 全链游戏的定义:指的是将所有游戏资产、状态和逻辑都放在区块链而不是中心化服务器上
    🟠 David 提到单纯将PC游戏、手游等等移植到区块链上这种方式, 并没有创造新的东西,也没有很好地利用区块链技术
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    Q: many of current on-chain games are strategy games, puzzle games, or trading card games. Is this a trend limited by the current technology, or a marketing strategy to ensure the survival and evolution of on-chain gaming?
    🟣 创造一个去中心化永续自运行的世界:没有人可以停止这个游戏,即使开发团队消失游戏也会一直存在。
    “Firstly, the game world we create doesn't live on a server we operate, but on a blockchain. This means that I can't turn the world off even if I want to, and it will live forever in a decentralized way, which is fascinating. Secondly, there's a point about composability”
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    Q: With Blockchain tech, is there anything new added to the industry, for example, ownership and token economy design?
    “Many games are leaning into the play-to-earn idea, but we're not spending much energy on that. Instead, we're focu

    • 1 tim. 9 min
    {茶话会27} 从公链生态到搜索引擎,大厂人到 Web3 的思维之旅

    {茶话会27} 从公链生态到搜索引擎,大厂人到 Web3 的思维之旅

    大家好,欢迎回到小土豆中文频道。这次我们请来了两位同样从 web2 转到 web3 的从业者分享经验。根据小土豆的观察,自从加密寒冬和互联网大厂裁员之后,圈内 web2-web3 人士的比例不断上升,而这群人的思维模式,和大家认为 crypto-native 的人可能不太一样。
    两位嘉宾的背景也很有意思,中国 vs 美国,投资出身 vs 技术出身,大项目 vs 早期项目,相信能碰撞出不一样的火花。
    PS:嘉宾 John 所在的项目 TON 正在举办线上黑客松,感兴趣的小伙伴可以在 3.17 截止日期之前提交自己的项目!🔗 dorahacks.io
    欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场)
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾John  | TON 中国区负责人,前大厂投资人
    Wei  | Adot 创始人,前谷歌工程师
    CoHost | F. Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
    CoHost | M. Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 1 }
    TON Foundation: TON 是 Telegram 设计的一条 Layer 1 公链
    Adot: 打造专属于 Web3 的通用搜索引擎
    Q:Ton 和 Telegram 的关系究竟怎样?
    Q:Web3 搜索引擎?
    “搜索引擎二十年基本不变的用户交互体验已经非常过时。ChatGPT 这种形式其实可以和搜索引擎更好地结合。”
    Q:Web3 搜索引擎的搜索范围是什么?
    { 2 }
    为什么选择在这个时间进入 Web3?
    “我觉得 crypto 不仅解决大厂问题,还解决了美国用货币剥削全世界的问题。当普通人决定要加入一个处于早期的行业,肯定不是因为完全看懂了,而是因为ta相信的、觉得很有能力的人都加入了。如果是因为看见再去做这件事,那就晚了。”
    { 3 }
    Web2 思维模式,有哪些适用 Web3,哪些不适用?
    “web2 流量变现的逻辑是不适用的”
    “你需要沉下心来想,在 web3 做这个产品是否会和 web2 有本质差别。”
    Q:把搜索引擎开源之后,理论上世界上任何一个人都可以在自己的设备上连接到其背后的数据。包括 on-chain data 都是公开透明可验证的,获得结果的门槛只是所花费时间多少的问题。在这种情况下,数据的价值究竟在哪?
    “数据采集一定不是壁垒,虽然谷歌把这件事封闭成壁垒,但在 web3 所有东西都是开放的。往上走的每一步,都是把链条打通建立壁垒的过程。”
    “搜索引擎诞生,最终目的是探索整个 web 的边界”
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    { 。 }
    📖 Project of this Episode 提及的项目TON ton.org
    Adot www.a.site
    Mirror mirror.xyz
    Geo edgeandnode.com
    Cyberconnect cyberconnect.me
    Spindl www.spindl.xyz
    Thirdweb thirdweb.com
    👾 BGM 背景音乐《Roses》- Kurosuke
    🥔 MetaPotatoes.io | 元土豆邮箱:MetaPotatoes@gmail.com

    (🥔土豆的粉丝群! 有不定期的粉丝福利,还可以组队一起出去玩~ 欢迎添加,备注“我很好吃!"

    • 1 tim. 33 min
    {PotatoEng26} Mirrorworld :  Plug-and-play Web3 Mobile SDK

    {PotatoEng26} Mirrorworld :  Plug-and-play Web3 Mobile SDK

    Welcome to 🥔 {PotatoEng}! In this episode, we invited Chris, co-founder and CEO at Mirrorworld, to talk about Web3 games and “traditional” mobile games. Our topics included: the original intention of Mirrorworld and its amazing iteration speed; ChatGPT and Blur, which “boom” recently; etc. Chris also shared his personal workflow management tips and tools.
    In Q1 of 2023, Mirrorworld is aiming to launch a multi-chain mobile game development SDK. Check out their website for the latest updates! Also, if you’re going to ETHDenver, go catch up with Chris and watch the product demo live!
    欢迎大家来到 🥔 小土豆的英文频道,这一期我们请来 Mirrorworld 创始人兼 CEO Chris 给我们讲讲 Web3 游戏和“传统”手游那些事儿。音频中我们聊到 Mirrorworld 成立的初衷和惊人的迭代速度,近期大火的 ChatGPT 和 Blur,讨论了华人 founder 在这个行业是否是天生弱势,Chris 还分享了他个人工作流管理的心得及好用工具🔧。
    2023 年第一季度,Mirrorworld 将推出多链移动端链游开发 SDK,豆粉们可以关注 mirrorworld.fun 获取最新动态!计划去 ETHDenver 的小伙伴们,可以现场抓 Chris 聊天并一览产品 demo!
    PS: 本音频录制于去年底,请大家注意文中提到的时间节点:) 全文由 ChatGPT 基于转录草稿生成(小土豆生产力大解放👏🏻)另外本次文章也有中文段落导读,欢迎大家来边听边看, 希望可以帮到大家~
    大家喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场)Note: All content does not constitute investment advice. Some of the content is a paraphrase and does not represent the position of Meta Potatoes
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾Chris | Co-founder & CEO at Mirrorworld
    CoHost | F. Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
    CoHost | M. Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 1 }
    01:00 Chris 个人经历,Mirrorworld 成立初衷和团队组成
    “We realized that developing an application in web3, especially for mobile or cross-platform, is quite challenging.”
    “We envisioned that owning an asset in different universes was akin to going through different portals, and Mirrorworld reflected this mysterious and decentralized ideology, much like a portal to different universes.”
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    08:06 Mirrorworld 背后的技术,以及为什么要采用这些技术
    “Our tech stack focuses on three main challenges: onboarding, conversion, and geographic coverage.”
    “These make us confident that mobile distribution is the present and the future, but crypto has yet to fully capitalize on it. We want to help push this forward with developers, as they are key players in making this change a reality.”
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    21:25 产品迭代和社区建设过程中的收获
    Q: is there any individual gaming developer already adopting your platform, and how is it going?
    Starting next quarter (2023 Q1), we will be allowing more BD, one-on-one pitching scenarios, and go-to-market (GTM) is going to be our big focus for the next quarter as well.
    “We constantly review the data and evaluate every decision we make. This is what we do well, and it allows us to keep iterating and growing.”
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    29:45 精益创业公司:从影视业和互联网大厂汲取养分
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    32:26 从低代码/无代码聊到 ChatGPT 的真正功用
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    36:18 Mirrorworld 商业模型、竞争格局和熊市策略
    Q: We haven't talked about how Mirrorworld makes money. What's the business model, and why did you choose it for this product?
    Q: Your product comprises several key components, including the wallet as an onboarding process, storefront, and on-ramp solutions. Did you choose to develop these components in-house or collaborate with third parties specializing in these fields?
    Q: Is there any companies

    • 1 tim. 7 min
    {拜年记25} “有时投机,但总是建设”——从加密元宇宙到人生指南

    {拜年记25} “有时投机,但总是建设”——从加密元宇宙到人生指南

    大家新春快乐! 🥔小土豆又来给大家拜年啦~ 这是土豆的第二期 🧧 {豆农茶话会}之拜年记特辑 🧧 , 也是我们土豆开播一周年的纪念特辑:) 🎉
    🎆 我们找来了去年拜年纪时候邀请过的老朋友  Arnaud  以及下半年小土豆认识的新朋友  Justin  来和我们聊聊天。 这一期新老朋友相聚、从过去一年的行业经历聊到个人成长、对元宇宙及web3认知的变化, 四个有entrepreneur思想的伙计从经济、技术、设计、商务四种不同的视角, 在对未来与行业的探讨中产生了大量火花, 是一期既有严肃内容又有插科打诨的播客(总之土豆们笑得都发芽了:)虽然播客属实有点长, 但还是强烈建议有事没事儿打开音频直接听!
    🌟 小土豆过去一年的的小成就 🌟
    发布 24 集播客,播放量近 1w,粉丝 2k+,邀请 23 位嘉宾,串台 2 次(实习生活 & ARTsOUT艺术出圈),话题覆盖 web3,metaverse,XR,NFT,投资,各大会见闻。下半年推出了英文播客,收获了一些外国听众。同时,我们也上了全平台(包括 Spotify、Apple Podcast 等主流播客平台),还有了自己的网址 metapotatoes.io
    我们的初心是做一档研究驱动、教育导向的播客,我们也有在坚持这个初心,所有播客中,我们并不关注 token 的涨跌和过度金融化的项目,也一直面向大众和对 web3/metaverse 感兴趣但不那么了解的人。我们期待大家能从我们和嘉宾的对话中,了解一些新事物, 激发一些创新的点子。总体上,我们希望小土豆对土豆粉来说是个温暖的家,可以常来,轻松获取知识,交到真诚的朋友。Vibe matters most!
    欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(注: 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场)
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾Justin |  IP3 & Web3Shop core contributor
    Arnaud |  Web3 哲学家
    小F |  前剧场从业者,探索艺术科技商业结合的可能性
    大M |  战略设计师,未来学家
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 1 }
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    17:18 Shield: 基于流动性质押和永续期权的结构化中风险加密货币理财产品
    💿 流动性质押 Liquid Staking 最近加密世界比较火的一个话题.
    22:16 为什么没有永续期权?因为永续期权的定价一直是个难题。Shield 解决了这个难题,尤其是场外期权定价。
    23:25 你有一些以太坊(一种加密货币),可以把它存进“银行”(流动性质押池),获取类似于“利息”的收益(staking)。这些“定期存款”的收益,可以通过更高风险的金融工具(期货和期权)赚更多的钱。其中期货的上限下限都是无限的,风险极高;而期权上限无限,下限是期权管理费,因此可以相对保险地赚有风险的钱。
    27:40 Shield竞品?
    31:04 DeFi 产品是完全去人化、由智能合约驱动的吗?- “NO.”
    36:08 Q:用户决策也会集成到你们的智能合约里、在链上运行吗?
    38:32 Q:智能合约的底层代码是可以(在执行之后)改变的吗?
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    40:00 IP3: 以 DAO 组织的 NFT IP 租赁授权平台
    想通过非金融的方式,让这些 NFT 持有者主动将它的 IP 价值提取出来。所以产生了做一个 NFT IP 租赁授权平台的想法。任何 NFT 持有人都可以将 IP 授权到我们的 IP 租赁协议里(来对接商家进行 IP 商用),在不卖 NFT 的情况下赚取收益。
    “我心中的元宇宙和沉浸式无关,而是关于怎么把独立的元素结合在一起, - 让它们能够跨平台地使用,让资产在虚拟世界中自由流通, - 而且不需要一个第三方机构

    • 2 tim. 17 min
    {PotatoEng24} Infinity Keys Part2:) Fun playing, not tasking

    {PotatoEng24} Infinity Keys Part2:) Fun playing, not tasking

    Happy New Year Everyone 🏮 Welcome back to the new episode of {PotatoEng} ! In our last episode with Andy, we talked about his personal experience in Web3 and the founding story of Infinity Keys. We learned that web3 "casual game creator tool" is a better description of Infinity Keys' essence than "a gamified quest platform". In this episode, we take dive into how IK integrates with Chainlink, its user profile, competitive landscape, and bear market strategy, and a look at the future of Web3.
    大家元旦快乐🏮欢迎回来新一期的 {PotatoEng}!在上期我们和 Andy 的聊天 PART1 中 聊到他的个人经历以及他联合创立的 Infinity Keys 的创始故事。Web3 “休闲游戏创作者工具”比“游戏化的任务平台”更能形容 Infinity Keys 的本质。围绕创作者及其社区,Andy 降低了用户创建小游戏的门槛,并为我们分享了激励社区成员设计游戏样例的 know-how。本期我们将深入了解 IK 如何与 Chainlink 集成,它的用户画像、竞争格局,熊市策略以及对未来 Web3 的展望。
    在 {PotatoEng} 系列中,我们会持续输送看到好玩的、有一定技术含量的项目,并邀请核心团队成员给土豆粉们,更接地气地讲述他们的故事。我们在这期播客转写稿的关键处做了中文小结。欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦  🥔(PS: All contents do not constitute investment advice. Some content is paraphrased and does not represent the position of Meta Potatoes. 所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场)
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾Dr. Andy Boyan | Co-Founder at Infinity Keys @andyboyan
    CoHost | F.  Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
    CoHost | M.  Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 6 }
    Tech Part2 | 预言机机制在IK中的应用?
    Q: IK partners with Chainlink, so how do oracles incorporate into your project?
    { 7 }
    User, Market & Community | IK平台用户群体、市场与社区
    Q: How do you define key participants or creators on your platform, where did they come from, and where potentially they will come from?
    “Collecting is really an interesting game. 收藏其实也是一种游戏,有时候关键不在于藏品的稀有度和价值,而在于它是不是足够有意思。”
    12:50 Q: Any similar projects/potential competitors of IK? - “不是“游戏化的 Galxe”而是“每个游戏者的创造乐园”。”
    19:28 Q: IK has its own community and the partners also have theirs. Is there any overlap or conflict between these two communities?
    Q: How much does it cost to build a game on IK?
    { .  }
    24:50 Q: Any special strategy during the bear market, and how are you planning to do the cold start for IK?  - “Don’t spend more than you have. 不要花太多钱”
    30:32 Q: What can we expect from IK in the upcoming months?
    32:27 Q: What’s your or IK’s POV on the future of web3 and how does it relate to your or everyone’s daily life?
    📖 Project of this Episode 提及的项目www.infinitykeys.io
    The books Andy recommended in PART1 are:
    First book (and movie) were great.

    & .
    👾 BGM 背景音乐《hell yeah》- corook
    🥔 MetaPotatoes.io | 元土豆邮箱:MetaPotatoes@gmail.com

    (🥔土豆的粉丝群! 有不定期的粉丝福利,还可以组队一起出去玩~ 欢迎添加,备注“我很好吃!"

    • 38 min
    {PotatoEng23} Infinity Keys (1: Web3 treasure hunt platform

    {PotatoEng23} Infinity Keys (1: Web3 treasure hunt platform

    🎄Merry Christmas everyone 🔔 Welcome to the new edition of {PotatoEng}! In this episode we invited Andy Boyan, founder of Infinity Keys, to talk about the web3 treasure hunt ~
    Infinity Keys is a codeless creator tool platform for brands to create engaging metaverse and web3 treasure hunts. Today's podcast is PART1 of our conversation with Andy, and PART2 is scheduled to be released next week around New Year's Eve (We may prepare a mini treasure hunt with Infinity Keys in the next episode as well!) 🎄
    🥔 In {PotatoEng}, we'll continue to deliver technical projects we found interesting, and invite core team members to share their stories with potatoes. (PS: All contents do not constitute investment advice. Some content is paraphrased and does not represent the position of Meta Potatoes'.)
    大家圣诞快乐🎄 欢迎来到新一期 {PotatoEng}!本期我们邀请来了 Infinity Keys 的创始人 Andy Boyan 和我们聊聊 web3 的寻宝之旅~ 我们在 SmartCon 2022 偶遇了演讲嘉宾 Dr. Andy Boyan,当即被他形容的无代码创作者工具、游戏化的任务体验和社区参与,所深深吸引。Infinity Keys 的理念,和我们认同的,前期 web3 需要以降低创作者和开发者门槛来吸引更多用户进入的想法,不谋而合。所以我们很快邀请了 Andy 来小土豆进行分享。
    Infinity Keys 是一个无代码创作者工具平台,供品牌和粉丝打造引人入胜的元宇宙寻宝体验。今天这期播客是我们与 Andy 对谈的 PART1,PART2 计划在下周元旦跨年的时候播出 (文末有小土豆准备的圣诞礼物哦🎁~ 下周可能也会有和 Infinity Keys 合作的有奖小活动, 敬请期待)。
    在 {PotatoEng} 系列中,我们会持续输送看到好玩的、有一定技术含量的项目,并邀请核心团队成员给土豆粉们,更接地气地讲述他们的故事。(注:所有内容均不构成投资意见。部分内容为转述,不代表 Meta Potatoes的立场。)
    🥔 我们在这期播客转写稿的关键处做了中文小结。欢迎大家来边听边看本期内容整理的图文版 ~ 喜欢的话记得订阅点赞收藏哦 🥔
    🎁 Christmas Gift from Meta Potatoes 🎁
    For the first time, we prepared some small Christmas gift NFT for everyone!! We hope that this holiday season brings you joy, happiness, and all the things that you hold. May your Christmas be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of time spent with friends and family. As the year comes to a close, we wish you all the best for the new year ahead. We wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Welcome all our fans and friends to collect the Christmas gift here!🎄 opensea.io (p.s. This is our first NFT attempt. Initially, we wanted to send them out as free-mint gifts, but Opensea requires a minimum price, so we set the floor price lower than $0.01, plus the gas fee should be around $0.02 each. Hope you like it:)
    🎁 土豆圣诞特别礼物 🎁
    小土豆开播将近一年啦~ 我们给大家准备了圣诞礼物NFT! 愿你的圣诞节充满爱与欢笑,以及与亲友们共度的时间。在这一年即将结束之际,我们祝愿你在新的一年里一切顺利。我们祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!
    欢迎大家点击链接去opensea领圣诞礼物哦😯 🎄 opensea.io (p.s. 这是小土豆的初次NFT尝试, 部署在polygon链上, 油费更低. 本来想给大家free mint, 但opensea上架一定要设初始价, 所以我们设置了1分钱美金一个, 加上gas fee大概1毛左右一个。希望大家喜欢:)
    👩🏻‍🌾 Potato Host & Guests 豆农主播与嘉宾Dr. Andy Boyan | Co-Founder, Infinity Keys
    CoHost | F.  Ex-theatermaker; Building Web3 infra
    CoHost | M.  Experience designer, Strategist in Web3 & immersive tech
    🥔 Outline 土豆快照{ 1 }
    Quick intro of Andy & Infinity Keys | Andy 博士的个人经历, 为什么创建 IK?想要解决什么问题?
    { 2 }
    IK 如何

    • 49 min

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