565 avsnitt

The Next Level Soul® Podcast is a podcast that helps you navigate life's journey and connect with the power within you to make changes in your life. Host Alex Ferrari asks the big questions about living and thriving in the world today by having candid and inspiring conversations with some of the world's best teachers and thought leaders from every walk of life.

The show discusses all the mysteries of life's journey and reality. Topics like: Spirituality, Near Death Experiences, Channelers, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilizations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End of Life, Mindset, and Healing & Wellness. We are here to help you shift your level of consciousness and help you on your life's journey.

New episodes of Next Level Soul air every week anywhere you listen to podcasts. Let's take your SOUL to the next level. To learn more, visit our website at https://nextlevelsoul.com.

Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any NextLevelSoul.com, Alex Ferrari, subsidiaries, or any corporate entities they represent.

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari Alex Ferrari

    • Religion och spiritualitet
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The Next Level Soul® Podcast is a podcast that helps you navigate life's journey and connect with the power within you to make changes in your life. Host Alex Ferrari asks the big questions about living and thriving in the world today by having candid and inspiring conversations with some of the world's best teachers and thought leaders from every walk of life.

The show discusses all the mysteries of life's journey and reality. Topics like: Spirituality, Near Death Experiences, Channelers, Quantum Physics, Creativity, Ancient Civilizations, Lost History, Spiritual Masters, End of Life, Mindset, and Healing & Wellness. We are here to help you shift your level of consciousness and help you on your life's journey.

New episodes of Next Level Soul air every week anywhere you listen to podcasts. Let's take your SOUL to the next level. To learn more, visit our website at https://nextlevelsoul.com.

Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any NextLevelSoul.com, Alex Ferrari, subsidiaries, or any corporate entities they represent.

Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

    NLS 453: SOURCE'S Ancient Language DECODED! Explains Humanity's FUTURE, ATLANTIS & More! with Joy Kingsborough

    NLS 453: SOURCE'S Ancient Language DECODED! Explains Humanity's FUTURE, ATLANTIS & More! with Joy Kingsborough

    In the timeless dance of the cosmos, where every number hums a sacred melody and every star whispers ancient secrets, we find ourselves on another profound journey. On today's episode, we welcome back the luminous Joy Kingsborough, a beacon of wisdom in the realm of numerology and spiritual enlightenment. With a heart attuned to the divine frequencies, Joy illuminates the path of our soul's journey with her insights and experiences.In this captivating dialogue, Joy delves into the essence of numerology, revealing it as the primordial language of the Divine. "Numerology is the source code of our awakening," she explains, emphasizing how this ancient system guides us through the archetypal stories we are meant to fulfill in our evolution. Joy's exploration into the origins of numerology unveils a tapestry woven with the threads of Sanskrit, geometric shapes, and the essence of the universe itself. She eloquently describes how these elements form the foundation of our spiritual journey, leading us through lessons and experiences that are as old as time.As our conversation unfolds, Joy shares the serendipitous story of her union with Matt Kahn, another luminary in the spiritual world. Their partnership, she reflects, is a divine orchestration, a coming together of souls who understand and live the profound truth of channeling and spiritual connection. The way they navigate their spiritual work together offers a unique perspective on balancing deeply spiritual lives with everyday reality. Joy's insights into their relationship reveal the delicate dance of maintaining authenticity and connection while being profoundly tuned into the higher realms.In this profound conversation, Joy addresses common misconceptions about deeply spiritual people, channelers, and psychics. "People often fear vulnerability around us, thinking we can read their minds or know their deepest secrets," she says. This fear, she notes, often leads to a facade of honesty. However, the genuine connection she shares with Matt has taught her the beauty of authenticity and the power of being truly seen and understood. Joy's experiences highlight the importance of honesty and openness in spiritual relationships, where both partners are deeply connected to their source.One of the most intriguing parts of our discussion centers on the misconceptions and ego traps associated with spiritual work. Joy candidly shares her journey of balancing confidence with humility, navigating the fine line between helping others and avoiding the pitfalls of ego. Her reflections on the responsibility that comes with channeling and sharing divine messages offer a profound lesson in integrity and self-awareness. Joy's commitment to serving others with purity of intent and clarity of purpose shines through her words, inspiring all who listen.

    Numerology as a Divine Language: Joy elucidates how numerology serves as a roadmap for our soul's journey, guiding us through archetypal stories and lessons designed for our spiritual evolution. This ancient system offers a profound understanding of our life's path and the divine order of events.Balancing Spiritual Partnerships: Joy's relationship with Matt Kahn exemplifies the harmonious blend of spiritual and everyday life. Their shared experiences highlight the importance of authenticity, mutual support, and the beauty of a spiritual power couple navigating the complexities of life together.Navigating Ego in Spiritual Work: Joy's insights into the ego traps and misconceptions associated with spiritual work emphasize the need for humility, self-awareness, and integrity. Her journey teaches us the importance of serving others with a pure heart and clear intent.As our conversation draws to a close, Joy leaves us with a powerful message of hope and transformation. She speaks of the...

    • 1 tim. 20 min
    NLS 452: Woman Dies, Has the MOST PROFOUND Near Death Experience We EVER Heard! (NDE) with Sara Jayne

    NLS 452: Woman Dies, Has the MOST PROFOUND Near Death Experience We EVER Heard! (NDE) with Sara Jayne

    In the tapestry of our lives, we sometimes encounter moments that reshape our very essence. On today’s episode, we welcome the remarkable Sara Jayne, a woman whose journey through near-death experiences (NDEs) has profoundly changed her understanding of life, death, and everything in between. Sara’s tale begins with a stark reality that many of us might find unsettling, yet it is in this unease that we often find the seeds of our greatest enlightenment.Sara Jayne’s first near-death experience occurred after the birth of her second child. As she hovered above her own body in the operating room, she observed the medical team’s frantic efforts to save her. This detachment from her physical form brought a strange sense of neutrality. “I was not distressed, I wasn't attached to the outcome. It was more of an observation,” she recalls. This initial brush with death did not immediately alter her life's course, but it planted a seed of curiosity that would bloom many years later during her second NDE.Fast forward to 2018, after enduring years of a debilitating autoimmune disease, Sara found herself on the brink of death once more. This time, the experience was even more profound. She describes an ethereal journey where she left her body through her feet, ascending towards a realm of unimaginable love and light. Here, she encountered a presence she identified as the source of all existence, a being of pure, unconditional love. “It was like coming home,” she says, reflecting the comfort and familiarity of this divine encounter.


    In this profound conversation, Sara shares key insights from her NDEs that offer a new perspective on life’s challenges and the purpose behind our earthly experiences:
    The Power of Intent: Sara emphasizes the significance of our intentions in shaping our reality. Our thoughts, words, and actions co-create our experiences, influencing not only our lives but also the lives of others.Life Review as a Mirror: During her NDE, Sara underwent a life review, experiencing her actions from multiple perspectives. This process highlighted the importance of living with compassion and love, as every action and its ripple effects are deeply felt.Living in the Now: Sara’s experiences taught her the value of being present. Worrying about the past or future detracts from the beauty of the present moment. Living fully in the now allows us to appreciate life’s true essence.One of the most transformative aspects of Sara's story is her encounter with her guides and loved ones. In a space she calls the “Love Dimension,” she met beings who communicated with her telepathically, sharing knowledge and wisdom. Her father, who had passed away a year earlier, played a significant role in her journey. He guided her through a healing process, demonstrating the interconnectedness of time, space, and energy. This encounter reinforced her belief in the continuity of life and the ongoing evolution of the soul.Sara's return to her physical body was marked by an overwhelming sense of heaviness and density, a stark contrast to the lightness she felt in the non-physical realm. This reintegration was challenging, yet it was also filled with a renewed purpose. She now sees her earthly experiences, including her illness, as opportunities for soul growth and evolution. Each challenge is a chance to develop virtues like patience and compassion, which are essential for our spiritual journey.In conclusion, Sara Jayne’s story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the profound lessons that can be learned from our most challenging experiences. Her journey through the realms of life and death has provided her with invaluable insights that she now shares with the world. Her message is clear: embrace life with joy, live with intention, and always be present in the now. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to the collective...

    • 1 tim. 21 min
    FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Man DROWNS & DIES; Had SHOCKING Life Review! Sent Back DIVINE Knowledge (NDE) with Carlos Vivas

    FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Man DROWNS & DIES; Had SHOCKING Life Review! Sent Back DIVINE Knowledge (NDE) with Carlos Vivas

    In the embrace of the universe, we often find ourselves questioning the nature of existence and the profound mysteries that life presents us. On today's episode, we welcome the extraordinary Carlos Vivas, a man whose near-death experience brought him face to face with the divine and transformed his understanding of life and spirituality. Carlos's story is not just about survival; it’s about a spiritual rebirth that reshaped his entire being.Carlos, raised in a Catholic household, drifted away from his spiritual roots as he immersed himself in the busyness of life. His spiritual journey reignited after a harrowing near-death experience in 2015. While swimming off the coast of Panama City Beach, a powerful rip tide pulled him far into the ocean. Exhausted and on the brink of giving up, Carlos experienced a moment of divine intervention—a dolphin appeared, guiding him back to safety. This miraculous encounter marked the beginning of his spiritual awakening.In Carlos's own words, "The dolphin represent Jesus is the hope of eternal life." This statement resonates deeply as it encapsulates the essence of his transformation. His search for answers led him to Google near-death experiences, where he discovered a vast community of individuals who had undergone similar life-altering events. This sense of belonging and the realization that he was not alone in his experiences provided Carlos with immense comfort and a newfound purpose.After his near-death experience, Carlos found solace in nature, feeling a profound connection with the divine through the natural world. He engaged in what he called "waterfall chasing," spending weekends exploring rivers, mountains, and oceans. This communion with nature became a sanctuary for his soul, offering clarity and peace. He also made significant changes in his lifestyle, such as giving up television and news to preserve his spiritual and emotional well-being.Carlos's journey took a remarkable turn when he had a vivid dream of being in heaven, embraced by Jesus, who imparted crucial spiritual insights. Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiveness as a means of healing and liberation. Forgiveness, Carlos learned, is not just about others but about freeing oneself from the burdens of resentment and pain. This revelation became a cornerstone of his spiritual message.

    Forgiveness is Liberation: Holding onto anger and resentment harms oneself more than anyone else. Forgiveness is a powerful act of self-love and healing.Connect with Nature: Nature is a direct link to the divine. Walking barefoot on the earth, being near water, and immersing oneself in the natural world can ground and center the soul.Live in Gratitude: Acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in life, no matter how small, shifts one’s perspective and opens the heart to more profound spiritual experiences.Carlos’s story is a testament to the transformative power of near-death experiences and the profound spiritual awakenings they can trigger. His encounter with the divine and subsequent miracles reshaped his understanding of life, urging him to live a life of service, love, and deep spiritual connection. His experiences remind us that our time on Earth is fleeting, and the legacy we leave behind is defined by the love and kindness we share with others.In conclusion, Carlos Vivas's journey from near-death to spiritual rebirth is a powerful narrative of hope, transformation, and divine intervention. His story encourages us to seek deeper connections with the divine, to forgive freely, and to live with gratitude and love.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Carlos Vivas.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

    • 55 min
    NLS 451: HIDDEN POWER of SEX MAGICK: Advanced SEXUAL Alchemy to CREATE Your DREAM Reality! with Emily Fletcher

    NLS 451: HIDDEN POWER of SEX MAGICK: Advanced SEXUAL Alchemy to CREATE Your DREAM Reality! with Emily Fletcher

    In the timeless dance of existence, where spirituality meets the everyday, we find ourselves in today's episode welcoming the radiant Emily Fletcher. Emily's journey from Broadway performer to meditation teacher is nothing short of transformative. Her transition, born out of necessity and curiosity, has led her to discover profound truths about the human condition and the potential for growth through meditation and self-awareness.Emily begins by sharing her unlikely journey. Once a Broadway performer, she faced the high demands of understudying multiple lead roles, leading to severe stress and insomnia. “I meditate,” a fellow performer confided in her, sparking Emily's initial skepticism. Yet, desperation led her to try it, and on the first day of her meditation course, she experienced a profound shift in consciousness. This newfound practice cured her insomnia, stopped her from getting sick, and reignited her passion for her career. She felt a calling to share this life-changing practice with others, leading her to train intensively in India and ultimately start her own meditation school, Ziva.Emily Fletcher eloquently explains the essence of meditation and its common misconceptions. Many people believe that the goal of meditation is to clear the mind, which can be daunting and seemingly impossible. She emphasizes that meditation is not about achieving a quiet mind but about accessing a unique state of consciousness where the body can rest deeply and heal itself. “We meditate to get good at life, not to get good at meditation,” she asserts. In this state, the body releases accumulated stress, which she likens to a deep, cellular cleanse.A significant portion of Emily's teaching revolves around the concept of pleasure and its often misunderstood relationship with spirituality. She discusses how our genetic code is influenced by our epigenetics, which are changeable based on our lifestyle choices. Activities such as meditation, exercise, and even laughter can turn on healthy gene expressions, while stress and unhealthy habits can have the opposite effect. By embracing pleasure as a form of self-care and spiritual practice, individuals can transform their lives and enhance their well-being.

    Meditation is a tool for life: Meditation is not about achieving a perfect state of calm but about giving the body deep rest, allowing it to heal and release accumulated stress. This practice can profoundly impact both personal and professional life, enhancing overall well-being.Pleasure as a pathway to spirituality: Embracing pleasure through activities such as meditation, exercise, and even sex can turn on healthy gene expressions and improve overall health. Viewing pleasure as a sacred practice can transform one’s spiritual journey and personal fulfillment.Overcoming worthiness issues: Meditation helps to cultivate a sense of worthiness by reconnecting individuals with their innate divinity. Recognizing that desires are not about fulfilling a void but about nature expressing itself through us can shift perspectives and enhance self-worth.Emily also delves into the topic of sexual energy and its potential as a spiritual tool. In a society often plagued by misconceptions and shame around sex, she encourages a reframe. By viewing sexual energy as a potent force for manifestation and connection to the divine, individuals can reclaim this aspect of their spirituality. She speaks candidly about her personal practices and how dedicating her pleasure to the divine, such as the goddess Isis, has deepened her spiritual experiences.In conclusion, Emily Fletcher’s journey and teachings remind us that spirituality is deeply intertwined with our everyday experiences. By embracing practices like meditation and viewing pleasure as sacred, we can transform our lives and enhance our spiritual growth. Her story is a testament to the power of self-awareness, the courage to change, and...

    • 1 tim. 9 min
    BONUS MONDAYS: The ONE Thing That TRANSFORMED My Life: Unlock Happiness NOW! with Nataly Kogan

    BONUS MONDAYS: The ONE Thing That TRANSFORMED My Life: Unlock Happiness NOW! with Nataly Kogan

    In this vibrant journey called life, we often encounter moments of struggle and triumph, darkness and light. On today's episode, we welcome the enlightening Nataly Kogan, a beacon of hope and a guide toward finding happiness and fulfillment. Nataly, once entrenched in the shadows of unhappiness and burnout, now dedicates her life to helping others discover the joy within themselves.Born in Russia, Nataly's early life was a tapestry of struggle and resilience. Her family fled as refugees to the United States, bringing only a few suitcases and a couple of hundred dollars. The transition was challenging, filled with cultural barriers and the sting of alienation. Nataly candidly shares, "I grew up where struggle and suffering were elevated to godly status. My natural inclination was to see life as a constant struggle." Despite these early hardships, Nataly's journey led her to a profound realization: happiness is not found in external achievements, but within ourselves.Nataly Kogan's transformative journey began in the depths of burnout. She describes this period as a time when her "flame went out," leading her to seek help from a spiritual teacher. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of her quest for inner peace and emotional fitness. Nataly's path was not a straightforward one; it was filled with stumbles and sideways movements, as she humorously recalls Googling "how to be more spiritual" and discovering the teachings of Ram Dass. This exploration opened her eyes to the importance of looking within for happiness, rather than constantly chasing external validation.In our conversation, Nataly emphasizes the significance of emotional fitness, which she defines as creating a more supportive relationship with our thoughts, emotions, and others. She draws a parallel to physical fitness, explaining that just as we train our bodies, we must also train our minds. "Your brain is mostly concerned with your survival, not your happiness," she notes. This understanding is crucial in shifting our focus from external achievements to internal well-being.Nataly’s insights into the human condition resonate deeply with the universal quest for happiness. Her journey from struggle to self-discovery is a testament to the power of looking within and embracing our true selves. She challenges us to shift our focus from external achievements to internal fulfillment, reminding us that we are enough just as we are.

    Self-Acceptance as the Foundation of Happiness: Nataly teaches us that happiness begins with being at peace with ourselves. This doesn't mean we stop striving for improvement; rather, it means we approach life from a place of self-love and respect.The Power of Self-Compassion: We often treat ourselves harsher than we would a friend. By practicing self-compassion, acknowledging our mistakes, and supporting ourselves through them, we can reduce suffering and motivate ourselves to keep moving forward.Reframing Our Thoughts: Nataly encourages us to view our brains as scared children rather than adversaries. By understanding that our negative thoughts stem from fear, we can better manage and redirect them toward more productive outcomes.In conclusion, Nataly's story is a beacon of light for anyone seeking happiness and emotional fitness. She inspires us to embrace our unique journeys, cultivate self-compassion, and find peace within ourselves. As we part ways with today's episode, let us carry forward the wisdom and insights shared by this remarkable guest.

    Please enjoy my conversation with Nataly Kogan.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

    • 1 tim. 3 min
    NLS 450: THIS Happens Right BEFORE: SIGNS You Have FOUND Your SOULMATE or TWIN FLAME in THIS LIFE with Matt Kahn

    NLS 450: THIS Happens Right BEFORE: SIGNS You Have FOUND Your SOULMATE or TWIN FLAME in THIS LIFE with Matt Kahn

    On today's episode of Next Level Soul, we delve deep into the spiritual cosmos with the ever-enlightening Matt Kahn. Known for his profound wisdom and heart-centered teachings, Matt returns to share more of his journey and insights. His presence always brings a sense of calm and clarity, guiding us through the labyrinth of spiritual awakening.Our conversation begins with Matt reflecting on the surreal moments of his childhood, where he experienced profound spiritual phenomena. He recalls, "I had these moments when I was young, where it felt like a different part of me would speak through me."

    This early connection with a higher consciousness set the stage for a life dedicated to spiritual exploration and teaching. It's fascinating to hear how these experiences shaped his understanding of the world and his place within it.As the discussion unfolds, Matt Kahn shares the transformative experience of meeting his wife, Joy. Their connection was immediate and profound, transcending the ordinary.

    Matt humorously recounts, "We met at a conference, and by the end of the weekend, I was in a committed relationship." This instant bond was a testament to the deep spiritual alignment they shared. For those on a quest for their divine connection, Matt offers sage advice: "I think that people think that either looking for your beloved, is going to be what causes you to find them. And usually, when you're looking for your beloved, you're trying to cast someone into the role they're not meant to play."In this profound conversation, Matt Kahn also touches upon the concept of past lives and spiritual rebirth.

    He shares a significant realization, saying, "I went through an experience a couple of years ago... where the past lives I did remember, the wisdom has been integrated, the wounding has been healed. And I actually live as this, as if this lifetime is my first and only lifetime."

    This perspective offers a refreshing take on the journey of the soul, emphasizing the importance of embracing the present moment fully.

    Embrace the Present: Matt's journey teaches us the power of living fully in the present, integrating past wisdom while releasing old wounds.Trust the Divine Timing: His story of meeting Joy highlights the importance of trusting the universe's timing and letting go of rigid expectations.Love Yourself First: Before seeking a soulmate, cultivate a deep, loving relationship with yourself. This self-love becomes the foundation for attracting a partner who resonates with your true essence.As our conversation draws to a close, Matt leaves us with a beautiful reminder of the essence of true love and spiritual connection. "When we fell in love, we didn't just fall in love with each other physically and emotionally, mentally. We fell in love with each other's connection and devotion to source."

    Please enjoy my conversation with Matt Kahn.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/next-level-soul-podcast-with-alex-ferrari--4858435/support.

    • 45 min


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